Atomikboy97 |
Hi everyone, thank you for reading me and your patience.
I'm starting an AP with a new group, so i need a new character. I have this idea of a character that could benefit from teamwork feat and amplified rage specially. So Half-orc race is a must(unless human+Racial heritage ends ip better somehow). I loved my Animal Companion(later refer to AC) on my druid so i would like the animal to be my ally to gain teamwork feat benefit. Hunter seems like a good option since the AC doesnt need to fulfill prereq.
So for a compound info, to my knowledge, Half-orc Hunter would be the best fit.
I am open for a mount(Making this build feel like Azog in the hobbit), instead of a AC. We use a 25pts buy build and start at level 1. Best case scenario, this could be working around level 5. As an optional feature of the class, i would like to use natural weapon eventually( i will have a Animal totem tatoo for sure, not at lvl 1)
The problem comes in 2 parts;
1st- The animal companion choice. In my first attempt to build it alone, my character would have chose the Badger animal companion(3 int, and many extra rage feat), but it seems like it is truly not a good choice of Animal Companion. On the other hand, i would prefer not to rely on big cats(feels to much like a power play to enrage the most powerful AC). I would understand if it is my best option
2nd- Do you know anyway to make my badger better, if we need him absolutely?
3rd- The raging Animal; In the case we dont use a Badger, how would i make this work as a hunter?
To my knowledge there is one option; Ferocious Beast(Mount) Rage power
So for now the idea so far is;
Bloodrager1/Hunter X and Mad magic feat(or some way to cast spell in rage in a middle of a fight) with a badger
Other option is Barbarian4/Hunter x with Perfect clarity rage power and mad magic feat. Seems too much of an investement to cast in rage. It allows me to take Extra rage power(ferocious mount) on the other hand, so it could solve #2. Could also be barb2/Hunter X and many Extra rage power feat. This open up the possibility of a
i also considered:
Sacred Huntsmaster+ Anger inquisition. Could be an option depending on AC choices
Pack rager/Mad Dog Barbarian(Not sure they stack, so one or the other)
Feat i considered
Sympathetic rage
Warleader's Rage
My questions are;
1st,2nd and 3rd: above
4th: Do i need to cast in rage? I havent looked deeply in the hunter spell list, but it feels like many spells are buffs. Extend spells could be more useful than casting in combat in that case, but later in the game.
5th: Is it viable but at later level? Am I expecting it to fall in place too early as it is possible?
Thank you for those who made it that far.
All links ( for feats):