
Azul Aros's page

174 posts. Alias of Peet.


| Diplomacy* +8, Heal +5, Knowledge (arcana*, history*, local*, nature, planes*, religion*) +6, Spellcraft +6, Knowledge (nobility*) +8, Linguistics +3, Profession (herbalist) +9, Sense Motive +5* | Falcata +4, 1d8+2


Healer's Way 5/5, Spells (1st) 3/5, Inspiration 4/5
CONDITIONS: none BUFFS: magic weapon


Shabti Oracle 2 | HP 18/18 | AC: 16 TAC: 8 FAC: 16 CMD: 14 AC: 20 TAC: 12 FAC: 16 CMD: 18 | F: +3 R: -1 W: +4 | Move: 20' Init: +4 Perception: +7 (darkvision 60') | STR +2 DEX -2 CON +3 INT +2 WIS +1 CHA +4










The Stolen Lands


Common, Infernal, Sylvan, Draconic



Strength 14
Dexterity 7
Constitution 16
Intelligence 15
Wisdom 12
Charisma 18

About Azul Aros


STR 05 points 14
DEX -04 points 07
CON 05 points 14 +2 race = 16
INT 07 points 15
WIS 02 points 12
CHA 10 points 16 +2 race = 18

Alcmenio Saro was a half-elven eldritch knight of Taldan descent, who was a master not only of magic but also the Taldan falcata-and-buckler fighting style known as Rondelero. Alcmenio decided to stake a claim on his own realm in the river kingdoms, with the goal not only of personal power but also of trying to restore Taldan values to the chaotic region. Alcmenio saw himself as bringing the light of civilization to a benighted land.

But the effort of maintaining his kingdom's borders against rivals and his society against unrest caused great bloodshed over the years of his reign, to the point that Alcmenio became obsessed with guilt over the lives he had taken, and believed his soul to be damned. But his arcane studies revealed a way he could avoid the damnation after death that he believed was his fate He sent a message to far Osirion to commission a Shabti, a magical construct which would take his place in the afterlife. He named the Shabti Azul Aros, which means "Blue and Gold," after the gold and lapis used in its construction.

Ironically, when Alcmenio died, Pharasma did not judge that his spirit was evil (though neither was it good). Therefore Azul Aros did not face the everlasting punishment that he expected. Instead he spent many years in the city of Axis. There he gravitated towards the Serene Circle, where he learned the art of meditiation and herbal healing. For physical discipline, he tried to incorporate the art of Rondelero (which he seemed to have an instinctive affinity for) into the martial traditions of Iroran teachings.

After five hundred years of "discipline," Azul was released and was able to wander the planes. He voyaged on the Astral plane, too insignificant to attract the attention of astral denizens, and protected by the spirit of Alcmenio Saro. He found his way into the First world, and though that plane was far too confusing and chaotic for him to remain, he managed to find a weak point that led into the prime material plane. This point turned out to lead to an area of the stolen lands where Alcmenio Saro once ruled and was now buried.

Azul feels tied to this region, but the area was wild and hostile. He made his way to a nearby city (Restov), where he began to inquire about the region thereabouts and what had happened in the time that he was gone. He heard about an expedition to the Stolen Lands and offered his services.

The spirit of Alcmenio Saro still haunts Azul, both angry that Azul "cheated" him out of his chance to go to the afterlife, and at the same time living vicariously through Azul as he sees in Azul a chance to relive his life and learn from his mistakes.

Race: Shabti
Class: Oracle
Archetype 1: Pei Zin Practitioner
Archetype 2: Psychic Searcher
Mystery: Lore
Curse: Haunted



HP: 18 (2d8 +6 CON) (raw rolls: 8,4)
AC: 16 (10 -2 DEX, +1 Natural, +6 Armor +1 Shield) Touch: 8 Flat: 16
Saves: Fort +3, Reflex -1, Will +4
BAB: +1, CMB: +4, CMD: 11
Initiative: +4
Move: 20'


Special Abilities

* Native Outsider
* Immortal: no age modifiers
* Immune to Undeath
* All knowledge skills are class
* No penalties from energy drain
* Must make caster level check to be raised or resurrected
* 1 point Natural Armor bonus
* Proficient with Falcata
* 60' Darkvision

* Healer's Way (as Lay on Hands): Heal 1d6 5/day (1+CHA)
* Master Herbalist: Profession (herbalist) uses CHA instead of WIS and gain +1/2 level bonus (minimum +1)
* Inspiration Pool (as Investigator) 1/2 Level + CHA per day
* Free Inspiration use on Diplomacy, Knowledge (arcana, history, local, nobility, planes, religion), and Sense Motive

Oracle Spell List
Psychic Spell List

Spells Per Day:
* 1st level: 5

Spells Known:
* 0th Level (DC 14) 5+2C+2F: daze (F), detect magic, ghost sound (C), guidance, mage hand (C), mending, message (F), read magic, stabilize
* 1st Level (DC 15) 2+1B: cure light wounds (B), liberating command, magic weapon

B represents oracle bonus spells, C represents oracle curse spells, M represents mystery spells, F represents favored class bonus spells.

Spell Plan:

3rd Level (1,1 FCB): Barbed chains, prestidigitation
4th Level (2,0,1 FCB): Augury (M), cure moderate wounds (B), burst of radiance, create water, telempathic projection (FCB), swap out daze for arcane mark
5th Level (2,1,1 FCB): Levitate (C), minor image (C),
6th Level (3,0,2 FCB): Cure serious wounds (B), locate object (M), dispel magic, swap out magic weapon for divine favor
7th Level (3,2,1,2 FCB): ,
8th Level (4,0,3 FCB): Cure critical wounds (B), divination (M), blessing of fervor, , swap out telempathic projection for true skill
9th Level (4,3,2,3 FCB): ,
10th Level (5,0,4 FCB): Mass cure light wounds (B), telekinesis (C), contact other plane (M),
11th Level (5,4,3,4 FCB): ,
12th Level (6,5 FCB): Mass cure moderate wounds (B), find the path (M), heal,
13th Level (6,5,4,5 FCB): ,
14th Level (7,6 FCB): Mass cure serious wounds (B), vision (M), ,
15th Level (7,6,5,6 FCB): Reverse gravity (C), , , ,
16th Level (8,7 FCB): Discern location (M), mass cure critical wounds (B), ,
17th Level (8,7,7 FCB): ,
18th Level (9,8 FCB): Foresight (M), ,
19th Level (9,8,8 FCB): ,

Honourable Mention:

1: Shield of Faith, Know the Enemy, Murderous Command, Sanctuary, Ear-Piercing Scream (P), Vanish (P), Disguise Self (P), Burst of Adrenaline (P), Burst of Insight (P), Long Arm (P), Magic Missile (P), Shield (P), True Strike (P),
2: Bull's Strength, Align Weapon, Silence, Boneshaker, Ironskin, Weapon of Awe, Prot. from evil communal, Mirror Image (P), Acute Senses (P), Alter Self (P), Demand Offering (P), False Life (P), Hideous Laughter (P), Hidden Presence (P), Invisibility (P), Thought Shield (P)
3: Deadly juggernaut, Channel Vigor, Prayer, Shield of darkness, Bestow insight (human), Daylight, Inflict, Magic Vestment, Arcane Sight (P), Aura Sight (P), Clairvoyance (P), Chain of Perdition, Fly (P), Heroism (P), Slow (P), Vampiric Touch (P), Versatile Weapon (P)
4: Freedom of Movement, Greater Magic Weapon, Forceful Strike, Righteous Might, Protection from Energy Communal, Confusion (P), Dimension Door (P), Contingent Scroll (P), Greater Invisibility (P), Telekinetic Charge (P),



Melee: (+1 BAB, +2 STR)
Falcata +4 (+1 trait), 1d8+2 (19-20, x3)
Mwk Cold Iron Falcata +5 (+1 trait), 1d8+2 (19-20, x3)

Ranged: (+1 BAB, -2 DEX)
Sling -1, 1d4+2

Combat Gear:
Falcata 18 gp, 4 lbs.
Masterwork Cold Iron Falcata 336 gp, 4 lbs.
Buckler Shield 5 gp, 5 lbs.
Four-Mirror Armor 125 gp, 45 lbs.
Sling (free)
Sling Bullets 0.1 gp 5 lbs.

Total 484.1 gp, 63 lbs.


Character Choices

Favored Class Bonus: Special (spells from psychic list)

Seeker (social): +1 Perception, +class skill.
Fate's Favored (faith): +1 to any luck bonus.
Sword Scion (campaign): +1 to hit with Falcata
Naive (drawback): -2 to AC vs improvised weapons and CMD vs Dirty Tricks.

1st Level: Noble Scion (War)

Feat Plan:
3rd Level: Extra Revelation (Sidestep Secret)
5th Level: Deific Obedience (Irori)
7th Level: Extra Revelation (Mental Acuity)
9th Level: Power Attack
11th Level: Quicken Spell



The Oracle's class skills are Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Past-Life Knowledge (Ex) Shabti remember bits of their past lives. As a result, they treat all Knowledge skills as class skills.

* Denotes Skills where use of Inspiration does not cost points.

Adventuring Skills:
(4+INT/level - 1 transferred to background = 11 ranks)
Armor Check Penalty: -5

Diplomacy* +8 (1 rank, +4 CHA, +3 Class)
Heal +5 (1 rank, +1 WIS, +3 Class)
Knowledge* (arcana) +6 (1 rank, +2 INT, +3 Class)
Knowledge* (local) +6 (1 rank, +2 INT, +3 Class)
Knowledge (nature) +6 (1 rank, +2 INT, +3 Class)
Knowledge* (planes) +6 (1 rank, +2 INT, +3 Class)
Knowledge* (religion) +6 (1 rank, +2 INT, +3 Class)
Perception +7 (2 rank, +1 WIS, +3 Class, +1 Trait)
Sense Motive* +5 (1 rank, +1 WIS, +3 Class)
Spellcraft +6 (1 rank, +2 INT, +3 Class)

Background Skills:
(2/level = 2 + 1 Transferred from Adventuring = 5 ranks)

Knowledge (geography) +6 (1 rank, +2 INT, +3 Class)
Knowledge (history)* +6 (1 rank, +2 INT, +3 Class)
Knowledge (nobility)* +8 (1 rank, +2 INT, +3 Class, +2 Feat)
Linguistics +3 (1 rank, +2 INT)
Profession (herbalist) +9 (1 rank, +4 CHA, +3 Class, +1 Archetype)


Miscellaneous Gear
_2 gp Backpack, common 2 lbs.
_5 gp Survival kit, common 4 lbs. (contains a flint and steel, a mess kit, two waterskins (enough to hold water for 1 person for 1 day), very basic maps showing major landmarks, and a small utility knife.)
_1 gp Scroll Case 0.5 lbs.
_2 gp Scrivener's Kit 1 lb.
_5 gp Spell Component Pouch 2 lbs.
_1 gp Rope 50' 10 lbs.
_1 gp Grappling Hook 4 lbs.
10 gp Tent 20 lbs.

27 gp, 37.5 lbs.

_5 sp Bedroll 5 lbs.
_5 sp Waterproof Bag 0.5 lbs.
_1 sp Fishhook -
_3 sp Oil (flask) 3 lb.

14 sp, 8.5 lbs.

_3 cp Earplugs -
_2 cp Whetstone 1 lb.
_2 cp Twine 100' 1 lb.
_1 cp Chalk -
_2 cp 2 x Candles -
35 cp 7 x Rice Paper sheet -
_5 cp 5 days Wandermeal 2.5 lbs.

50 cp, 4.5 lbs.

Total: 28.9 gp, 50.5 lbs.
Plus Combat Gear: 484.1 gp, 63 lbs.
Grand Total: 513.0 gp, 109.5 lbs.

Starting Cash: 180.0 gp
Treasure Spent: 336.0 gp
Remaining: 3.0 gp
Carrying Capacity (medium load) 120 lbs. (2.5 lbs. remaining)