Race |
Garundi human |
Classes/Levels |
Cleric of Gozreh 1 | HP 17/17 | AC: 16 TAC: 14 (+2 to both with Raise Shield) | Fort: +3, Ref: +3, Will: +6 | Perception: +5 (normal senses) |
About Baltoros Avingare
PF2 Playtest char
Backstory forthcoming.
Name: Baltoros Avingare
Ancestry and Background: Garundi human Noble
Class: Cleric of Gozreh
Level: 1 XP: 0
Alignment: LN
Age: Late 40s
Gender: Male
Languages: Common, Osiriani
Traits: Human, Humanoid
Perception: +5 (T)
Hero Points: 1
Speed: 20
Bulk: 6, 5L
STR 10
DEX 14
CON 12
INT 12
WIS 18
CHA 12
--- DEFENSE ---
Max HP: 17
AC: 16 TAC: 14 (+2/+2 w/ Raise Shield)
Fort: +3 (E) Ref: +3 (T) Will: +6 (E)
Proficiencies: Trained in light and medium armor, and shields
--- OFFENSE ---
Melee: Trident +1 (1d8 p dmg)
Light mace +3 (1d4 b dmg, agile, finesse, shove)
Ranged: Trident +3 (1d8 p dmg, thrown 20')
Proficiencies: Trained in all simple weapons + trident
--- SPELLS ---
Rolls: Trained in divine spell rolls and DCs, and in attack rolls for divine spells
Divine spell rolls: +5 (T)
Divine spell DCs: 15
Additional spells: Gust of Wind (1st), Lightning Bolt (3rd), Control Water (5th)
Domain(s): Air, travel
Spell points: 5
Pushing gust: Air, Conjuration. Single action, Somatic casting. Range 500'. Targets one creature your size or smaller. Giving the air a push, you assault the target with a powerful gust of wind; it must attempt a Fortitude save. Failure: The target is pushed up to 5 feet away from you. Critical Failure: Per failure and the target is also knocked prone.
Agile feet: Transmutation. Free action, Somatic casting. Trigger: You Step or Stride. For the Stride, you’re accelerated 5 feet and ignore difficult terrain. For the Step, you ignore difficult terrain.
--- CHANNEL ---
4 times per day, positive energy (Heal)
--- SKILLS ---
* Take a -2 (-3 w/ shield carried) armor check penalty if performing a skill check without the (attack) trait with this skill.
Acrobatics: +1*
Arcana: +1
Athletics: -1*
Crafting: +2 (T)
Deception: +0
Diplomacy: +2 (T) Sig
Intimidate: +0
Lore (Nobility): +2 (T)
Medicine: +5 (T) Sig
Nature: +5 (T)
Occultism: +0
Performance: +0 Sig
Religion: +5 (T) Sig
Society: +0
Stealth: +1*
Survival: +5 (T) Sig
Thievery: +1*
--- FEATS ---
Natural Ambition (human): You were raised to be ambitious and always reach for the stars, causing you to progress quickly in your chosen field. You gain a 1st-level class feat for your class. (Expanded Domain).
Courtly Graces: You either were raised among the nobility or have learned proper etiquette and bearing as well as noble lineages, allowing you to present yourself as a member of the nobility. You can use the Recall Knowledge action with Society to gain useful facts about these topics, using the DC for Nobility Lore if it is lower, and you can use your Society modifier on all Nobility Lore checks. If you want to impersonate a specific noble or create a false noble backstory for yourself, you still need to additionally use Deception when presenting yourself in your noble persona.
Expanded Domain (travel): Choose a domain that you don’t already have from your deity’s list and gain its initial domain power. You use this additional domain power at a cost of 1 Spell Point per use. Increase your Spell Point pool by 1.
Reach Spell (metamagic): (Trigger: You start to cast a spell that has a range. The spell must have a maximum of 2 spellcasting actions.) You add a Somatic Casting action to the casting of the triggering spell to increase its range by 30 feet. If the spell normally has a range of touch, you instead extend its range to 30 feet, and if the touch spell normally requires an attack roll or a touch attack roll, it now requires a ranged attack roll or a ranged touch attack roll, as appropriate.
Trident (1d8 p, thrown 20')
Light mace (1d4 b, agile, finesse, shove)
Scale mail (AC+3, TAC+1, MDEX+4, chk -2)
Heavy wooden shield (AC+2/TAC+2 w Raise Shield, chk -1)
Backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, fine clothing, flint and steel, minor healing potion, wooden religious symbol, repair kit, 50' hemp rope, torch (10), waterskin
Silver: 8
Copper: 4
--- BOT ---
Downtime: TBD
Exploration: Perception
Encounter: TBD