Carousing Champion

Belky's page

Goblinworks Founder. Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I wanted to share with everyone how I play. I've been playing at work during breaks. The problem is when you only have 15 minutes (more for lunch), how to play before needing to clean up for the end of the break.

I created cards using poster board in sets of 4 and label them Hand, Deck, Discard, and Buried. These cards are the same size as the game cards. I give a set to each player (I made 6 sets and keep the unused in the Character Add-on box). I also created one labeled Next and a blank one (more on this one later). At the end of the break, each player collects their cards separated by the cards that I created and the next player gets the Next card. Everyone's decks gets put into the box in the spots for character decks.

I pickup the scenario starting with the blank card (so that no one can see the bottom card). Next a location deck with the character token card (we use the pre-painted minis so these get swapped in) and finally the location itself on the top. Repeat for the remaining locations. Then the Blessing discard and the Blessing deck. Finally, the Scenario, Adventure, and Adventure Path (if used) cards on the very top. This gets put into a Magic card deck box and placed in the game box.

Lastly, I gather up the dice (I have multiple sets) and the minis into a sandwich bag (this makes setting up easy because you just pour out the contents of the bag rather than digging out the individual die from the box). The bag goes into the game box.

Setup is just the reverse. Give each player their decks and pour out the dice and minis. Set the game out starting with the Adventure Path, Adventure, and Scenario cards and continue through to the last location (switching out the character tokens for the minis as you go). The person with the Next card starts to play.

I've gotten where I can put away the game and setup the game in about 1 minute.