Azariya Arabani's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Knight Captain Amara.

Full Name

(The) Herald


Acro -2 Appr +0 Bluff +1 Climb -1 Diplo +7 Escape Artist -2 Fly -2 Heal +7 Intim +3 Know (Arc) +4 (Dung) +1 (Hist) +5 (Local) +1 (Nobil) +4 (Planes) +5 (Relig) +4 Perc +7 Ride -2 SM +7 SC +4 Stealth -2 Surv +3 Swim -1


Male Chelaxian Human Cleric/4 (HP 23/23 | AC:18 T:11 FF:17 | CMB:+5 CMD:16 | F:+4 R:+2 W:+7 (+2 vs Fear) | Init:+1 | Perc:+7 Normal | Move:30ft) | +1 Morningstar +7 (1d8+3/20x2) | CE DC14 6/6 HotA 6/6 VoM 6/6

About {The} Herald

Medium Male Humanoid (Human):

A gaunt middle aged man with clumps of wispy white hair extending in all directions as if trying to flee the madness in his brain, the Herald nonetheless is fit and able to hold his own in a fight. He's faced enough angry mobs to know how to land a punch and take one.

He cares little for personal cleanliness, but does it anyway because he recognizes that more people will listen to him if his beard is not too unkempt and he doesn't smell (quite so) bad.

The lines on his face are deep, but deeper still are the back of his eyes, which (if you look carefully) extend for hundreds of millions of light years. And way back in that darkness, something *moves*.

It is not recommended to look too deeply into his eyes.
6'1", 145 lb, 52 years old


He no longer has a name. He used to, before he was chosen as the Herald.

Once a moderately powerful wizard (or sorceror? his memories are fuzzy), skilled in the summoning of creatures of all Planes, one dark night by chance he caught the attention of an entity older than Time and more ravenous than a supermassive black hole (whatever that is). He now wanders the countryside warning the populace that She-He-Them-It is coming. She-Them lives (no, that's the wrong word - *exists*) beyond the stars, beyond the night, beyond the edge of consciousness, beyond the veil of reality. And now that They-He knows of our existence, They-It are coming.

This doesn't make sense, you say? Ha! That's only the start of it. Prepare! Prepare! We have only 10,000 years to prepare! We will not be ready! He-Them thinks I am preparing the world for them, but instead I am warning you! You know not the danger of which you laugh.

The Herald's most prominent vestment is his large rectangular shield, covered top to bottom, back and front, with equations, quotes, prose, mathematical graphs, and intricate drawings of geometric figures which seem to get more detailed the closer you look. The Herald understands only a tiny portion of it at any one time, but he understands more and more every day. This worries him more than he can express.

Every night, he wakes up screaming in terror, imbued with the spells he will need for the coming day. He does not choose them, but they have an uncanny knack for being the spells he needs.

His goal is to seek a creature so horrible, so breathtakingly terrible, that it can consume his soul completely and forever. Only this way can he escape the fate that awaits him when It-She arrives.


Max HP 23 ((d8)+0)x4 Initiative +1 Vision Normal Move 30ft BAB +3
Init=(Dex +1)

Classes/Alignment/Deity/XP/Prestige/Point Buy:

Classes Cleric 4 Favored Class Cleric Alignment Chaotic Neutral Deity Shyka XP 9 PP 18 Point Buy 20

AC 18 (Touch 11, Flat Footed 17):

(Base +10, Armor +4, Shield +3, Dex +1, Size +0, Natural Armor +0, Dodge +0, Deflection +0)
Spell Failure 70% Armor Check -12 Max Dex +2 SR 0%

Fort +4 Refl +2 Will +7 (+2 vs Fear):

Fortitude Base +4 Con +0 Magic +0
Reflex Base +1 Dex +1 Magic +0
Will Base +4 Wis +3 Magic +0 Feat +2 vs. Fear


+ Acrobatics -2 (DEX +1, Ranks +0, Armor -1, Shield -2, Encumbrance -0)
* Appraise +0 (INT +0, Ranks +0)
+ Bluff +1 (CHA +1, Ranks +0)
+ Climb -1 (STR +2, Ranks +0, Armor -1, Shield -2, Encumbrance -0)
* Craft (Untrained) +0 (INT +0, Ranks +0)
* Diplomacy +7 (CHA +3, Ranks +1, Class +3)
+ Disguise +3 (CHA +3, Ranks +0)
+ Escape Artist -2 (DEX +1, Ranks +0, Armor -1, Shield -2, Encumbrance -0)
+ Fly -2 (DEX +1, Ranks +0, Armor -1, Shield -2, Encumbrance -0)
* Heal +7 (WIS +3, Ranks +1, Class +3)
+ Intimidate +3 (CHA +3, Ranks +0)
* Knowledge, Arcana +4 (INT +0, Ranks +1, Class +3)
* Knowledge, Dungeoneering +1 (INT +0, Ranks +1)
* Knowledge, History +5 (INT +0, Ranks +1, Class +3, Trait +1)
* Knowledge, Local +1 (INT +0, Ranks +1)
* Knowledge, Nobility +4 (INT +0, Ranks +1, Class +3)
* Knowledge, Planes +5 (INT +0, Ranks +1, Class +3, Trait +1)
* Knowledge, Religion +4 (INT +0, Ranks +1, Class +3)
* Linguistics +0 (INT +0, Ranks +0)
+ Perception +7 (WIS +3, Ranks +4)
+ Perform (Dance) +3 (CHA +3, Ranks +0)
* Profession +3 (WIS +3, Ranks +0)
+ Ride -2 (DEX +1, Ranks +0, Armor -1, Shield -2, Encumbrance -0)
* Sense Motive +7 (WIS +3, Ranks +1, Class +3)
* Spellcraft +4 (INT +0, Ranks +1, Class +3)
+ Stealth -2 (DEX +1, Ranks +0, Size +0, Armor -1, Shield -2, Encumbrance -0)
+ Survival +3 (WIS +3, Ranks +0)
+ Swim -1 (STR +2, Ranks +0, Armor -1, Shield -2, Encumbrance -0)
(* = Class Skill, + = Useable Untrained)
Concentration (Cleric) +9 (CL (+4) + Ability (+3) + Trait (+2))

Languages: Common

=== Special Qualities ===
Vision of Madness Melee touch gives +2 to choice of (Attacks, Saves, Skills) but -2 to the other two; 3 rds, 6/day
Hand of the Acolyte (Su) Single thrown ranged attack using a melee weapon at a range of 30 feet; attack uses Wis mod instead of Dex; damage adds Str mod; 6/day
Channel Positive Energy (Selective) 2d6 positive, 30ft radius, Will DC14 half damage, 6/day total
Channel Negative Energy (Selective) 1d6 positive, 30ft radius, Will DC14 half damage, 6/day total
Saving Shield Immediate action: Adjacent ally gets +2 Shield AC bonus.
vs. Outsiders +1 Spell Penetration
Shield of Faith (wand) +2 AC (Deflection) 1 min
Stabilize (wand) Range 30ft

=== Weapons === BAB +3 STR +2 DEX +1 WIS +3
+1 Morningstar +7 (1d8+3 ×2) B/P
+1 Morningstar, HotA +8 (1d8+3 ×2) B/P 30ft
Dagger +5 (1d4+2 19-20/×2) P/S 10ft
Sling +4 (1d4+2 ×2) B 50ft
Unarmed Strike: +5 (1d3+2 x2) B nonlethal
Alchemist's Fire +4 (1d6/20x2) fire + 1 splash + 1d6/20x2 fire delayed 1 rd; 10ft

=== Spells === *=Domain +=Spontaneous
Cleric 2 DC15 3+1/day
Admonishing Ray Ev [force],VS,Close,1+(level-3)/4 rays,Instant,none,SR yes Nonlethal rays 4d6 Force each, targets withing 30 ft of each other
Burst Of Radiance Ev [good,light],VSF,Long,10ft rad burst,instant,Refl partial,SR yes Blinded (fail) or Dazzled (succeed) 1d4 rds; Evil creatures take 1d4/lvl regardless of save, max 5d4
Silence I (glamer),VS,Long,20ft radius,1 rd/lvl,Will neg or none (object),SR yes Silence
*Touch Of Idiocy En compulsion [mind-affecting],VS,Touch,living creature,10 min/lvl,none,SR yes Creature takes 1d6 penalty to INT, WIS, and CHA

+Cure Moderate Wounds C healing,VS,Touch,creature touched,Instant,Will half,SR yes 2d8+lvl healed, max 2d8+10

Cleric 1 DC14 4+1/day
Bless En compulsion,VSF,50ft,allies 50ft radius,1 min/lvl,none,SR yes +1 Attack, +1 Save vs. Fear
Barbed Chains C summoning [emotion,fear,mind-affecting],VSM,Close,summoned chain,instant,Will partial,SR no (lvl+2/3) Sharpened chains appear and strike target(s) using your BAB + Spellcasting stat, 1d6 Slashing or Trip maneuver; on hit, Will save or Shaken 1d4 rds
Command En (compulsion) [language, mind-affecting],V,Close,one living creature,1 rd,Will neg,SR y Approach, Drop, Fall, Flee, Halt
*Confusion, Lesser En compulsion [mind-affecting],VSF,Close,one living creature,1 rd,Will neg,SR yes Creature is confused 1 round
Ray Of Sickening N,VSM,Close,ray,1 min/lvl,Fort neg,SR yes Target sickened

+Cure Light Wounds C healing,VS,Touch,creature touched,Instant,Will half,SR yes d8+lvl healed, max d8+5

Cleric 0 DC13 unlimited use
Create Water C creation [water],VS,Close,2 gal/lvl,Instant,none,SR no Create clean water
Detect Magic D,VS,60ft,cone,Concentration 1 min/lvl,none,SR no More information the longer you detect
Guidance D,VS,Touch,creature touched,until discharge,Will neg,SR yes +1 single Attack, Save, or Skill
Light Ev [light],VMF,Touch,object touched,10 min/lvl,none,SR no As torch, 20ft radius normal, 40ft radius dim

CMB/CMD Grapple +5/16 Trip +5/16 Disarm +5/16 Sunder +5/16 BullRush +5/16 Overrun +5/16
CMB = BAB (+3) + STR (+2) + Size (+0), CMD = 10 + BAB (+3) + STR (+2) + DEX (+1) + Size (+0)

Ability Scores: STR 14 (+2) DEX 12 (+1) CON 10 (+0) INT 10 (+0) WIS 17 (+3) CHA 16 (+3)


Armored Coat, masterwork (200gp, AC +4, Max Dex +3, Armor Check -1, Arcane Failure 20%, 20ft/15ft, 20 lbs)
Shield +1, large metal (1170gp, AC +3, Max Dex -, Armor Check –2, Arcane Failure 15%, 15 lbs)
Dagger, Alchemical Silver
+1 Morningstar
Sling (—,—)
x2 Bullets, sling (10)
Alchemist's Fire
x2 Acid flask
Alchemical Glue
Alkali flask
x10 Oil flask
Rope, silk 50ft
Cleric's vestments
Pathfinder's Kit
Survival Kit
Wand of Cure Light Wounds 45/50 charges
Wand of Shield of Faith 49/50 charges
Wand of Stabilize 50/50 charges
coins (1700.7gp)
Weight Allowance: Light 58 Medium 116 Heavy 175

=== Feats ===
Selective Channeling When you channel energy, you can choose a number of targets in the area up to your Charisma modifier. These targets are not affected by your channeled energy.
Saving Shield Whenever an adjacent ally is the target of an attack, you can, as an immediate action, grant that adjacent ally a +2 shield bonus to AC. You must be wielding a light shield, heavy shield, or tower shield to use this feat.
Versatile Channeler You may choose to channel negative energy as if your effective cleric level were 2 levels lower than normal.

=== Class Features ===
Weapon and Armor Proficiency Clerics are proficient with all simple weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields). Clerics are also proficient with the favored weapon of their deities.
Spells A cleric casts divine spells which are drawn from the cleric spell list. Her alignment, however, may restrict her from casting certain spells opposed to her moral or ethical beliefs; see Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells. A cleric must choose and prepare her spells in advance.
Channel Positive Energy (Su) A good cleric channels positive energy and can choose to deal damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures. Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all undead creatures in a 30-foot radius centered on the cleric. Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the cleric's level + the cleric's Charisma modifier. A cleric may channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A cleric can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect.
Spontaneous Casting A good cleric can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that she did not prepare ahead of time. The cleric can “lose” any prepared spell that is not an orison or domain spell in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower.

=== Madness Domain ===
Vision of Madness (Sp) You can give a creature a vision of madness as a melee touch attack. Choose one of the following: attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. The target receives a bonus to the chosen rolls equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum +1) and a penalty to the other two types of rolls equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum –1). This effect fades after 3 rounds. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.


Aura of Madness (Su) At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot aura of madness for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. Enemies within this aura are affected by confusion unless they make a Will save with a DC equal to 10 + ½ your Cleric level + your Wisdom modifier. The confusion effect ends immediately when the creature leaves the area or the aura expires. Creatures that succeed on their saving throw are immune to this aura for 24 hours. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Domain Spells 1st-Lesser Confusion, 2nd—Touch Of Idiocy, 3rd—Rage, 4th—Confusion, 5th—Nightmare, 6th—Phantasmal Killer, 7th—Insanity, 8th—Scintillating Pattern, 9th—Weird.

=== Magic Domain ==
Hand of the Acolyte (Su) You can cause your melee weapon to fly from your grasp and strike a foe before instantly returning. As a standard action, you can make a single attack using a melee weapon at a range of 30 feet. this attack is treated as a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, except that you add your Wisdom modifier to the attack roll instead of your Dexterity modifier (damage still relies on Strength). this ability cannot be used to perform a combat maneuver. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.


Dispelling Touch (Sp) At 8th level, you can use a targeted Dispel Magic effect as a melee touch attack. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level and one additional time per day for every four cleric levels beyond 8th.

Domain Spells 1st—Identify, 2nd—Magic Mouth, 3rd—Dispel Magic, 4th—Imbue With Spell Ability, 5th—Spell Resistance, 6th—Antimagic Field, 7th—Spell Turning, 8th—Protection From Spells, 9th—Mage's Disjunction.

=== Racial Qualities ===
Bonus Feat Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

=== Traits ===
Focused Mind Your childhood was either dominated by lessons of some sort (be they musical or academic) or by a horrible home life that encouraged your ability to block out distractions to focus on the immediate task at hand. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Concentration checks.
Scholar of the Great Beyond (Knowledge Planes) Your greatest interests as a child did not lie with current events or the mundane - you have always felt out of place, as if you were born in the wrong era. You take to philosophical discussions of the Great Beyond and of historical events with ease. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (History) and Knowledge (Planes) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

=== Meta ===

Bot me if:
If you're motivated enough to find this and I'm holding up the game, go ahead and bot me. Feel free to use any consumables (potions, spells, daily abilities, etc.) that you feel are necessary to get the job done.

Levelup History:

1 Cleric HP d8+0=8 ST 13+2-1 (3 pts) DX 13-1 (3 pts) CN 11-1 (1 pts) IN 9+1 (-1 pts) WS 15+1 (7 pts) CH 15+1 (7 pts)
Skills 2+1+1: Knowledge History, Knowledge Planes, Spellcraft, *Perception
Feats: Selective Channeling, Saving Shield
2 Cleric HP d8+0=5
Skills 2+1+1: Diplomacy, Heal, Sense Motive, *Perception
3 Cleric HP d8+0=5
Skills 2+1+1: Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge Nobility, Knowledge Religion, *Perception
Feat: Versatile Channeler
4 Cleric HP d8+0=5
Ability: WS
Skills 2+1: Intimidate, Perception, Survival
Favored Class: +1 Spell Penetration vs. Outsiders

Pathfinder Society:

Player: Caro Cogitatus
Character: (The) Herald
PFS#: 106336-15
Faction: Liberty's Edge
Day Job: Preaching in the town square. Not much money in it, actually. Mostly rotten fruit.
#7 Among The Living #58030 +1XP, +2PP, +420gp; buy mwk morningstar -308gp, Wand CLW -2PP
#49 Among The Dead #58030 +1XP, +2PP, +509gp; buy mwk armored coat -200gp
GM101 Phantom Phenomena #96163 +1XP, +2PP, +500gp; buy 2 acid, 1 alkali, 10 oil, 1 alchemical glue -20-15-1-20; Wand Shield of Faith -750gp
Draw from the Deck You have recovered a psychically charged harrow deck, commonly used for telling fortunes. You can expend its remaining energy to draw a card at random as a standard action, and you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to the ability score that matches the suit of the card drawn until the end of the adventure. If you do not have a harrow deck available, instead roll 1d6 to determine the suit (1 is Strength, 2 is Dexterity, 3 is Constitution, 4 is Intelligence, 5 is Wisdom, and 6 is Charisma). When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.
Impressive Find A representative from the Pathfnder Society—an organization of archaeologists and explorers—has heard of your discoveries in Ustalav and invites you to join the Society as a field agent. Once you earn 12 or more Fame, your superiors award you one additional Prestige Point (but not Fame) in recognition of your excellence. You cannot have more Prestige Points than Fame, and if you would exceed this maximum, the bonus Prestige Point must be spent immediately or lost.
Well-Earned Reward Dr. Quolorum’s principle interest in these missions was uncovering the secret behind the strange phenomena near Lantern Lake, and any treasure recovered was merely a pleasant surprise. Although a share of the treasure was not in the original contract, he subsidizes the cost as a favor to you. You may purchase any of the three treasures below at a reduced price: gloves of swimming and climbing (5,000 gp), necklace of fireballs (300 gp), and robe of useful items (2,500 gp).
The Prince of Augustana #152539 +1XP, +2PP, +462gp
Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible #253109 +1XP, +2PP, +553gp
#5-22 Scars of the Third Crusade +1XP, +2PP, +510gp; upgrade to Heavy Steel Shield +1 -1150gp; purchase wand of Stabilize -375gp
#6-12 Scions Of The Sky Key, Part 1 +1XP, +2PP, +1194gp
#6-12 Scions Of The Sky Key, Part 2 +1XP, +2PP, +1175gp; upgrade Mwk morningstar to +1 Morningstar -2000gp
Gripplis' Favor +2 CHA-based checks to influence Gripplies.
#6-16 Scions Of The Sky Key, Part 3 +1XP, +2PP, +1209gp;
Sky Key Component (Sargava) You have recovered one of the five lost components of the Sky Key.
() Stinkeye's Friend One time only, gain +4 vs. Gaze attack.
Blade of the Open Road Longswords specialized vs. Aspis Consortium are available to you.