Black Dragon

Ba'az Astor's page

69 posts. Alias of Ubermench.

Full Name

Ba'az Astor











Special Abilities

Acid breath






Common, Dragonborn



Strength 15
Dexterity 11
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 16
Charisma 16

About Ba'az Astor

Level 1 Dragonborn Paladin of Ioun
Str 15 (+2);
Dex 11 (+0);
Con 12 (+1);
Int 10 (+0);
Wis 16 (+3);
Cha 16 (+3)
Initiative: +0
Senses: Perception +3;
HP 27; Bloodied 13 AC 16;
Fortitude 13; Reflex 11; Will 14
Healing Surges: 11 per day, recovers 6 hp. Speed 5
Basic Attacks: melee +2; ranged +0 Attacks: Falchion +5 melee (2d4), Crossbow +2 ranged (1d8)

At-Will Powers:

Bolstering Strike: Bolstering Strike Paladin Attack 1
You attack your foe without mercy or reprieve, and your accuracy
is rewarded with a divine gift of vigor.
At-Will ✦ Divine,Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier damage, and you gain temporary
hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Increase damage to 2[W] + Charisma modifier at 21st level.

Holy Strike: Holy Strike Paladin Attack 1
You strike an enemy with your weapon, which ignites with holy
At-Will ✦ Divine, Radiant, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier radiant damage. If you
marked the target, you gain a bonus to the damage roll
equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Increase damage to 2[W] + Strength modifier at 21st level.

Lay on Hands [class]: Lay on Hands Paladin Feature
Your divine touch instantly heals wounds.
At-Will (Special) ✦ Divine, Healing
Special: You can use this power a number of times per day
equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), but only once
per round.
Minor Action Melee touch
Target: One creature
Effect: You spend a healing surge but regain no hit points.
Instead, the target regains hit points as if it had spent a
healing surge. You must have at least one healing surge
remaining to use this power.

Divine Challenge [class]: Divine Challenge Paladin Feature
You boldly confront a nearby enemy, searing it with divine light if
it ignores your challenge.
At-Will ✦ Divine, Radiant
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: One creature in burst
Effect: You mark the target. The target remains marked until
you use this power against another target, or if you fail
to engage the target (see below). A creature can be subject
to only one mark at a time. A new mark supersedes a
mark that was already in place.
While a target is marked, it takes a –2 penalty to attack
rolls for any attack that doesn’t include you as a target.
Also, it takes radiant damage equal to 3 + your Charisma
modifier the first time it makes an attack that doesn’t include
you as a target before the start of your next turn. The
damage increases to 6 + your Charisma modifier at 11th
level, and to 9 + your Charisma modifier at 21st level.
On your turn, you must engage the target you challenged
or challenge a different target. To engage the
target, you must either attack it or end your turn adjacent
to it. If none of these events occur by the end of your turn,
the marked condition ends and you can’t use divine challenge
on your next turn.
You can use divine challenge once per turn.
Special: Even though this ability is called a challenge, it
doesn’t rely on the intelligence or language ability of the
target. It’s a magical compulsion that affects the creature’s
behavior, regardless of the creature’s nature. You can’t place
a divine challenge on a creature that is already affected by
your or another character’s divine challenge.

Encounter Powers:

Piercing Smite: Piercing Smite Paladin Attack 1
Silvery spikes cover your weapon, punching through your foe’s
Encounter ✦ Divine, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target and a
number of enemies adjacent to you equal to your Wisdom
modifier are marked until the end of your next turn.

Channel Divinity: Channel Divinity: Divine Strength Paladin Feature
You petition your deity for the divine strength to lay low your
Encounter ✦ Divine
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Apply your Strength modifier as extra damage on
your next attack this turn.

Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle [class]: Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle Paladin Feature
Your unswerving faith in your deity empowers a nearby creature
to resist a debilitating affliction.
Encounter ✦ Divine
Minor Action Close burst 10
Target: One creature in burst
Effect: The target makes a saving throw with a bonus equal
to your Charisma modifier.

Channel Divinity: Divine Strength [class]: Channel Divinity: Divine Strength Paladin Feature
You petition your deity for the divine strength to lay low your
Encounter ✦ Divine
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Apply your Strength modifier as extra damage on
your next attack this turn.

Dragon Breath [racial]: Dragon Breath Dragonborn Racial Power
As you open your mouth with a roar, the deadly power of your
draconic kin blasts forth to engulf your foes.
Encounter ✦ Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison
Minor Action Close blast 3
Targets: All creatures in area
Attack: Strength + 2 vs. Reflex, Constitution + 2 vs. Reflex, or
Dexterity + 2 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + Constitution modifier damage.
Increase to +4 bonus and 2d6 + Constitution modifier
damage at 11th level, and to +6 bonus and 3d6 +
Constitution modifier damage at 21st level.
Special: When you create your character, choose Strength,
Constitution, or Dexterity as the ability score you use
when making attack rolls with this power. You also choose
the power’s damage type: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or
poison. These two choices remain throughout your character’s
life and do not change the power’s other effects.

Daily Powers:

Paladin's Judgment: Paladin’s Judgment Paladin Attack 1
Your melee attack punishes your enemy and heals an ally.
Daily ✦ Divine, Healing, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and one ally within
5 squares of you can spend a healing surge.
Miss: One ally within 5 squares of you can spend a healing

Alignment: Unaligned
Languages: Common, Draconic
Acrobatics -1,
Arcana +0,
Athletics +1,
Bluff +3,
Diplomacy +3,
Dungeoneering +3,
Endurance +0,
Heal* +8,
History +2,
Insight* +8,
Intimidate* +10,
Nature +3,
Perception +3,
Religion* +5,
Stealth -1, +
Streetwise +3,
Thievery -1.
*indicates trained skills
Str 15 (+2);
Dex 11 (+0);
Con 12 (+1);
Int 10 (+0);
Wis 16 (+3);
Cha 16 (+3)
Enlarged Dragon Breath
Racial Abilities:
Dragonborn Fury,
Draconic Heritage,
Dragon Breath [acid, CON]
Class Abilities:
Channel Divinity,
Divine Challenge,
Lay on hands
flint and steel,
belt pouch,
trail rations (10 days),
hempen rope (50 ft.),
sunrods (2),
waterskin, -5 gp

Initiative rols 4, 8, 20, 9, 8, 16, 9, 15, 12, 2