Dwarf Fighter

Aunor's page

18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Wanting nonspecific feedback.

I play very close to the rules when it comes to combat (1st edition), the module and treasure, yet more forgiving and generous with things outside this (i.e. character background, building of strongholds and destiny of the character.) Basically, when you in the dungeon... you’re in the dungeon... when you’re not you tell me (within the limits of your resources gained by adventuring.)

I keep them poor, keep them modestly equipped and keep them on the ropes.

I have played TEE more then a few times, however running a very small group this time... only three characters. I know my style of DMing; I know their style of playing. This is going to be very very tough for them to do.

More then a few ways to handle this... I have my own thoughts; however I would like to hear what others have to say.