Beebles's page

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I asked 6 weeks ago if this AP would be world-changing, like big-scale world-changing and got a very sound reply from James (thanks) that most APs had, in their way, been world-changing. Definitely a valid point - origin of the drow revelation in Second Darkness is a nice example, as is the original, Rise of the Runelords, and Shattered star etc.. If the PCs succeed in their quests, however, things on a global or Avestan/Garund scale largely return to the status-quo barring a few wrecked cities and disaffected tribes of giants or irate serpentfolk (Serpent's skull was a good'un). That said, Wrath of the Righteous looks to be taking stuff to the next level with mythic rules and correspondingly mighty enemies all rolled in with a wee bit of mass combat - really looking forward to it!
Reign of Winter might do the same. What'll happen to Baba Y's Irrisen if the PCs prevail?
I guess I'm wondering if something on the scale as Forgotten Realms' Time of Troubles is ever on the cards for Golarion? Maybe too big a question, and maybe the wrong thread for it. I have to stress I have mixed feelings about what that level of disruption does to such a well-crafted campaign setting such as Golarion, but just intrigued to see if there's anything huge on the horizon. Either way, keep up the great works.

How do the sorcerer aberrant bloodline and druid wild shape intract? Does the bloodline grant +50% duration to wild shape, or not? I guess not as wild shape is a spec. ability and although it behaves, as beast shape/elemental body (polymorph subschool), the "except as noted here" does specify a duration. Essentially which supersedes the other?
My 1/2 orc druid had something we don't speak about done to him by a dark young before taking up adventuring. Consequently manifested aberrant sorcerer bloodline (1level) and growth subdomain for nature bond. Terrified and ashamed, took ranger levels (favoured enemy aberrations), but infiltrator, so eventually manifesting aberrant traits through that too. Now druid 4, ranger (infiltrator) 4, sorcerer 1. Tough call being a tree-hugger with abominations' blood.

Sounds like an intriguing AP. Those hints of something that really impacts on some of the BIG stuff on Golarion, really world-changing (like sealing the Worldwound, or making it even worse), are long overdue. Would be amazing if APs dealt with some of the really big questions - is Aroden really dead? What are the aboleth up to? Will the Dark Tapestry ever develop some real teeth (or tentacles, rather). Still, I've not seen the first Reign of Winter yet, - it has loads of potential for real Godlike stuff. Brrrrr.