Rhona Staelish

Sylyn Lycoris's page

248 posts. Alias of John Gs.


HP: 51/58 (0 nl) | AC: 18, T:14, FF:14 | CMD: 22 | CMB: +7| Fort: +10 | Ref: +13: Will: +2 | Init: +13 | Perception: +12, darkvision


burn 5/5 | efreeti magic 1/1, based on conditions;


female Ifrit slayer 2/pyrokineticist 5

About Sylyn Lycoris

[dice=longbow, pbp, studied]1d20+13+1+1[/dice]
[dice=longbow, damage, studied, plus fire/elemental]1d8+3+1+1+1d6+2[/dice]

[dice=longbow, pbp, studied]1d20+13+1+1-2[/dice]
[dice=longbow, damage, studied, plus fire/elemental]1d8+3+1+1+1d6+2[/dice]
[dice=longbow, pbp, studied]1d20+13+1+1-2[/dice]
[dice=longbow, damage, studied, plus fire/elemental]1d8+3+1+1+1d6+2[/dice]

[dice=longbow, pbp]1d20+12+1-2[/dice]
[dice=longbow, damage, plus fire/elemental]1d8+3+1+1d6+2[/dice]
[dice=longbow, pbp]1d20+12+1-2[/dice]
[dice=longbow, damage, plus fire/elemental]1d8+3+1+1d6+2[/dice]

[dice=longbow, pbp]1d20+12+1[/dice]
[dice=longbow, damage/elemental]1d8+3+1+2[/dice]

[dice=warhammer, studied]1d20+7+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, studied, plus fire]1d8+2+1+1d6[/dice]

[dice=kukri, studied]1d20+7+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, studied, plus fire]1d4+2+1+1d6[/dice]

[dice=fire blast, ranged touch, pbp, studied]1d20+10+1+1[/dice]
[dice=damage, pbp, studied]2d6+1+1+1[/dice]


Sylyn Lycoris
Ifrit pyrokineticist 5/slayer 2 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 160, Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 10)
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init 13; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 58 (7 HD; 5d8+2d10+17)
Fort 10, Ref 13, Will 2 (-1 penalty vs. [emotion] spells unless they're [fear] spells as well); +2 racial bonus to resist starvation and thirst
Speed 30 ft.
Melee kukri +1 (1d4+2 S/18+ plus 2 fire) or
. . warhammer +1 (1d8+2 B/×3 plus 2 fire)
Ranged +1 darkwood composite longbow +11/+11 (1d8+3 P/×3 plus 2 fire) or
. . fire blast +10 touch (3d6+1 F)
Special Attacks kinetic blast, metakinesis (empower), studied target +1 (1st, move action)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; concentration +8)
. . 1/day—efreeti magic[ARG][ARG]
Kineticist Wild Talents Known
. . Defense—searing flesh
. . Infusions—burning infusion (DC 14), energize weapon, fan of flames (DC 17)
. . Blasts—fire blast (3d6+1 F)
. . Utility—basic pyrokinesis, elemental whispers, fire sculptor
Str 14, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +5; CMB 7; CMD 22
Feats Alertness, Elemental Strike, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (longbow)
Traits rich parents, student survivalist, trap finder
Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +6, Climb +4, Craft (bows) +3, Disable Device +14, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (geography) +10, Linguistics +2, Perception +12, Profession (sailor) +6, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +13 (+15 in deserts), Survival +12
Languages Common, Elven, Tien
SQ burn (1 point/round, max 5), desert mirage[ARG], elemental overflow +1, gather power, infusion specialization 1, mostly human, righteous indignation, slayer talent (weapon training), track +1, wildfire heart[ARG]
Combat Gear dye arrow (5), raining arrow (2), splintercloud arrow (2), trip arrow (2); Other Gear chain shirt, +1 darkwood composite longbow (+2 Str), kukri, warhammer, arrows (20), belt of incredible dexterity +2, blunt arrows[APG] (20), bracers of archery, lesser, cloak of resistance +1, cold iron arrows (10), efficient quiver, silver arrows (10), bedroll, canteen[UE], flint and steel, masterwork backpack[APG], mess kit[UE], signal whistle, thieves' tools, trail rations (2), Fire Hare, 161 gp, 1 sp, 8 cp
Special Abilities
Burn 1/round (7 nonlethal/burn, 5/day) Burn HP to gain greater effects on your wild talents.
Burning Infusion (DC 14) Catch foes on fire.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you.
Desert Mirage +2 to Stealth in deserts and to saves to resist starvation and thirst.
Efreeti Magic (1/day) (Sp) Cast enlarge person or reduce person 1/day.
Elemental Overflow (Ex) Gain a bonus to hit and damage with your blast when you use burn.
Elemental Strike (+2 fire) Swift action to imbue your weapons with elemental damage for a round.
Elemental Whispers (Su) Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
You form a friendship with a fragment of your element. The element speaks back to you empathically, like a familiar. Pick a type of creature usually allowed as a famil
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Energize Weapon (Composite longbow [Str +2]) Add 1d6 fire dmg to a held weapon.
Familiar Bonus: +4 to Initiative checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Fan of Flames (DC 17) Blast becomes a 15' cone
Fire Blast (Sp) Level 0; Burn 0
Fire Sculptor (Sp) You can sculpt shapes out of flame or alter a fire's spread.
Gather Power (Su) Move: reduce the burn cost of a blast by 1 or Full-round: reduce the burn cost of a blast by 2
Infusion Specialization 1 (Ex) Reduce burn cost of blasts with infusions by 1
Kinetic Blast (Sp) The kineticist can unleash her kinetic blast at a range of 30 feet at will.
Metakinesis (Su) By accepting burn you affect your kinetic blast as if using a metamagic ability.
Mostly Human Appear mostly human, count as humanoid (human) for all purposes, as well as outsider (native).
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Rapid Shot You get an extra attack with ranged weapons. Each attack is at -2.
Righteous Indignation (DC 17) Must take any AoO provoked by enemy (Will neg). -1 to Will saves vs. non-fear emotion effects.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Speak with Familiar (Ex) You can communicate verbally with your familiar.
Studied Target +1 (move action, 1 at a time) (Ex) Study foe as a Move action, gain +1 to att/dam & some skills vs. them.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.
Wildfire Heart +4 racial bonus on initiative
https://books.google.com/books?id=1Jh-CwAAQBAJ&pg=PT7&lpg=PT7&d q=Before+Skullkickers&source=bl&ots=lJ0KEnjxCp&sig=ACfU3U3vjNui pd9JbdTNCzAUXux_n9QyOA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj53-2xx5_uAhUDHc0K HZ6gDaM4FBDoATAFegQIARAC#v=onepage&q=Before%20Skullkickers&f=false

Dad's big advice: Never marry a ginger. Of course, he was a ginger, and so was Mom, so the advice is directed solely at me. Me, as a ginger, never marry another one. For two reasons. TEMPERS. Both him and mom had huge ones, their fights would shake the heavens, or at least scare the hells out of the neighbors. They loved each other, plain as day they did to anyone with half a brain. But still the fights...

The other reason was their blood. Not all red-haired people have fire in their blood (Ifrits being the clinical term), but Dad was convinced of it, at least he was after I was born. I look human enough but I age too slowly, feel feverish on a cold day, and once or twice everything around me exploded in fire. Said maybe I wouldn't be so cursed if he and mom weren't both gingers.

Hence the advice. "You have it bad enough so don't make it worse for your babies."

Mom passed when I was young. Dad passed ten years ago. He had taken to traveling, a guard, a merchant at times, so on. Took me with him after Mom went. He was already too old for it when we came to Sandpoint, and he never left.


The folk watched out for his teenage daughter. Her father had left enough gold for her to get by on for some time, as well as his prized longbow, ApplyPicker. Shalelu understood the differences between young and old races so she took the teenager under her wing. Hunting, scouting, keeping out of trouble... only semi-successful on the last one.

Sylyn has a temper, hates seeing anyone being bullied or hurt, and says what she thinks WAY too much. Bright red hair, green eyes, and kind of pretty she gets enough attention to make her annoyed. Dresses in greens and browns, tunics and leggings. Ready for the trail over for a party always.

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