
Banjoman87's page

Organized Play Member. 42 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Without getting into a discussion of the merits of multiclassing a cleric, I need some help wrapping my head around the actual mechanics of how multiclassing works, specifically with my concept of a Cleric/Holy Vindicator.

I plan to take 8 levels of Cleric (to get the sweet 8th level domain powers), then take 4 levels of Holy Vindicator before returning to a cleric progression.

My first question can be extrapolated to all multiclassing:
What happens with the base attack bonus if one class has iterative attacks and the other doesn't? For example, an 8th level cleric has BAB of +6/+1, and a 1st level Holy Vindicator has BAB of +1; would you:
1) Add the Holy Vindicator's BAB to all iterative attacks (my this example resulting in +7/+2), or
2) Add the Holy Vindicator's BAB to only the first iterative attack (in this example resulting in +7/+1)?

My next set of questions are specific to Cleric/Holy Vindicator:
The Holy Vindicator Channel Energy class ability states that "The vindicator's class level stacks with levels in any other class that grants the channel energy ability." When I take a level in Holy Vindicator, is it like taking a level in Cleric for the purposes of Channel Energy #d6, save DC, etc? For example, keeping with the Cleric 8/ Holy Vindicator 1 example, would this character would channel as if he were a Cleric 9? Continuing the analogy, a Cleric 8/ Holy Vindicator would channel as if he were a Cleric 12? Alternately, does the stacking of Holy Vindicator levels with Cleric levels only serve to increase the channel save DC (e.g. a Cleric 8/ Holy Vindicator 4 would channel 4d6 at will save DC 10+[8+4]/2+CHA=16+CHA)?

Assuming full-stacking of channel #d6s, etc, what happens when you return to the cleric progression from your dip in Holy Vindicator? For example, would a Cleric 9, Holy Vindicator 4 channel energy as if he were a Cleric level 13, but cast spells as if he were a Cleric level 12 (due to the loss of one caster level from Holy Vindicator)? Furthermore, how would you resolve the increase in iterative attack BAB from Cleric Level 9 (ties in with how the first question is answered)?

My group and I are about to start on the Carrion Crown adventure path in two weeks, and I'd like some advice on my Battle Cleric of Sarenrae.

I had planned out a 20 point-buy, and had a 15 point-buy on standby, but my DM threw us a curveball by allowing us a 25 point-buy and I simply have no idea where to put my extra 5 points.

My 20 point stat-block is as follows:
STR 14 (+2 Human racial)
DEX 10
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 16
CHA 10

I was considering bumping CHA to a 14, and taking the Bravery/Valor variant channeling, however I have doubts that the bonus to AC, etc., is going to be worth losing half the healing potential of each channel, especially at higher levels (10+). I've never played a character past level 5, nor have I played as or with a character who used variant channeling, so I have no idea how effective those channel bonuses are.

I could bump STR up to 16 (i.e. 18 after the racial bonus), but I feel that those points would go to more use somewhere else, since I'm not going to be the primary front-line damage dealer.

Another reasonable allocation would be to bump DEX to a 14 to get the extra AC, initiative, and Reflex save.

Finally, an alternate use might be to bump DEX and CHA to 12 each, and put the last point into either one of those, or into INT in preparation for the 4th-level stat boost.

Some additional information to help:
The party makeup is currently an invulnerable-rager Barbarian, a ranged-focused Inquisitor, a Sorcerer (not sure which kind yet), and myself.

I'm going for the Good and Heroism Domains, and plan to wield a scimitar primarily one-handed, use a buckler on the off hand to bump AC a little while still having the hand available for manipulating the holy symbol and/or material components or wielding the scimitar two-handed as necessary.

Can someone give me a crash course in calculating DPR? Ultimately I'd like to be able to calculate the difference in expected DPR from opening a Monk Flurry of Blows with a Trip attempt, versus a standard all-attacks Flurry.

My group and I GM Society scenarios on a rotating basis, and it is now my turn.

I want to GM the 3rd Season Level 1-5 scenario "The Frostfur Captives", and while there are two sub-tiers explicitly written out, the party I'm running this for are all level 3 (4-5 players). My quandary is that there are no guidlines for a level 3 party. Playing sub-tier 1-2 looks too easy and the monetary rewards seem somewhat lacking, whereas sub-tier 4-5 looks a bit tough for the party.

I was thinking of "splitting the difference" for encounters by assigning some creatures from each sub-tier, which would probably work mechanically however which mission rewards would I award? I would likely have to "split the difference" for Skill Check DCs and various saving throws, correct?

Would I be better off just going through a different mission with a sub-tier 3 specifically written?

I'm still pretty new to GM-ing, so any tips and tricks are greatly appreciated.