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![]() "That's not all they've earned!" Bandy said, his animated voice swelling with excitement. "The results are in. That was the highest ranked debut match in 17 years!" Floating around the room, panning his glowing crystals across the scene in the baths, focusing on the wounded and muscled bodies of the gladiators to titillate his audience. Clicking a nob on his control rod, one of the orbs lost it's glow. "Don't worry, the crystals will automatically add illusionist steam to protect your modesty. If they want to see the goods they'll have to pay extra." Clicking the rod again and bringing the glow back to his second crystal, Bandy floated near the water and asked the nearest warrior, "So how do you feel?" ![]()
![]() NEW MAP UP IN CAMPAIGN INFO Please read all the match info carefully. For those of you in the front of the sleds, your ankles are chained to the vehicle. (this can be dealt with by finding a key, or a disable device check. You'll notice that all the sleds are linked to another team's sled by a bridge. A disable device check or a sunder check will get rid of that. Feel free to ask questions at this time. ![]()
![]() "...and there you have it! A glimpse into the minds and hearts of the would-be champions. We are only minutes away from the biggest season opener yet! The teams have been revealed and the fighters are in the final stages of preparation. They still don't know what the goal of their first match will be, so the anticipation must be killing them. We've managed to get the inside scoop though. Our sources have told us that it will be a race! The course designers have brought in large cages and are in the process of working weather magic. What that could mean is anyone's guess, but whatever they have planned it is sure to exciting!" ![]()
![]() "As you can see, alliances and rivalries are forming. These warriors are not the sorry bunch we saw two week ago who could barely manage to hit each other with wooden sticks. It looks like two weeks with Big Blue has forged them into something more impressive." Bandy floated above the arena, looking down at the psions manifesting and building the day's arena, the beginnings of some kind of huge circular ring was being built within the ring of the arena. "The event is only hours away now, the gladiators are underneath the Crossroads itself in their personal rooms and training areas mentally and physically preparing themselves for the match ahead of them. We managed to catch a few of them during what little down time they have and got them to answer some questions for us. Let's take a look at what they said." Across the planes, crystals shimmered and wavered as the images inside them, or being projected from them, changed to close-ups of the gladiator's faces, covered in sweat, breathing hard, the others still training behind them. ![]()
![]() Interviews! Think of this like the montage, except each post is a short clip from an interview with your character. Think of the beginning of The Incredibles, where it just drops into the most interesting bit. Sample questions (don't include these in your post, just reply in such a way that the reader can figure out what the question was) "Why do you want to be a gladiator?" "Who do you think will be your most challenging opponent?" "What is going to make you stand out in the arena?" "What has been hardest for you so far?" Best interview will also win a small reward. Interviews will last until just before the match starts on Saturday evening. ![]()
![]() "Good morning, Fight Fans! Bandy Spyglass here bringing you an inside look at what it takes to be a champion. We got a good look at how they started on day one of pre-season training. Day one is done and we've been following them for two weeks, watching Big Blue turn these newcomers into potential champions! The weak have been culled from the herd. All that's left are the ones with real heart." "Let's take a look at what they've been through..." ![]()
![]() "It looks like the excitement is over for now, Fight Fans. We're going to check in periodically over the next few weeks and see how the would-be champions are shaping up as they prepare for the first match. The organizers of the event are keeping the details of the season opener very hush-hush, so much so that not even the fighters themselves are going to know what they are in for until they arrive in the ring." ![]()
![]() Bandy watched the fray unfold with interest, floating down near Big Blue. "Bandy Spyglass here with Big Blue, lead trainer at the Crossroads Arena where the latest group of freshman gladiators seem to be more challenging than most. A Gnome and an Orc have begun to fight fiercely after the orc drank a concoction the gnome had created. Mr. Blue, any comment on the unfolding violence?" ![]()
![]() "Well, it certainly has been an exciting day so far," the floating gnome said to his crystal. "So far we've seen some impressive tricks, and one expulsion. It looks like the victor of this latest fight has another fighter waiting for him. Our victor here is pretty banged up, he'll need luck and skill to deal with a fresh combatant. Let's see how he does." Spoiler: Severus it is your action. I'm ruling that you went defensive on round 1, and no one attacked you, so your action was lost. Zyg has already taken his round 2 action, so you're up. ![]()
![]() Round 2 "The head trainer, Big Blue has made his way out and wasted no time getting a group of would-be warriors to show their skill, but one of them, the orcish-looking one standing there, seems to have stage fright. I wonder what could be holding him back?" As Big Blue sent the pile of weapons spinning toward the second group, Bandy floated quickly upward, taking a bird's eye view of the events. "Is that our very own Cedrika Einkill I see? As our viewers may know, she's been training hard preparing to give us an inside eye to the games. Looks like today we get to see if her hard work has paid off. Lets see what she does." ![]()
![]() "Oh my, a Drow! Fight fans, this season we have one of the famed dark elves looking to make a name for themselves." Looking into the crystal floating next to him, the excited gnome continued, spaking for a moment as if the Drow was not there. "Showing confidence and allure his people are famous for, this one stands out even in this odd assortment." Turning back, he said "Will you tell us your name, and the methods you plan on employing to get your victory?" ![]()
![]() "Bandy Spyglass here with Harbinger Entertainment! This is Bloodwatch! Fight fans, today we're in for a treat! For the first time we're being let in behind the scenes to watch how our favorite fighters live and train!" The gnome hovered over the grounds directing the small crystal orb with his mind, finding the best angles and images to send to his viewers. "And today is extra lucky! Fresh meat! Today, Sarge is taking on raw recruits. We'll be following them the entire season, watching which ones become stars. Lets meet a few!" Floating down to the sand the gnome approached a hodgepodge group who had been waiting for the cleanup to finish. "Hi there! Bandy Spyglass with Bloodwatch! Care to introduce yourselves?" |