Paracount Julistar

Aurelius Flavius's page

368 posts. Alias of Mightypion.


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Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

bluff: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19

Attacked? Number, location and type of enemies. Aurelius says as he puts on his best tiefling Paladin impressonation.

If you do not know, location suffices.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

May I enquire about your own faith Lady Loredana?

My own actual liege, Lord Malacoda, known as the fatherless, known as the lord of Bastards, may have some... spiritual relevance. Although there could have been... better solutions to your issue, such as splitting. After all, if he returns to Nidal, why would you have to follow?

Aurelius asks, seeking an opportunity for manipulation

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

kn. religion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Significant failures for me are more like, wrong knowledge then no knowledge, as such

Isnt that the symbol of the s@%$ty sin Socothbenoth? Effing Nocticulas Ex and brother because OF COURSE? Demonlord of rape, perversion and all the things Nocticula is to stylish and cultured for? F$!#, did I just compliment the big-boned-bat-b!@~#? Also, how much suspicion do I draw upon myself by revealing I know how Sucks-his-own-cocknoths symbol looks like?

Aurelius makes a bit of an identification mistake

sense motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
She is hiding something, probably that she killed him, and probably good riddance. Hmm, Nocticula and Socothbenoth hate each other... Oh f$&! is Loredana one of hers?

Aurelius is paranoid, jumps to conclusions and is actively unwise. He will think that the fair Loredana is a Nocticula cultist out to get him, maybe.

bluff: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Aurelius keeps a completel impenetrable poker face as his mind jumps to some dangerous conclusions, taking into account both the unholy symbol and his suprisingly good lie detection.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Aurelis casts Cure Light wounds targetting the his pinned ally

CLW: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

He is not completely cocooned and unable to be touched yes?

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

kn religion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Hmm, it is not mindless since its speaking, and it its grappling him, so it cant interrupt me from casting a spell. I got an idea

A cunning plan forms in Aurelius mind

FALL! He bellows a command Command spell

Commanding the creature to Fall, DC 15 will save or be forced to stop what its doing, releasing the pin, and Fall instead

I like to roleplay failed kn. checks as having a good idea that is unlikely to work in practice. Its is likely immune to mind effecting stuff, but with an 8 Aurelius wont know that.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Paizo forums decided to not give me updates on this one for some reason, but it seemingly works again now!

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Guiliano! Hold on!

What the f~!~ is this thing!

kn religion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

f%!# if I know

bastard sword: 1d20 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 4 + 3 = 18 possibly +2 for flanking
damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Aurelius strikes again, this time more accurately

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Whatever the f*$* you are, DIE

Aurelis is pissed and strikes

attack: 1d20 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 3 = 14
damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

BLYAD he swears in Abyssal as he likely misses.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Aurelius, currently in his night gown, grabs his sword and shield.

Wake the others Sir Guiliano

He moves closer to the sound.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

With Jana

I wouldnt count out Groats ghost yet, the way the elemental collapsed into nothing after I hit it really hard to me implies it was summoned, rather then it having been there like... "normally" or having been "called". And we didnt kill anything that is in our view capable of summoning fire elementals, so no, area is not safe yet, just less unsafe for surroundings, I dont think the "whatever" can make as many fire elementals as it wants to, thats just not the way things work most of the time.

Not a lie

He pauses

Like, I have some degree of "familiarity" with extraplanars, and you probably heard of the difference between calling and summoning yourself? This is also important when it comes to planar outsiders with loot. If they were just summoned, their stuff devolves into goop, if they were called, you can actually pick their things up and sell them, or grab their body and sell that to the next not that reputable alchemist. And it very much was like the former, not the latter.

Aurelius goes into a short lecture of planar creatures and you, while pronouncing "familiarity" in a slightly comedic fashion.

May need to figure out how to draw out the "whatever", which needs to be researched, perhaps something important in the "whatevers" mortal life?

Giving us a good excuse to find the relevant thingmajit

Overall situation is also mostly consistent with a haunt that summons fire elementals, in which case bugger me because that is not my specialty, but I can do positive energy, praise Nephtys for finding me funny, at least by touch if not by channel, so theres that.

Aurelius speaks, seemingly lost in thought

Aurelius plots to pretend to worship Nepthys, who is a) Neutral neutral and b) probably uninclined to mess much with him. Since his way of preventing being detected as a follower of a Malebranche is to cast misdirection on a random rock, that would even hold out under scrutitiny, unless the Iomedeans have somehow have an insinuator with detect neutral in their lineup, which I kind of doubt since thats an Antipaladin archetype.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Aurelis moves in behind Giuliano, winks at Jana and orders

Hmmm, I shall leave my dish to whatever your cook wishes to prepare at this moment, this seems the most fair test of his abilities for me.

He adds as he sits down talking to Giuliano, not super loud but easily overhearable.

So, you think the fiendish fire elementals, in that smithy have been dealt with? Just my intuition, but whatever caused them to be here may just be hiding until we arent there. I think we killed the elementals too quickly and rapidly, so whatever it is got too scared to fight itself. Probably best to not sell this as "done" yet, lest innocents poke around there and get burned.
At least the flames should not threaten neighbouring areas for now.

bluff: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27 +15 bonus if his racial +4 for lying applies here, his intention is to market the group as problem solvers, while also not having people poke in the smithy and run into Braccus

Maybe I should try to play a damsel in distress to attract evil enemies... Nah, I am only mildly less muscle packed then our Bloodrager. He muses

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Sinderbos? Details, if you seek its retrieval Aurelius interjects telepathically but does not manifest his mark

And what we ask of? Information, to restore order

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Posting will be sporadic over new year, so here is my contingency if Sercrutio shares his knowledge

if Sercrutio shares his observation:

Aurelius starts speaking
Is it one that is capable of the use of Telepathy? Such abilities are powerful for maintaing one ability to communicate with others. It would behove us to keep this in mind.

bluff to send a secret message to the devil: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

He specifically pronounces certain words more loudly, yet the communication is totally harmless otherwise.

Secret message is: Use Telepathy to communicate with us

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Once more into the flames!

Aurelius moves to strike at the flame, flanking with Guillaume, wielding bastard sword and shield.

bastard sword divine favor power attack: 1d20 + 4 + 3 + 2 - 1 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 4 + 3 + 2 - 1 + 2 = 30

+4 from str +3 from BAB +2 from divine favor -1 from power attack +2 from flanking

bastard sword divine favor power attack confirm: 1d20 + 4 + 3 + 2 - 1 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 4 + 3 + 2 - 1 + 2 = 27

damage: 1d10 + 4 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 4 + 2 + 2 = 17
+4 from str +2 from divine favor +2 from power attack

damage crit: 1d10 + 4 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 2 + 2 = 13

kn planes: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

I dont know what this is, but there is one less of them now. Hopefully

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Ambition bless me!

Aurelius casts divine favor.

I can detect magic as well, more eyes see more

Aurelius eyes shine in a blue light

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

GM approval:

Yessss child, use the fact that you are at least one quarter sex-demon! Embrace the proud heritage of the midnight isles! And Bards are great, one of the inn-and-outs I run is called "Bard and Breakfast"! Aurelius hears a mental voice, one that not infrequently messes with him

Keep the f*+& out of my datelife "mother", and what do you mean by at least one quarter? Also you are running an "inn-and-out"? I presume the bards are the breakfast? He shoots back angrily

As to your second question, more like 6, and, yes, for wealthy clients. Bards are expensive because they are pretty hard to keep alive in Alyushinyrra. As to your first there is a dramatic pause

Thehehehehehe Aurelius hears a giggle as the voice fades

I need to figure how that that b%!*+ is spying on me. At she probably is close. Aurelius thinks

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Aurelius wears his heavy armor, with a scabbard reading "Your uplifting message could be here" in celestial.

His armor is not super polished (if someone inquires why, he will say, not incorrectly, that gleaming armor can give an ambush away) but well kept.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

bluff its mostly half truth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33

Shall we start at the beginning? So, about 28 years + 9 months ago, an Alu-demon got really drunk and/or drugged up... Pretty sure it was an "and" not an or... She then decided to impersonate a spire devil the demons recently captured, probably because they read its true name in a toilet or something, and then thought it absolutely hilarious to do "I am a sire devil yesyes" impersonation Aurelius speaks with a fake somewhat too high male intonation

To some particularly inbred chelish very minor noble house, you know, the types that are so inept the Thrunies keep them around to automatically look competent in comparison? Which wished to alter its family web into a more tree like appearance. By useing a sire devil. Most cunning idea ever, especially since that Sire devil was actually an Alu-demon, or a half-Succubus, like, I would like to know whats the exact difference but I dont. Alas they didnt know that, although they could have, but you know, being good at actually identifying planar outsiders? Nah.

9 Months later, I happen, and there was much rejoicing because both I and my siblings are a lot more easy to distinguish from from a lemure then some other family members, comes with having chins, so great and cunning success yes?

Aurelius weaves a pretty hilarious and long tale, very loosely inspired by his actual background, finishing with

Look, I am university trained, and was actually decent at demonology, even got an extracurricular A+ once because I came up with "Nipplehands" as a slur for Glabrezu demons, and I barely managed to bugger off before some insane "researcher" got the funny idea to "objective measure" how annoyed a called Glabrezu would be at that term in comparison to more conventional insults. Like, the Kintargo university effing pioneered using Abrikandillu Demons as art critics, because the art they want to destroy the mostest must clearly be the bestest.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

before: Aurelius casts misdirection on him, targetting his bed, he knows pings as the alignment of the bed for most things

sense motive vs Jana: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Aurelius begins to look at Jana and says

The very abridged version is I killed a Hag. Apparently said Hag was a properly authentificated soul trader, so according to her infernal mabullshitties gouverment, I am now a murderer and assassin for hire.

He pauses

I mean, seriously, I wear about as much armor as friend Guillaume, which makes me roughly a stealthy as a Rhinoceros falling down a stairway. This makes the whole assassin thing a bit of a nonstarter.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

So, who other then me needs a misdirection for the audience?

Aurelius asks

I got one to spare

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

You have yourself a Hags Head good Sir. In terms of preservation of such trophies, how would one typically go about and do that? Is there like, gear and a quick consise guide for such things? I mostly did combat in build up enviroments, not much of a wilderness expert.

Aurelius strikes up a conversation as he pockets the money.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

My abilities are indeed of exceedingly little use against swarms, I can heal, to an extent, but only while combat is ongoing.

Aurelius nods

My thanks your aid Sir Alchemist, I am a sellsword, and from my experience, alchemists tend to pay reasonable rewards for well... rare specimen parts frequently procured during sellsword activities. I do have a Hags head for example.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Meanwhile, I was like "is this dead, I am not seeing new posts" and suddenly there were 16 of them.

The forums occassionally work in mysterious ways.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Aurelius can pass for anything useing misdirection, he will tend to cast it at a random alignment less stone, but he could cast it at someone good but stupid.

Still, he can very easily pretend to be true neutral without actively breaking character too much. He can include one other person into the misdirection, but thats his level 2 spells for the day.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Aurelius casts misdirection on himself, targetting a random stone. And then heads off to the marker in order to peddle the hags head, as well establish at least himself as a capable adventurer highly annoyed at Cheliax, who may be looking for adventurer work.

bluff to spread rumors: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Yikes, I posted twice, or at least I think I did, it may have been "lets hit preview, so I check how it comes out, and then I actually forget to hit submit post".

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

We should use words first, the words to fist transition is smooth and quick, the other way round is more complicated.

Aurelius offers

I do have the head of a hag, we can turn this into a spiel where we killed a hag, and were then nearly killed by thrune because the hag was a licensed soul trader.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Very well noble allies The tiefling Aurelius speaks

I can conceal our alignment from magical attempts to unveil it, but only twice per day, although such concealment lasts for 24 hours.

He pauses

One of them will be on myself, as my prowress and dedication to Lord Malacoda makes me shine on detect evil as if I were a cleric. I can cast it on one more, although this would be the totality of my spellcasting of this level. Perhaps Sir Fellizir, you have your own countermeasures prepared?

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

I am Aurelius, my talents lie in incantantions, some magics, and social engineering. I am also a somewhat capable fighter, although fighting Paladins fairly is best left to others.

The Omdura smiles

I serve Malacoda, infernal duke of bastards and ambition, I am certain that we will able to aid each other in unlocking our true potential.

kn planes DC 15:

Aurelius, while speaking with the accent of a nobleborn tiefling, is likely Demon, rather then devilspawn, he has also not given a surename.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

I derped with the divine favor, Aurelius is using a bastard sword 2 handed resulting in a +4 (strength) which increases to a +6 (because of two handed wielding) with divine favor being another 2 (+1 base from 4 caster levels, with an extra +1 for fates favored trait since any Luck bonus I get increases by 1). I accidently screwed up the divine favor calculation, as it is still a +1 base at my current caster level, rather then becoming a +2 above caster level 3. The +3 is from power attacking with a 2 handed weapon.


As he seeks to strike the hag again

attack power attack divine favor 2 handed: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23
damage: 1d10 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 18

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Face the fury of Cheliax! You unlicensed soultrader!

attack flank power attack divine favor: 1d20 + 12 - 1 ⇒ (18) + 12 - 1 = 29

damage: 1d10 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 2 + 3 + 3 = 14

Aurelius strikes again, this time far more effectively!

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2


Aurelius moves to strike the Hag with flanking

attack flanking divine favor: 1d20 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 19
damage: 1d10 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 3 = 9

Aurelius likely swings wide

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Hi, my posting had a bit of a lulch due to private life (need a new job which isnt great), but ti will pick up now.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Sorry for radio silence, I am getting back onto it.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

A good idea indeed! Lets makes Cheliax great again, one dead hag at a time!

Aurelius says as he begins his preperations.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Probably with a clever show trial, and then commute the "death by torture" which I am fairly certain is what Cheliax has on the books for treason, to a fairly clean death.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Yeap, something else that tends to work is group initiative (all players go, all enemies go), but it can go both ways.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Aurelius moves to the square one south of Cimri, and applies his bastard sword

attack: 1d20 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 4 + 3 = 17
damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

His blow, while heavy, is not the most accurate attack ever.

Have at thee, villain!

He intones in his best impersonation of a heroic crusading hero.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

A kid no longer but a hero of the Imperium!

Aurelius initiative may be really bad, but his Succubus derived power to rile up people out of turn is alive and well!

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

I for one am actually Abyss spawn, as certain individuals take great plesaure in informing me constantly. Aurelius merrily interjects to rile her up

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Looking at the map, yeap, hitting rhona with it, if it works she will probvoke from Cimri and G-Man.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Approach and be judged villain

Aurelius orders Parenna to approach him, through AoOs as he stays a bit behind Guillaume

On my phone, but given how slow I am that seems the nasties thing I can do

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Indeed, let us hurry! Both myself and Sir Guillaume are resistant to fire I believe!

Aurelius rushes in to save what can be saved

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

About to make a very bad winged hussars spoof of Sabaton, in which the winged hussars are a motly group of brigands who trip on the excrement of their own horses and get bankrupted because a 7 year old chelish boy scammed them out of their money with fake horse-parking fees.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Aurelius new gear:

--Feat at level 3 is heavy armor proficiency
--He buys a +1 full plate (2.5K)
--He gets a wand of infernal healing (750). Why infernal healing? Gives a good excuse as to why sometimes pinging as evil
--he buys a +1 buckler (1K) which replaces his heavy shield. No more hurriedly checking which spell is somatic, yay. Also makes it possible two wield bastard sword two handed
--He gets 2 spring loaded wrist sheeths, one of which contains the wand
--He inserts 2 hex nails into both of his boots.
--he rebuys a masterwork bastard sword for about 370 or so
--and has some money left for noble clothing

will get the sheet updated today

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

I love stagger proof boots, which I would prefer over a belt, for also 2K. It goes a long way to solve my 20 feet a turn mobility issues, I can stand up from prone without provoking, and am less likely to trip in the first place.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

Yeah, I did the same when I played it before, not only are the encounters (especially the dryad which we skipped) on the stronger end, we are perhaps the second weakest gold wise in APs I am aware off, although skulls and shackles is also fairly poor at the tail end of act 1.

Meanwhile, wrath of the righteous lol.

If you are good with your looting, and strategic, you will typically be 1 or 2 levels above where you should be wealth by level.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

I forgot to take a feat at third :)

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

How much money we got to play with? I am considering grabbed heavy armor proficiency, as a full plate would get my AC to a far more respectable 21 (including the heavy shield).

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

hp level 4: 1d8 ⇒ 7


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