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234 posts. Alias of Tin Foil Yamakah.


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Liberty's Edge

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Who says that all necromancy is evil

Liberty's Edge

Drows rule, elves drool

Liberty's Edge

Ok I will try the highly underated level 4 spells

black tentacles, SM 4, resilent sphere, enervation, arcane eye

Liberty's Edge

Not As much

Liberty's Edge

Looking for a game near concord, martinez, walnut creek. I am in my mid 40's and would prefer a group around that age. I have a friend who might be interested also.

Any Questions PM me

Liberty's Edge

I too a 15 year break when I was 32 due to a job transfer. I have now relocated back to the bay area and am gaming again. I am 47 and find it as much fun as ever. Especially hanging out with high school buddies again.

Liberty's Edge

Joey Virtue wrote:

Im kinda building some questions so I have a good train of though about a new game group. This Saturday im meeting some perspective people for a new game im running and hosting at my house so here is what I have so far please tell me other ones

Roleplaying Questions
#1 What are thoughts on LARPing?
#2 What is a Munchkin to you?
#3 What is the Difference between a Mid Maxer and an Optimizer?
#4 Should every character be effective in both combat and noncombat situations?
#5 Can you still be a good roleplayer if you also try to make an optimized character?

Non Roleplaying Questions
#1 What do you do for a living?
#2 Do you smoke or drink and do you have a problem with someone who does if you dont?

1. No opinion as I dont know what it is

2. A slang term for a height challenged individual
3. Personal choice
4. Not Necessarily
5. Absolutely

6. I manage a fair amount of folks
7. No, yes. I will not game in a room where smoke is present. As far as drinking i very rarely drink during games but I have no problem with it as long as it doesnt get out of control.

Liberty's Edge

Upon an initial lookthrough, those look like pretty cool character concepts.

I am favoring the spell-less ranger as this fits with my idea of a ranger as opposed to a fighter/druid.

Liberty's Edge

Red Box briefly in 81, then onto 1E at the tender age of freshman in a new high school....egads

Liberty's Edge

1001 Summoner concepts is on here somewhere

Liberty's Edge

Ashen-Shugar(yes that one) Half-Elf Fighter 9/ Mage 21 started in 1E ended in 2E. Grand Ruler of the Three Towers(We have a houserule that you cannot teleport across vast bodies of water, Ashen Shugar owns 3 floating towers that provide the only access across the oceans and is a firm believer in monopolies)

The coolest thing ever was casting true dweomers from 2E, Even wrote my own up for the towers defense "Penultimate Security System"

Liberty's Edge

Pit fiend "I can do this favor for you"

PC "And what price do you ask?"

Pit Fiend " Oh don't worry about that now, Lets just say I come to you in the future and you do me a solid"

Liberty's Edge

I have a friend of mine who is in the process of building a monk, so far he has 3 different builds.

I will send him the link for the talented monk to see if I can really bend his noodle

Liberty's Edge

As I stated before, I have not given up on 3PP. I just have not seen anything that thrilled me upon a passing glance.

Looks this endzeitgeist character has some decent takes on the various classes.

Armiger looks like a good tank, is there much difference between that class and the stalwart defender?

Definetly want to investigate the Mystic godling as i dig spellcasters

Liberty's Edge

So Far I have seen good remarks on dreamscarred press(cool name), kolbold press(good mag).

Hey Distant Scholar, Play what makes you, your fellow players and your DM happy. It is a game after all

Armoured monk what or where is the armiger?

Liberty's Edge

Hey don't sweat it, make a list if you want.

Liberty's Edge

Hey I just got through looking through a heated discussion on 3PP hate or like.

Personally I have taken a tour through the 3PP stuff and have not seen anything that thrilled me. Granted it was not an indepth tour, That being said I am open to further explorations on the topic.

So What 3PP Race, Class or setting or anything really do you like?

Liberty's Edge

I seem to remember greyhawk 1E having a mine that was formed by a meteorite and turned the local folks(dwarves) into undead flesh craving zombies straight outta walking dead.

I believe their leader was a high level dwarven cleric lich.

Liberty's Edge

So far Paizo's options have provided more than enough options for our group. I have toured the 3PP stuff and have not seen anything that I wanted to play.

But I remain open to new ideas. Has there been a thread posted on favorite 3PP characters? Might be interesting and could open some new possibilities.

Liberty's Edge

Great Post, Although I do not possess the summon good monster feat for MS..Yet, I can see adding this creature to my arsenal, perhaps do a summoner that focuses only on good creatures.

Liberty's Edge

I see no problem with not taking a feature as long as balance is preserved oh lord there goes my inner druid!

If you do not want a bonded item or familiar, that's fine, Yes it does suck to have your bonded item/familiar destroyed, However they provide decent benefits.

As always it's the DM's call.

Liberty's Edge

In my group we have houseruled that if you roll a 1 take a -10, if you roll a 20 add +10. This is for skill checks only

You make it, You make it, You don't..oh well

Liberty's Edge

Durinor wrote:

Just thinking about the relative power and utility of full casters, I was wondering how far they would have to be nerfed before people thought they became too bad to play.

What if Wizards and clerics had a spellcasting progression like the Magus, gaining a new spellcasting level every 3 levels, would they still be 'tier 1'?

Partial casters would of course be berfed as well, in proportion.

(Diving into the deep end) Oh come on martial dude, you know you want some caster love

Liberty's Edge

Orfamay Quest wrote:
I think a lot of people think that casters generally are overpowered and should be banned, and that anything that makes casters more powerful is ipso facto overpowered.

Yeah I get that vibe too.

Liberty's Edge

So I have seen a couple comments on the feat Spell Perfection being "overpowered" and "Should be banned".

For the record, I have no problem with it especially considering the prerequisites.

Liberty's Edge

Going though it now,Like tony the tiger says It's Grrrreeeeaaattt! especially if you like taking pain. My barbarian took 837 pts in a 12 hour session.

Definitely worth it to experience as a player

Liberty's Edge

The Chort wrote:

Fleet-footed is an alternate racial trait for elves; he's a tiefling.

Sorry about that, I was looking at my Elven Blaster. As usual check with your DM

Liberty's Edge

Hand raised high and slightly bouncing up and down in my chair.

Great subject and discussion! BTW thank you wiggz for the great ideas for my summoner. Really look forward to this guide should it materialize.

Liberty's Edge

I am running An MS and like the folks above said it's all about the prep. have your 1-3 monsters per level statted out on 3X5 cards and let other players run the monsters if you are using your SLA 3 or more times per encounter.

Mostly don't listen to naysayers about how it takes 45 minutes or so to run your combat sequence, the same could be said for any unprepared character.

Have Fun

Liberty's Edge

In a Word Yes

Liberty's Edge

I agree with chort on most points. Pick your stats max out int and dex.

Admixture is the only way to go IMO

Traits magical lineage and metamagic master= -2 to Metamagic feat, Fleet footed and warrior of old= +4 to initiative

Familiar: greensting scorpion small and easy to protect with a +4 initiative bonus


1. Spell Focus(EVO) switch out for scribe scroll if you can and Spell Specialization

3. Varasian/Mage Tattoo

4. Switch Spell Specialization to fireball

5. Empowered Spell and Greater Spell Focus

7. Intensified Spell

9. Spell Penetration

10. Greater Spell Penetration

11. Maximize Spell

13. Quicken Spell

15. Spell Perfecto and Dazing Spell

17. Greater Spell Specialization

Liberty's Edge

So you did go with Eldritch Heritage in the end. Good to know.

Yeah, I did but upon further review I would do improved initiative at 5th level.

Liberty's Edge

Have you by chance thought of playing a master summoner.
1. Forget the whole eidolon thing you do not need it
2. Great spell access
3. Really easy feat tree to figure out.
4. Great Fun

Like folks have echoed on here, pick 1-3 monsters per level you want to summon and have them ready on 3X5 Cards. Pass them out to fellow players.

Liberty's Edge

dotting for interest, seems like a cool idea

Liberty's Edge

I Would go empower, then intensify, then maximize, then quicken, BTW are you playing admixture

Liberty's Edge

Here are the feats that my halfling MS took

1. Extra Summons
2. Augment Summoning(Bonus)
3. Superior Summoning
5. Extra Summons
7. Skill Focus(Knowledge Planes)
9. Eldritch Heritage( Arcane Bond) Love me some greensting Scorpion
11. Extra Summons
13. Eldritch Heritage: Arcane Bloodline(New Arcana)
15. Extra Summons
17. Greater Eldritch Heritage(School Power: Conjuration)

Awesome character, don't let the naysayers bring you down. Just be prepared. I have 1 to 3 monsters per level prepared on 3X5 cards and let other players run them although I rarely SLA more than 2 per encounter. Buff the party and be the battlefield general your party will love you.

And here's the kicker I have never summoned my eidolon, in fact I have not even built one.

Liberty's Edge

Thank you all for the correction, the empowered feat seemed so simple.

So using the OP's example roll 11d6 add +4 since this is level without feats and multiply it by 1.5

Liberty's Edge

Well empower adds 50% damage

Intensified raises the max damage from 10d6 to 15d6.

So at your current level which would be 11 for fireball with the feats. Intensified fire ball would be 11d6+5, empowered would add 50% or 5d6 more so 16d6+5

Liberty's Edge

LazarX wrote:
For the player who likes being the Chessmaster, the Summoner is a dream come true.

I am playing a halfling MS in a homebrew game and am not using an eidolon at all. Like lazar said I use the SM as battlefield control along with the pit and grease spells and buffing the party all the while staying invisible.

So far none of the complaints that seem to permeate these boards such as broken and taking too much time in combat. ( I pick 1-4 creatures per level and have them on 3X5 cards ready to go and let other players run them on their initiative).

Liberty's Edge

Man, Do I want to play with that character! That is friggin awesome

Liberty's Edge

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If this spell is causing you issues, wait till later on.

Liberty's Edge

What if.. A high level wizard knew he was dying and as a dying wish built his tomb and used his ridiculous amount of swag to defend it.


Encounter 1. Pit of water with a door at the bottom, the water is normal. Upon opening door the water falls onto a dirt ground which interns waters the bag of beans in the ground.

Encounter 2. An eversmoking bottle fills a room with 1 hidden door and a smoke elemental.

Encounter 3. a room laid out like a corn maze permanently darkened and filled with 4 wraiths or spirit trolls each having 1 pinch of dust of dissaperance( Ok, That might be a little cruel).

Encounter 4. A "Room" that you have to walk down a 10' wide hallway that skirts the perimeter in the the room are 2 imps each possessing a ring of spell storing. Having the spells Forcecage, cloudkill and delayed blast fireball pick your level. Me I would go 23rd.

Ok, you build the rest but I would include a simulacrum nuking said party from a distance that has many obstacles.

Liberty's Edge

Just tell him that you have no desire to run a game of "Merchants and Markups"

Ooh Ooh can I play, lets pretend we are in tijuana trying to barter a sweet deal on blankets and chicklets

Liberty's Edge

Dot duh Dot Dot Dahhht.

Liberty's Edge

Your Academy could even be a kind of Winters Council. One that operated on Golarion through the Ages following Earthfall, doing what they could to protect the elves and elvish properties left behind. And would likely be offended by the elves who left returning saying, "We're back now, you poor, unfortunate forlorn. Just let us take over."

That totally fits with the whole shadow government as well as BBT's ideas of the medieval version of genetic research/mind control experiments.

Although the only differences between my character and a standard elf is that I am picturing him being a cross between a greyhawk 1E valley elf and a 2E dark sun elf( just not 6' tall) a lot more of a tribal look.

Man It 's giving me some ideas for a hi level game reminiscent of the X-Files

Liberty's Edge

I like the idea, perhaps this "academy" is run by a group similiar to our CIA, unbeknownest to Elven Rulers. this program falls under the "Black Budget" parameter.

A fully functioning Elf gate, Wow my DM will love it for campaign flavor. Just imagine the political implications if these secrets were comprimised.

Liberty's Edge

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Is this on Golarion?

Yes it is, Sorry for not mentioning that earlier

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So,I am looking for a some background flavor.

Our story so far..

Elves, ok we know a bunch of arrogant treehugers right...However, On an island hidden by ancient and powerful elven magic( I am kind of picturing the island from "Lost") there exists a breeding program/ academy designed for the protection on the elven race. These "students" are evaluated and trained in a specific school that that matches their particular strengths.

Even if this runs contrary to perceived Elven beliefs. These "War Wizards" are to be used in times of great need i.e. threats to elven independence/eradication.

So my question is What would you call this academy and/or group of students?

Also this is my prelimanary background story, if you have suggestions to add on that would be appreciated.

Liberty's Edge

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ROTRL Hmm. I am currently going through this module and have barely had time to buy a sandwich much less craft an item.

I suppose you could at the end I Don't know but by then it is a moot point anyway.

And as many have pointed out get rid of XP

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Summon Monster 4 This is the level when it becomes viable as far duration and choices with the caveat that you are not playing a summoner

I like fire shield alot as much for nostalgia as well as use

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