Vencarlo Orinsini

Azar Varthuun's page

No posts. Organized Play character for AdAstraGames.

Full Name

Azar Varthuun




Fighter 1/Sorcerer 6/Eldritch Knight 2




Medium - 6'3, 230 lbs




Chaotic Good



Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Azar Varthuun

Build Info:
Stats: STR: 15+1[+2] [7] DEX 14 [5] CON 13+1 [3] INT 10 WIS 10 CHA 14+2=16 [5]


Indomitable Faith (+1 Will Save),
Magical Lineage [Scorching Ray] -1 spell level when applying Metamagic to a Scorching Ray spell.
1st: Toughness, +1 HP per level, first 3 levels front-loaded.
1st: Power Attack, -2 to hit, +6 to damage with 2 handed sword.
1st: Weapon Focus: Greatsword
3rd: Arcane Strike
5th: Still Spell
7th: Furious Focus
8th: Cleave (Combat, Eldritch Knight)
9th: Vital Strike

Favored Class: Sorcerer: Arcane Bloodline [Bonded Item: Ring]
Level 2: Skill Point
Level 3: Hit Point
Level 4: Hit Point
Level 5: Extra 1st level spell (True Strike).
Level 6: Extra 1st level spell (Liberating Command).
Level 7: Extra 2nd level spell (Blur)

PFS Info - 23 XP, 18/42 PA:

First Steps - Part I: 1 XP, 2 PA
First Steps - Part II: 1 XP, 2 PA
First Steps - Part III: 1 XP, 2 PA
Silent Tide: 1 XP, 2 PA
Godsmouth Heresy: 3 XP, 4 PA
Devil You Know - Part I (Tier 1-2): 1 XP, 2 PA
Devil You Know - Part II (Tier 3-4: 1 XP, 2 PA
Devil You Know - Part III (Tier 3-4): 1 XP, 2 PA
Song of the Sea Witch (GM Credit, Tier 3-4): 1 XP, 2 PA
Frozen Fingers of Midnight (Tier 4-5): 1 XP, 2 PA
In Wrath's Shadow (Tier 6-7): 1 XP, 2 PA
Devil You Know - Part IV (Tier 6-7): 1 XP, 2 PA
Heresy of Man Part I (Tier 5-6) 1 XP, 2 PA
Fortunes Blight (Tier 5-6), 1 XP, 2 PA
Storming the Diamond Gate (Tier 6-7), 1 XP, 2 PA
The Pallid Plague (Tier 6-7), 1 XP, 2 PA
My Enemy's Enemy (Tier 6-7), 1 XP, 2 PA
The Bitter End (Tier 10-11), 1 XP, 2 PA
Shattered Star, Book 2, 3 SP, 4 PA
Red Harvest (GM Credit), 1 XP, 2 PA

Spent 2 PA on Wand of Comprehend Language
Spent 2 PA on Wand of Mage Armor
Spent 2 PA on Hunting Lodge Vanity. Survival as Job Skill.
Spent 18 PA and 6,750 gold on the acrimony veil.

Stat Block:

Azar Varthuun, CG Fighter 1, Sorcerer 6, Eldritch Knight 2.
AC: 10+10+2+1+1=24/28, HP: 74, Init +2
BAB: +6/+1
Melee: 6+4+1+1=12, 2d6+6+6+1+2=2d6+15 19-20/x2 (Great Sword)
Ranged: +7 vs Touch for 4d6+2 x1.5 fire.
CMB: +7, CMD: 19
Saves: Fort: +9, Ref: +5, Will: +7
Senses: Perception +0
Languages: Common, Ulfen

Skills, 25 of 25 ranks spent:

Survival: +5 (2 ranks, 3 class, 0 WIS)
Handle Animal: +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 CHA)
Intimidate: +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 CHA)
Bluff: +12 (6 rank, 3 class, 3 CHA)
Climb: +3 (1 rank, 3 class, 4 STR, -5 ACP)
Knowledge (local): +5 (2 rank, 3 class, 0 INT)
Knowledge (arcana): +5 (2 rank, 3 class, 0 INT)
Knowledge (nobility): +5 (2 rank, 3 class, 0 INT)
Linguistics: +1 (1 rank, 0 class, 0 INT)
Spellcraft: +8 (5 rank, 3 class, 0 INT)
Swim: +3 (1 rank, 3 class, 4 STR, -5 ACP)
Use Magic Device: +8 (2 rank, 3 class, 3 CHA)
Perception: +0

Spellcasting, Traits, Bloodline Abilities & Spells:

+1 to Save DC of spell when using Metamagic Feats.

Arcane Bond [Magic Ring] +1 spontaneous spell per day, at any level I can cast. Enchanted as a Lesser Ring of Spell Storing.[] [][][]

Metamagic Adept: Cast a spell with Metamagic enhancement at normal casting time. Once per day []

0: Acid Orb, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Light; Prestidigitation; Message
1: [][][][][][][]:
Shield; Ray of Enfeeblement, (DC 14), 1d6+2 STR Damage; Identify (BL); Expeditious Retreat; True Strike* (FC); Liberating Command* (FC);
Still Acid Orb*
2: [][][][][][]
Still Scorching Ray*, Still Identify*, Still Shield*; Still Ray of Enfeeblement (DC 15)*; Still Expeditious Retreat*; Invisibility; See Invisible#, Blur*
3: [][][][]

Equipment, 150 Initial
First Steps Part I = 417 GP
First Steps Part II = 419 GP
First Steps Part III = 401 GP
Silent Tide = 453 GP
Devil We Know Part I = 538 GP
Devil We Know Part II = 1,266 GP
Devil We Know Part III = 1,279 GP
Godsmouth Heresy = 1,398 GP
Song of the Sea Witch (GM Credit) = 1,315 GP
Frozen Fingers of Midnight = 1,268 GP
In Wrath's Shadow = 3,260 GP
Devil We Know Part IV = 3,160 GP
Heresy of Man, Part I = 2,592 GP
Fortune's Blight = 2,534+10 GP
Storming the Diamond Gate = 3208+50 GP
The Pallid Plague = 3,419+20 GP
My Enemy's Enemy = 3,187+10 GP
Lost at the Bitter End = 7,540+50 GP
Shattered Star, Book 2 = 11,787 GP
Total: 49,731, 401 unspent:

Equipment Consumed:
Greatsword (Sold) -25 GP
Scale Armor (Sold) -25 GP
Spell Purchased: 1 casting of Lead Blades into ring: -10 GP
Antiplague 3 doses: -150 GP

1 masterwork greatsword (350 GP)
+1 enchantment on MW Greatsword (2,000 GP)
1 gold ring (0 GP - see Sorcerer)
Lesser Spell Storing Enchantment (9,000 GP)
Belt of +2 STR (4,000 GP)
Mithral Plate Armor (11,500 GP)
+1 Enhancement on Mithral Plate Armor (1,000 GP)
50 feet of silk rope (10 GP)
Wand of Mage Armor (2 PA) (33/50)
Wand of Comprehend Languages (2 PA) (39/50)
Veil of Acrimony (18 PA, 6,750 GP)
Lesser Rod of Extend Spell (3,000 GP)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (2,000 GP)
Sash of the War Champion (4,000 GP)
Gloves of Arcane Striking (5,000 GP)
Cloak of Resistance +1 (1,000 GP)

901 GP unspent.


Azar Varthuun is a tall, broad shouldered man with shoulder length blond hair, an even, teutonic face and pale complexion, dressed in either drab clothes with minimal embroidery, or scale armor with a greatsword across is back. He speaks with a slight Ulfen accent, and looks older than he is.


Azar's parents are fiefholders in the Land of the Linnorm Kings, and his father's line is known for witch-blood. His great grandfather was a reknowned fighter, blessed with the ability to dodge blows and a seeming knack for figuring out what his opponents were thinking. Unfortunately, the petty wars of the Lands meant that it was best to send Azar away - far away - to keep him alive. He was given a sword, a horse, a suit of scale mail, and a signet ring made by his aunt with family relics. His aunt says that he has a great wyrd before him, and it's his duty to learn as much as he can before returning home, and to walk many paths that he might rule well and wisely.

He suspects his parents will be dead by the time he returns, and feels some shame for being shuffled off to (comparative) safety while his family is at risk, but his father spake thus with the voice of fate.

Advancement Plan:

Eldritch Knight 1 (BAB +5, CL 7th): +1 CON, Arcane Strike,
0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Light, Prestidigitation, Daze, Mending, Detect Poison
1: Shield, Magic Missile, Identify, True Strike*, Expeditious Retreat (FC), Grease, Ray of Enfeeblement (FC)
2: Still Scorching Ray*%, Still Grease*, Still Shield*, Still Magic Missile*, Still Expeditious Retreat*, Still Ray of Enfeeblement*, Protection From Arrows#, Invisibility (BL), Stone Call (FC),
3: Resist Energy (communal)#, Still Stone Call*, Still Toppling Magic Missile*, Still Invisibility*
HP: 51+6+1+1=59
Melee: +5+4+1+2-2=+9 to hit for 2d6+6+6+2+2.
Ranged: Still Magic Missile x4, or Scorching Ray x2 at 5+3=+8 vs Touch AC
Equipment: Improve STR belt to STR+CON belt; improve sword to +2.

Eldritch Knight 2 (BAB +6, CL 8th): Vital Strike.
0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Light, Prestidigitation, Daze, Mending, Detect Poison
1: Shield, Magic Missile, Identify, True Strike*, Expeditious Retreat (FC), Grease, Ray of Enfeeblement (FC)
2: Still Scorching Ray*%, Still Grease*, Still Shield*, Still Magic Missile*, Still Expeditious Retreat*, Still Ray of Enfeeblement*, Protection From Arrows#, Invisibility (BL), Stone Call (FC), False Life##
3: Resist Energy (communal)#, Still Stone Call*, Still Toppling Magic Missile*, Displacement*, Still Invisibility*
HP: 56+6+1+1=64
Melee: +6+4+1+2-2=+11 to hit for 4d6+6+6+2+2, or +11/+6 to hit for 2d6+6+6+2+2
Ranged: Still Magic Missile x4, or Scorching Ray x2 at 6+3=+9 vs Touch AC
Equipment: Mithral Full Plate +1 or +2

Eldritch Knight 3 (BAB +7, CL 9th):
0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Light, Prestidigitation, Daze, Mending, Detect Poison
1: Shield, Magic Missile, Identify, True Strike*, Expeditious Retreat (FC), Grease, Ray of Enfeeblement (FC)
2: Still Scorching Ray*%, Still Grease*, Still Shield*, Still Magic Missile*, Still Expeditious Retreat*, Still Ray of Enfeeblement*, Protection From Arrows#, Invisibility (BL), Stone Call (FC), False Life##
3: Resist Energy (communal)#, Still Stone Call*, Still Toppling Magic Missile*, Still Invisibility*, Displacement*
4: Dimension Door*
HP: 64+6+1+1=72
Melee: +7+4+1+3-2=+13 to hit for 4d6+6+6+3+2, or +13/+8 to hit for 1d10+6+6+4
Ranged: Still Magic Missile x5, or Still Scorching Ray x2 at 7+3=+10 vs Touch AC
Equipment: Enchant sword to +3, CHA circlet to +4, Enchant Armor.

Eldritch Knight 4 (BAB +8, CL 10th): Empower Spell
0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Light, Prestidigitation, Daze, Mending, Detect Poison
1: Shield, Magic Missile, Identify, True Strike*, Expeditious Retreat (FC), Grease, Ray of Enfeeblement (FC)
2: Still Scorching Ray*%, Still Grease*, Still Shield*, Still Magic Missile*, Still Expeditious Retreat*, Still Ray of Enfeeblement*, Protection From Arrows#, Invisibility (BL), Stone Call (FC), False Life##
3: Resist Energy (communal)#, Still Stone Call*, Still Toppling Magic Missile*, Still Invisibility*, Displacement*, Lightning Bolt,
4: Dimension Door*, Still Lightning Bolt*, Still Empowered Scorching Ray*%,
Melee: +8+4+1+4-3=+14 to hit for 4d6+6+9+4+3, or +14/+9 to hit for 2d6+6+9+4+3.
Ranged: Still Magic Missile x5, or Still Empowered Scorching Ray x2 at 8+3=+11 vs Touch AC, or 10d6 Still Lightning Bolt at a save DC of 10+3+5+1=19
Equipment: Enchant sword to +4.

Eldritch Knight 5 (BAB+9, CL 11th): +1 CHA, Weapon Spec: Greatsword
0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Light, Prestidigitation, Daze, Mending, Detect Poison
1: Shield, Magic Missile, Identify, True Strike*, Expeditious Retreat (FC), Grease, Ray of Enfeeblement (FC)
2: Still Scorching Ray*%, Still Grease*, Still Shield*, Still Magic Missile*, Still Expeditious Retreat*, Still Ray of Enfeeblement*, Protection From Arrows#, Invisibility (BL), Stone Call (FC), False Life##
3: Resist Energy (communal)#, Still Stone Call*, Still Toppling Magic Missile*, Still Invisibility*, Displacement*, Lightning Bolt,
4: Dimension Door*, Still Lightning Bolt*, Still Empowered Scorching Ray,
5: Stoneskin (communal)#, Still Empowered Stone Call*,Empowered Lightning Bolt,
Melee: +9+4+1+5-3=+16 to hit for 2d10+6+9+5+3+2, or +16/+11 to hit for 1d10+6+9+5+3+2.
Ranged: Still Magic Missile x5, or Still Empowered Scorching Ray*% x3 at 9+3=+12 vs Touch AC, or 10d6 Still Lightning Bolt at a save DC of 10+3+6+1=20
Equipment: Manual for +1 CHA.