Sargavan Pathfinder

Augustus Poe's page

Organized Play Member. 22 posts (360 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 18 Organized Play characters.

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What is going on Paizo?
I have an active Customer Support issue about the Starfinder Masterclass miniatures and after providing the information requested, I am receiving no response.

It has been 19 days since I have heard anyone at Paizo. The last time I emailed was another 7 days ago.

There is no longer a phone number. Searching Paizo forums no longer shows any mention of Support. Only in the Forum Archive.

It seems pretty clear that you are actively removing access to Customer Support and limiting responses.

I really thought I'd be able to start my subscriptions again. I'll keep recommending DnD5 louder and louder and start telling any who will listen about all the money I lost at Paizo and all the time I lost attempting to communicate.

Thanks for nothing Paizo. Shame on you.

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ograx wrote:

I noticed there is a new kickstarter by Ninja Division for the Starfinder miniatures but after reading the comments I am hesitant to back it because of the issues with the previous kickstarters from this company. They seem to be have switched names for this Kickstarter from Soda POP Miniatures and that makes me very nervous. Is Paizo aware of this companies failed promises and issues with previous products?

What are others thoughts on this Kickstarter?

Buyer Beware.

Add me as another in a long list of Kickstarter backers who have been ripped off by Ninja Division.
I paid over $400 dollars for the All-In package and special order dragon. I have not received a single shipment. Not one.
I have sent multiple emails to Scott Davis over the last 3 months and each time he tells me my order is coming in the next wave of shipments. But no order ever comes.
My patience exhausted, I sought to cancel the charge to my credit card. Ninja Division can't take the time to fulfill any part of my order, but they can take the time to have their lawyers dispute my claim. They claim my request is outside the time limit - because I was a nice guy and gave them months past stated shipment date, they used that against me.
So now I am out $480 with nothing to show for it but empty promises from Scott Davis at Ninja Division.
This experience is a black eye for both Paizo and Ninja Division.
Buyer Beware - support Ninja Division at your own risk.


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As a player at Stonekeep who was forced to run from Bonekeep 2 (lvl 3 playing up...yikes!) and who enjoyed a glorious death in the Eye of Abendego while investigating the death of Aroden, I can attest to the challenge the convention offered. The custom scenario is extremely well written, offering one of the best stories I've played.

Nowhere along the way did I ask myself, "What are we here to do?" or "Why is this important to my character and the Pathfinders?". The story is cohesive and the clues we gathered were well earned from increasingly deadly and challenging encounters. I too look forward to seeing this great adventure shared with the rest of the community.

A lot of hard work went into making this happen. Thanks again Mike and the writers Joe, Alex, and Justin, and thanks to you folks at Paizo and Commonroom Games for the generous donations. I'm looking forward to next year!

Liberty's Edge

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Female Human War Priest 1 | BAB 0 | HP 11 | AC 17 | T 12 | FF 15 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +5 | CMD 15 | Init +4 | Perc +3 |

I moved Reese's icon on the map to the position she indicated

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