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I've been looking at possible taking this ancestral feat down the line (it will help with the protector build I'm going), but it seems very difficult to access.

From what I'm seeing, it's the only feat from the races, that actually requires you to use a general feat, along with another racial feat, just to have access to it, which seems odd to me.

Now with the change to half-elves with the recent update (as that was a race I was considered), it's impossible for them to get access to this feat at all.

I realize this is only a single feat, but it still feels as though it may have just been an oversight, since they were doing so much work on other racial aspects, which is completely understandable.

My personally suggestion, would be to reduce the requirement for the feat to 35 ft, that way an elf could get it through normal racial progression, while a half-elf may have to go out of their way a bit to get access to it (or perhaps increasing nimble for half elves to 10 ft, but that would probably hurt balancing).

I should say that, no, I haven't playtested this idea, but I feel as though I don't really need to, as this is just a number aspect, not just something I haven't tried enough. Also, as its been mentioned during conversation already, I don't feel as though the barbarian or monk increases to speed count toward this, with them being situational, but I could be wrong, that sounds like another Paizo question.

I'm interested in hearing other peoples thoughts, both on whether they feel the feat was made unusually, or if you agree with my suggestion, or have another suggestion on a potential fix, and I hope it does get fixed, as it will help me with an idea for my character for an upcoming game.