Fiendish Fire Giant

Basalte's page

482 posts. Organized Play character for Cyril Corbaz.

Full Name



HP 219/219 | AC: 34 T:19 FF:34 CMD: 39 (+1 AC/saves when FF/surprised, +4 CMD vs BRush/Trip, +2 vs Sunder) | DR 3/- | 30% fortification | F+25 R+15 W+15 (+3 vs Mind-Aff; +2 vs Death, Fear) | Init +2 | Perc +27 (Darkvision, Tombsight, Tremorsense)


Basalte, Male Oread Fighter (Unbreakable) 4, Bloodrager 2, Living Monolith 10, Unchained Monk 1 |


Lawful Neutral






Common, Terran, Dwarven, Ancient Osiriani, Sphinx, Osiriani

Strength 26
Dexterity 14
Constitution 23
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 14
Charisma 5

About Basalte

Male Oread Fighter (Unbreakable) 4/ Bloodrager 2/ Living Monolith 10 / Unchained Monk 1 (17.0)
LN Medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; tombsight ; tremorsense 30 ft.; Perception +27


Active effects
Conditions None

Resources & macros:

Daily spells / powers / items
+5 confirmation rolls! Additional +2 against humanoids (giant, goblin, orc). +2 unmultiplied crit damage against these targets.
Rage [free] 18/18
Greater Ka Stone [swift] 3/3
Elemental Strikes [swift] 3/3
Treacherous Earth [standard] 1/1
Lucky Horseshoe 1/1
Unfettered Shirt 1/1
Folio Reroll (4 stars) 1/1

HP 219/219 | AC: 34 T:19 FF:34 CMD: 39 (+1 AC/saves when FF/surprised, +4 CMD vs BRush/Trip, +2 CMD vs Sunder) | DR 3/- | 30% fortification | F+27 R+15 W+15 (+3 vs Mind-Aff; +2 vs Death, Fear) | Init +2 | Perc +27 (Darkvision, Tombsight, Tremorsense)

[dice=+3 Keen Furious Ghost Touch Adamantine Falchion, Power Attack]1d20+26;2d4+29[/dice]

HP 251/251 | AC: 32 T:17 FF:32 CMD: 39 (+1 AC/saves when FF/surprised, +4 CMD vs BRush/Trip, +2 CMD vs Sunder) | DR 3/- | 30% fortification | F+29 R+15 W+17 (+3 vs Mind-Aff; +2 vs Death, Fear) | Init +2 | Perc +27 (Darkvision, Termorsense)

[dice=+3 (+5) Keen Furious Ghost Touch Adamantine Falchion, Power Attack, Rage]1d20+30;2d4+34[/dice]

Ka Stone
HP 251/251 | AC: 34 T:17 FF:34 CMD: 44 (+1 AC/saves when FF/surprised, +4 CMD vs BRush/Trip, +2 CMD vs Sunder) | DR 4/- and 5/evil | 40% fortification | F+29 R+14 W+15 (+3 vs Mind-Aff; +2 vs Death, Fear) | Init +1 | Perc +27 (Darkvision, Tremorsense) | Reach 10 ft

[dice=+3 Keen Furious Ghost Touch Adamantine Falchion, Power Attack, Ka Stone]1d20+30;2d6+35[/dice]

Ka Stone and Rage
HP 283/283 | AC: 32 T:15 FF:32 CMD: 44 (+1 AC/saves when FF/surprised, +4 CMD vs BRush/Trip, +2 CMD vs Sunder) | DR 4/- and 5/evil | 40% fortification | F+31 R+14 W+17 (+3 vs Mind-Aff; +2 vs Death, Fear) | Init +1 | Perc +27 (Darkvision, Tremorsense) | Reach 10 ft

[dice=+3 (+5) Keen Furious Ghost Touch Adamantine Falchion, Power Attack, Rage, Ka Stone]1d20+34;2d6+40[/dice]

AC 34, touch 19, flat-footed 34 (+14 armor, +2 Dex, +1 natural, +5 deflection, +1 trait, +1 insight) (+1 vs. natural weapons of ghouls/ghasts, +1 AC/saves when FF/surprised)
hp 219
Fort +25, Ref +15, Will +15 (+3 vs. mind-affecting effects, +2 vs. death effects, +2 vs. fear, +2 to overcome negative levels, +4 Endurance, +1 vs ghoul/ghast's disease/paralysis/stench), +1 saves when FF/surprised, +2 vs aging, curses, diseases, poisons
Defensive Abilities unflinching +1, +3 stabilization checks, effective CON score to die +3; 30% fortification (+10% Ka Stone); DR 3/- (+1 Ka Stone) Immune bleed, blood drain, disease (including magical and supernatural), petrification, gases, drowning, energy drain, death effects, aging

Speed 30 ft.

Melee +3 keen furious ghost touch adamantine falchion +26/+17/+12 (2d4+29/15-20)
. . cold iron dagger and
. . cold iron falchion and
. . silver earth breaker
Ranged darkwood composite longbow

Special Attacks bloodrage (18 rounds/day), elemental strikes (3/day)

Living Monolith Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; concentration +6)
. . At will—meld into stone
. . 1/day—planar ally (sphinxes only)
. . 1/day—stone tell
. . 1/day—statue
. . 1/day—speak with dead, mark of justice, or contact other plane

Str 26(20), Dex 14, Con 23(17), Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 5
Base Atk +14 (+3 Ka Stone); CMB +22; CMD 39 (+4 vs. Bull Rush or Trip, +4 vs Sunder)

Feats Dwarf Blooded, Endurance, Diehard, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (falchion), Weapon Specialization (falchion), Iron Will, Toughness, Extra Rage, Furious Focus, Critical Focus, Staggering Critical, Combat Reflexes, Stunning Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, Blind-Fight, Improved Sunder

Traits adopted, defender of the society, ruthless

Skills (*ACP -2 already included)
Acrobatics* +15 (12 ranks)
Climb* +16 (7 ranks)
Intimidate +1 (1 rank)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5 (1 rank)
Knowledge (engineering) +8 (4 ranks)
Knowledge (history) +8 (4 ranks) (+3 Osirion and its gods)
Knowledge (nature) +2 (1 rank)
Knowledge (religion) +6 (2 ranks) (+3 Osirion and its gods)
Linguistics +7 (3 ranks)
Perception +27 (+2 to notice unusual stonework) (17 ranks)
Sense Motive +6 (1 rank)
Spellcraft +7 (1 rank)
Stealth +4 (1 rank)
Survival +6 (1 rank)
Swim* +10 (1 rank)

Languages Common, Dwarven, Terran, Ancient Osiriani, Sphinx, Osiriani

SQ armor training 1, crystalline form, fast movement, soul stone, stone blood, treacherous earth

Combat Gear
wand of stoneskin (3 charges)
wand of cure light wounds (16 charges)
wand of shield (33 charges) - in spring-loaded wrist sheath - 1 used
cold iron arrows (50)
oil of bless weapon
potion of touch of the sea
potion of fly
alchemist's fire
antiplague (4)
bladeguard (2)
weapon blanch (silver)
diamond dust (1000 gp)

Gear by Slot
Head: Traveling Master's Turban
Headband: Band of the Stalwart Warrior
Neck: Necklace of Adaptation (worn), Swarmbane Clasp (in bag)
Eyes: Eyes of the Eagle
Body: -
Chest: Unfettered Shirt
Shoulders: Cloak of Resistance +5
Wrists: -
Hands: First Aid Gloves
Fingers: Ring of Protection +2
Belt: Belt of Physical Might (Str, Con) +4
Feet: Winged Boots

Other Gear +3 keen furious ghost touch adamantine falchion, +5 glamered mithral full plate, lucky horseshoe, cracked pale green prism ioun stone, clear spindle ioun stone (inside wayfinder), dusty rose prism ioun stone, cracked vibrant purple prism ioun stone, cold iron dagger, cold iron falchion, darkwood composite longbow, silver earth breaker, backpack, bandolier, bedroll, cold weather outfit, earplugs, grappling hook, hot weather outfit, signal whistle, silk rope, snowshoes, spring loaded wrist sheath, waterskin, wayfinder, weapon cord, winter blanket, scarab (living monolith pre-requisite, worth 1,000 gp), XXX gp, 4 sp, 7 cp

Special Abilities
Armor Training 1 (Ex) Worn armor -1 check penalty, +1 max DEX.
Bloodline Elemental (earth)
Bloodrage (13 rounds/day) (Su) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Critical Focus +4 to confirm critical hits.
Crystalline Form (1/day) +2 AC against rays. Can deflect a ray 1/day.
Damage Reduction (2/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks. Raises by 1 when Ka Stone is activated.
Defender of the Society +1 AC when wearing Medium or Heavy armor.
Diehard You are stable and can choose how to act when at negative Hp.
Elemental Strikes (3/day) (Su) As swift action, your melee attacks do an additional 1d6 Acid dam for 1 rd.
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Fortification 20% You have a chance to negate critical hits on attacks.
Fortified Flesh (Ex) When using soul stone, +10% fortification & +1 DR/-.
Furious Focus If you are wielding a weapon in two hands, ignore the penalty for your first attack of each turn.
Immunity to Bleed You are immune to bleeding.
Immunity to Blood Drain You are immune to blood drain effects.
Ioun stone (vibrant purple prism, cracked) This stone stores one spell level, as a ring of spell storing (stored spells must be placed by a spellcaster but can be used by anyone).
Immunity to Disease Immune to all diseases, including magical or supernatural ones like Mummy Rot.
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Ruthless You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls to confirm critical hits.
Soul Stone (Ka Stone, 3/day) (Su) As a swift action, righteous might on self, +2 base attack bonus, DR increases by 1, +10% fortification.
Stone Blood (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying.
Stonecunning +2 +2 bonus to Perception vs. unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet.
Summon Sphinx (Sp) +4 to diplomacy vs. Sphinxes, and summon them as planar allies.
Tombsight (Su) Concentrate to use both deathwatch & detect undead at will.
Treacherous Earth (1 minute) (1/day) Transform a 10-ft. radius patch of earth into difficult terrain.
Unflinching +1 (Ex) Gain +1 bonus to Will saves vs. mind-affecting effects

Favored class: Fighter (1st-hp, 3rd-hp, 4th-hp, 5th-hp)

Elemental Ancestry (earth): May play as an oread.
Confirmed Field Agent: May acquire a wayfinder for 1 prestige. (#5-08 The Confirmation)
Friend of Janira Gavix: +1 on Knowledge checks made at the Grand Lodge. (#5-08 The Confirmation)
Explore, Report, Cooperate: May know whether a planned action is a good or bad idea for the Pathfinder Society. Cross after use. (#5-08 The Confirmation)
The Hydra's Fang Incident: The Andoren Embassy of Absalom regards me as an upstanding free citizen of Andoran (#0-02 The Hydra's Fang Incident)
One free use of a divination spell in Egorian only. Cross after use. (#0-02 The Hydra's Fang Incident)
Lamashtu's Bane: +2 attack and damage vs people displaying an unholy symbol of Lamashtu (AP#1 Burnt Offerings)
Hero of the Five Kings: +2 CHA-based checks with dwarves of the Five Kings region (#1-37 The Beggar's Pearl)
Ghoul Hunter: +1 insight bonus to AC vs ghoul/ghast's natural weapon; +1 Fortitude vs. disease paralysis, stench of ghouls/ghasts. (AP#2 The Skinsaw Murders)
Savior of the Sages (& 2x Seeking the Sages): Effective CON score to determine death is increased by 3; +3 stabilize checks; +3 Knowledge (religion and history) about Osirion and its gods. (#5-16 Destiny of the Sands III)
Mythic Legacy: One feat becomes its mythic version for 1 round or until completion of the action. Cross after use. (#5-16 Destiny of the Sands III)
Foes of the Forge Father: +2 bonus on attack rolls to confirm critical hits against humanoids with the giant, goblin or orc subtype. +2 damage to critical hits against these subtypes, not multiplied. (#6-00 Legacy of the Stonelords)
Sight of the Unseeing: +1 insight bonus to AC & saves when flat-footed or during the surprise round. (#6-00 Legacy of the Stonelords)
The Favor of House Cartahegn: 10% discount when purchasing mundane equipment in Garund. (#2-01 Before the Dawn I)
Savor the Sun Orchid - Eternal Health +1 inherent bonus to Con, +2 saves vs aging, curses, diseases, poisons

A massive, yet not towering mass of stone and earth walks into the lounge where the Venture-Captain has the Pathfinders waiting - an uncommon sight indeed! Its body seems made of granite, and while it appears to be chipped in many places, the whole of it appears invulnerable, unbreakable, formidable. A beard of orange and red crystal even make it look like a dwarf of sorts.

Strangely enough the creature - for lack of a better word yet - isn't wearing any armor at all, but his rocklike body is adorned with veils and shades not unlike those worn in northern Garund among the desert folk. Numerous weapons are his arsenal, ranging from sharp falchions in various metals to a massive spiked hammer. The no-nonsense attitude the creature has makes him look as if he was ready to enter the Worldwound itself, among the first lines of warriors.

"Name's Basalte. I'm Pahmet, from Osirion, but also Oread. Earth folk." he simply rumbles, is voice as low as the deep echoing voice of the earth.

PFS information for the GM:

PFS #76446-9
XP: 48 (normal advancement)
Faction: Scarab Sages
Fame: 85 / Prestige: 56
Basalte's additional resources are all scanned and available on demand for GMs, please ask via PM.

Chronicles applied:
#1 PFSOP GM Reward (Spring 2014): Elemental Ancestry (Earth)
#2 5-08 The Confirmation GM Credit
#3 3-05 Tide of Twilight GM Credit
#4 3-01 The Frostfur Captives GM Credit
#5 3-19 The Icebound Outpost
#6 0-02 The Hydra's Fang Incident
#7 5-12 Destiny of the Sands, Part I: A Bitter Bargain GM Credit
#8 RotRL AE: Burnt Offerings
#9 1-37 The Beggar's Pearl
#10 5-09 The Traitor's Lodge
#11-13 5-15 Destiny of the Sands, Part II: Race to Seeker's Folly GM Credit
#14 RotRL AE: The Skinsaw Murders
#15 5-13 Weapon in the Rift
#16 5-16 Destiny of the Sands, Part III: Sanctum of the Sages GM Credit
#17 6-00 Legacy of the Stonelords GM Credit
#18 2-01 Before the Dawn, Part I: The Bloodcove Disguise GM Credit
#19 2-02 Before the Dawn, Part II: Rescue at Azlant Ridge GM Credit
#20 1-36 Echoes of the Everwar, Part I: The Prisoner of Skull Hill
#21 1-42 Echoes of the Everwar, Part II: The Watcher of Ages
#22 1-44 Echoes of the Everwar, Part III: Terror at Whistledown
#23 1-53 Echoes of the Everwar, Part IV: The Faithless Dead
#24 2-20 Wrath of the Accursed
#25 6-23 The Darkest Abduction GM Credit
#26 Bonekeep III - The Wakening Tomb
#27 5-10 Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread
#28 5-17 Fate of the Fiend
#29 7-23 Abducted in Aether
#30 7-11 Ancients' Anguish GM Credit
#31 8-00 The Cosmic Captive
#32 7-28 Ageless Ambitions (retrained Barbarian > Bloodrager)
#33 7-20 All for Immortality, Part I: First Taste of Eternity
#34 9-25 Betrayal in the Bones
#35 Wardens of the Reborn Forge I
#36 Wardens of the Reborn Forge II
#37 Wardens of the Reborn Forge III
#38 Wardens of the Reborn Forge IV
#39 Siege of Gallowspire (retrained Sickening Critical > Blind Fight)