
Ashley "Ashe" Brightflame-12's page

5 posts. Organized Play character for Voadkha.

Full Name

Ashley "Scorch" Brightflame


Tiefling (Daemon-Spawn)


Dual Cursed Flame Oracle - 1 / Witch - 11







Special Abilities

Death Knell 1/day, Misfortune (Oracle), Misfortune (Witch), Evil Eye, Cackle


Chaotic Neutral



Strength 7
Dexterity 17
Constitution 14
Intelligence 19
Wisdom 6
Charisma 11

About Ashley "Ashe" Brightflame-12

Ashley is a tall and increditly thin man. His skin is the color of dark chared ash and his hair is a stark white. He favors clothes of black and red and wears silver and ruby jewelry. On those rare instances when his hands are not covered by gloves you might notice that his hands and forarms are blackened and scared as if from an inferno. His tail, when not hidden beneath his cloak reveals his demonic herataage.

Ashley Brightflame was born to a prominant chandler in Magnimar but a plague suspiciously killed many of his customers causing him to lose favor and eventually fall into bankruptcy. Ashley grew up in shadows of the Irespan and used his quick whits, devilish charm to make his way in the world.

He was befriended by a pirate and has served sporadically as a crewmember on various pirate ships.

He was able to parley the contacts he madeas a pirate into admitance into the Sczarni family. He has since developed quite a reputation as a hard bargainer that never breaks his word... but that the oath is often not what the bargainer intended.

Ashley is comforted by the beauty of fire and can often be found staring into flames. He carries a longspear with a cold iron blade shaped like fire.

"Arrrrg. Therrre be monsters guard'n that booty over yondar. It soon be smelling of charred monster.. I hope the booty be somethink that dunnae burn."