Avarna's page

Organized Play Member. 33 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Hello. I've recently started running the STAP with a group of players over Roll20. and decided to start a journal of the adventure so far. We are using a 25pt build, with pathfinder races and classes, but taking from 3.5 when it suits me.

Malachi: male Human Swashbuckler
Hunts-The-Seas: ? Seascared Bloodrager
Moishe: male Human cleric
Iiysavel: female aasimar arcanist

Session Zero:
This was our first session. It was little more then Be being a cat herder, getting things organized, making characters etc... nothing excited.

Session one:

The player characters responded to the message from Lavinia, Malachi made certain to give Liamea a flirting smile, which she responded in kind when the two groups of adventurers passed each other. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, and they made their way to the Blue Nixie.

Malachi made a knowledge local roll to see what he knew about Vark, and learned that he was a smuggler that did business with the Lotus Dragons. This gave him the bright idea to try to get aboard the ship by posing as messengers from the Lotus Dragons. Vark didn't fall for it, and attacked. Shooting crossbow bolts down at the group in their boat. This is when Hunt-The-Seas jumps out of the water in shark form, and grabs Vark dragging him under at negative HP. This was enough by itself to cause the rest of the thugs to scatter. 100 feet is nothing with Hunts swim speed, it was nothing for Hunts to drag Vark to shore, only to catch sight of the fire and make her way back to the boat just in time to help put down the Rhagodessa. Of course Vark stabilizes and the rest of the thugs run off with him....

Session Two:

With the signet ring in hand, the group head to the Vanderboren Vault. With Lavinia with them, they have no issues getting into the castle and down into the vault. Malachi takes the lead, so is of course the one attacked by the Iron Cobra. The fight ensures With Malachi failing multiple fort saves against the strength sapping poison (Taking a total of 9 points of str damage) Finally Moishe puts things together and gets Lavinia to display the ring. The riddle gave them some issues, and there was a short argument over should the linguist skill let them auto-solve riddles... Eventually with some heavy hints they figured it out..

Session Three (tonight's session)

Having spent some downtime to let Malachi recover from his str damage, They were all invited back to the Vanderboren estate. I decided that this was enough time for the Jade Ravens to return from Caudron, so they joined the group for dinner with Lavinia. Liamea and Malachi flirted some more, and the group finally selected a group name, Selecting the Storm Ravens. Lavinia brought the dinner to a close, with a toast to the two teams of adventurers and the continued fortunes for them all. The Jade Ravens then retired to the parlor, while Lavinia gave the group their new mission, to track down Vanthus.

So far I'm happy with the progress that's been made. Tonight session was cut short by one of the players being called into work early. I wanted to give the players more time to get to know the Jade Ravens before their appearance in the next module. One of the things that has drawn me to Savage Tide over some of the older APs was how they seem to encourage relationships with the NPCs more then in Age of Worms or Shackled City.