DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Of all the questions that I was ever asked in job interviews, this is the one I hated most. I could never give a real answer, because I've never had a great deal of self-confidence and really never saw myself as advancing from where I entered the job. I'd just make something up, lying to myself as much as them.
That's funny. Not in a bad way, but in a hysterical, I have been there, done that, sort of way.
Never could figure out why they want to know what I want to be doing in 5 years. Am I supposed to say "Working as a manager" or something in their company? So I just always answered the truth. I hope to be sitting around on a desert island bribing small children (who speak a language I don't) with chocolate bars. Drinking iced drinks, and just being appreciated for being me.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
And now? God willing, I'll have my own place again. My wife and I are the best of friends, but have been more like roommates than spouses for nearly all of the 20+ years we've been married. We're going to divorce as soon as I can get my disability worked out and can afford to live on my own. Beyond that, I can't say. I learned a long time ago to never make predictions about my future, because they've never come true and I just end up disappointed in myself.
I wonder about that myself. How do you know what marriage is supposed to be like. I'm married, and we feel like friends, but what IS supposed to be happening?? Anyone know?? :)
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Wow. That really took a turn down Bummer Avenue.
Well, in my opinion, none of this sounded bummer. It sounded truthful, and real. Bummer is finding out five years later that you're unemployed and not sitting under that tree drinking an iced drink, bribing children with chocolate bars. :)