Beebles |
I asked 6 weeks ago if this AP would be world-changing, like big-scale world-changing and got a very sound reply from James (thanks) that most APs had, in their way, been world-changing. Definitely a valid point - origin of the drow revelation in Second Darkness is a nice example, as is the original, Rise of the Runelords, and Shattered star etc.. If the PCs succeed in their quests, however, things on a global or Avestan/Garund scale largely return to the status-quo barring a few wrecked cities and disaffected tribes of giants or irate serpentfolk (Serpent's skull was a good'un). That said, Wrath of the Righteous looks to be taking stuff to the next level with mythic rules and correspondingly mighty enemies all rolled in with a wee bit of mass combat - really looking forward to it!
Reign of Winter might do the same. What'll happen to Baba Y's Irrisen if the PCs prevail?
I guess I'm wondering if something on the scale as Forgotten Realms' Time of Troubles is ever on the cards for Golarion? Maybe too big a question, and maybe the wrong thread for it. I have to stress I have mixed feelings about what that level of disruption does to such a well-crafted campaign setting such as Golarion, but just intrigued to see if there's anything huge on the horizon. Either way, keep up the great works.