Ephemeral Echo

Bakari & Nefertari 1e's page

No posts. Organized Play character for treidenb.

Grand Lodge

Do you have some spoiler-free suggestions for additional resources released since the original AP that could be implemented to make the experience better?

We're potentially sticking pretty close to the Core Rulebook and early hardcovers, but I'm wondering if Occult Adventures, Ultimate Intrigue, Horror Adventures, Villain Codex, Harrow Handbook, Inner Sea Gods or anything else would be beneficial to players and the GM playing through the hardcover version.

Perhaps something brief, like the following, to avoid spoilers:

[EXAMPLE ONLY] Ultimate Intrigue (GM) - Light to moderate use of Intrigue rules

Grand Lodge

My players just slaughtered everything in the courtyard of Fort Rannick and now plan to rest in the woods to regain spells before going back in and clearing out the rest.

Do you have any suggestions on whether those inside the fort would allow them to do this?

Grand Lodge

Does anyone have suggestions for house rules of Remove Fear within the Horror Adventures fear rules? The book offered the optional rule for changing immunity to fear to fear resistance, so I'm curious if anyone may have had some similar changes with Remove Fear, such as lessening the effects of your current fear level.

Grand Lodge 2/5

The party receives a reward at the end of Swamp, but the text mentions that its powers are not revealed until the next Quest. I didn't read anything on how they would learn of its powers and the item's description suggests that activation requires a command word. Should it be assumed that the boggards explain the use of the magic item and how to activate it or is this something a spellcraft check would identify for them?

Grand Lodge

I am playing a Spell Warrior Skald in a home campaign and wanted to make sure I am fully understanding how the Enhance Weapons ability works.

At 6th level, I am able to enhance four or more weapons to a +2 equivalent bonus. At 10th level, if I choose to enhance up to a +3 equivalent bonus, I can only use it on three weapons.

Right now, I am enhancing party members' weapons to make them +1 Shock. No party member has a +2 equivalent weapon at the moment, so I assume my benefit works on all nonmagical, masterwork, and +1 weapons to make them +1 Shock. Once someone has a +2 weapon, I assume the enhancement ability wouldn't work.

I have some time before hitting level 10, but since the weapons' owners are also recipients of raging song, it seems beneficial to stick with +2 bonuses and not move to +3 too soon in a melee-heavy party, because I am sharing multiple rage powers.

At the moment the rage powers are providing one point of electricity damage on each attack, 1d6 elemental damage once per rage for a round, and doing full damage against incorporeals. (Linnorm Death Curse - Taiga, Lesser Elemental Rage, and Ghost Rager)

We have an Oracle in the party, whom I also imagine would not want to accept the Enhance Weapons ability, because he would want to use other abilities which qualifying for Inspired Rage rage powers would not allow. Does this also mean a paladin couldn't channel energy or smite?

Does all that sound correct?

Grand Lodge 2/5

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Please join me in congratulating Scott Sinclair on earning his 4th GM star!

Scott has GMed a lot over the past year, because we welcomed a new venue to the area with events every Thursday night. He has served as Venture Agent at The Rogue's Roost since January.

Having been a theatre major, Scott is great at telling a good story. When he has the chance to play, our favorite character of his is Dump Stat Linda the Paladin - think Cher from Clueless in full plate.

The Exchange 2/5

I recently picked up the Skull & Shackles base set and a couple Class Decks and hope to demo the game for some prospective players. I'd like to start scheduling Organized Play at one of our local gaming stores once enough players are familiar with the game and show continued interest in playing. However, I'm wondering who the player base commonly tends to be. Are these players coming from the PFS-RPG or are players mostly unique to the ACG?

I think we are a medium-sized market for PFS-RPG. We have a little more than a dozen regulars and a handful of others who occasionally attend events. We have one weekly PFS event, two monthly events, and additional Core events we just started offering every other week. It ranges between 1-3 tables at each event. There is currently no OP of the ACG at the stores in our area where we schedule PFS.

Some of the PFS players and I are still unclear as to how much OP of the ACG ties in with the RPG. 30 scenarios with 45+ hours is a lot of commitment beyond our other activities. Will playing the ACG benefit the players of the RPG or should I find players from a separate board game group who don't know anything about Pathfinder? If there are retirement arc type boons for completing each season of the ACG, I could probably convince current PFS players to join, but if the boons are one-time uses to boost a skill check, then I don't think that player base will have any interest.

Is there a recommendation of starting with Wrath of the Righteous or Skull & Shackles? Since I own the Skull & Shackles base set, I planned to use that for our players to learn. If we schedule public games at our local store, should start with Wrath instead? Does Paizo also provide the store with the Adventure Packs or only a copy of the base set?


Dark Archive

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I noticed the text of the Evil Eye hex changed in the Advanced Class Guide. Is it no longer mind-affecting? That sentence is omitted.

Original Evil Eye Hex from Advanced Players Guide for the Witch wrote:
Evil Eye (Su): The witch can cause doubt to creep into the mind of a foe within 30 feet that she can see. The target takes a –2 penalty on one of the following (witch’s choice): AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. This hex lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch’s Intelligence modifier. A Will save reduces this to just 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect. At 8th level the penalty increases to –4.
Most Recent Evil Eye Hex from Advanced Class Guide for the Shaman wrote:
Evil Eye (Su): The shaman causes doubt to creep into the mind of a foe within 30 feet that she can see. The target takes a –2 penalty on one of the following (shaman’s choice): ability checks, AC, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. This hex lasts a number of rounds equal to 3 + the shaman’s Wisdom modifier. A successful Will saving throw reduces this to just 1 round. At 8th level, the penalty increases to –4.

Silver Crusade 2/5

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Besmara's Bicorn doesn't appear as a legal item for play under the God's & Magic listing, yet it is listed on a chronicle sheet. Does it change anything having that chronicle sheet? If not, why list it?