
BamPop's page

Organized Play Member. 15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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I didn't mean to imply you did. It's just that the role playing aspect is what I think turns me off. The characters, settings and monsters piqué my interest, and this seems perfect.

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New member here with a question and a comment. But first, a little about me:

I became interested in gaming through Munchkin in Feb of 2012 (my kids were enjoying Monopoly and I wanted something nerdier.) Within 6 months, I had every set, expansion and accessory I could get my hands on, was well on my way to becoming an SJGames MIB, and was reading about Munchkin Pathfinder announcements from GenCon. I've never gotten into RPGs despite always having an interest. My sister played D&D when I was younger and I've always looked up to her. Also, I'm a big fan of Dragon Quest IX on the DS. I wanted to try Pathfinder to enhance my enjoyment of the Munchkin set, but real life gets in the way sometimes and I was never able to commit to finding a group. On Free RPG day, I watched a few tables, but decided it may not be for me (for a variety of reasons. [RPGs in general, not Pathfinder specifically.]) Well, yesterday, I followed forum member cartmanbeck over here from the SJGames forums to read his review of Munchkin Pathfinder and stumbled across this product. A huge coincidence that it happened to be the original street date. Anyway....

tl;dr - Huge Munchkin fan despite never engaging in standard pen and paper RPGs. Stumbled here yesterday.

My question: After reading this entire thread and the setup section of the rule book PDF, is it safe to describe the Adventure Card Game as an RPG without the detailed character creation (I understand you choose which basic cards to put in your deck among other things,) and without the need for a huge amount of imagination. In other words, is this an RPG where the cards are GM? Is it safe to play if you aren't RPG savvy?

My comment: I'm very very excited about this game. I plan to ask my FLGS about it tonight and possibly order it from the site tomorrow. I just want to let Paizo know that your partnership with SJGames has created at least one crossover customer, and I don't even have Munchkin Pathfinder yet. I was extremely impressed and excited to see that your staff has the same level of dedication to your community of customers as SJGames. Perhaps this game will push me towards more traditional RPGs. Thanks, people.