Bardo997's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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the David wrote:
the average Revolutionary Council doesn't last 5 years.

More or less five times longer than the average italian government

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In the blog post about the field test Thurston Hillman wrote that the devs were interested of adding a Xenometric Android as a versatile heritage in future products. So both of them will be available waiting some time.
I’m not able to link it, but it was on the first page of comments

QuidEst wrote:
Internal Respirator is a bummer to see as a level 9 feat. Androids in SF1 could survive vacuum indefinitely from level 1 by default, while this is just giving an hour of breath-holding halfway through the career. This really feels like a first-level feat in terms of what it can do and how Starfinder should be valuing things as a game with space suits as armor.

Seconding this, some feat imported from PF2E could be underwhelming at that level. This one is rather evident, but some may appear to us final user when the meta-state is clarified with the complete playtest

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I’m hoping to get what was shown at PAX U as an extra, but I don’t think it’s time yet.
More Weapon and maybe some Armor are easier to get.

I remember an interview when the devs said that they considered to give the precog treatment to the vanguard and fuse it with the solarian since the classes could be seen as close. I think an opportunity to see the vanguard will come, but later. In this way we will see a more unique (mechanically speaking) class.

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Heads up, there's a bit of accidentally problematic art in here that got carried over from the Highhelm book that I alerted the folks at Paizo to over on that book's product thread. Luis Loza has confirmed it was indeed an accident and will be corrected, but I figured since the same art's here on Page 8 of the guide it'd be prudent to alert again so it gets fixed here too.

I think it's due cultural difference, for example in Italy the one without "wings" was used by far-right groups so this version generate less controversy in this country. As far as I know this formation was the last big one that used it as a symbol so a research would have also bring it up.

Nowadays almost all runic charachters in all version can be interpreted as connected to some political parties that not exist anymore.