**** Pathfinder Society GM. 15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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You haven't even put your books down yet, and the DM is telling you to roll a fortitude save... And he's dead serious!

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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"With that said, if you have any positive suggestions outside of the 'suck it up GM, that's how the Pathfinder Organized Play Society rolls' attitude, please feel free to share accordingly. I'd like to hear how others handle power gamers, so I can add to my learning experiences and provide an even greater roleplaying experience at the table."

People are going to power game..
People are going to have normal characters.
People are going to have characters so inept you have NO idea how they survive to the end of the scenario.
The only thing you can do is spend your 4 hours GMing to tell the best possible story you can. That's your job as GM. It's not you VS them in a titanic death match to see who the last one standing is.
Just tell a good story.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Backfromthedeadguy wrote:
So a druid wild shapes and decides to mate with an animal of the same type...what are the possibilities? There's a lot of mythological stories of this very thing, especially dealing with Loki, who gave birth to Sleipnir (and other less pleasant things) . Let's say there was only a 1% chance of offspring, what would they be like?

The Hellknights have been notified of your post and will be there shortly to "collect you". Please do not resist.