Arcadian Tribesman

Ashbek's page

66 posts. Alias of Ravn.

Full Name



Human shoanti of the Tamiir-Quah tribe


Babarian 2







Special Abilities

fast movement, rage




Tribe totem; Eagle




Common, shoanti

Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 8

About Ashbek



Hp 28/28

Rage rounds: 8/8

3 Javelins
2 barbarian chew
2 sunrods



AC 15 (17 with shield. 13/15 in rage), Touch 12, Flat-Footed 13
HP 28/28 (32 rage) Speed 45 (50 in rage) ft Initiative +4
Base Attack +2 CMB +6 CMD 18
Fort +5 (7 rage), Ref +2, Will +0

Glaive +6 1d10+6 20/x3 (reach)
Power attack +5 1d10+9
Rage +8 1d10+9
Rage + power attack +7 1d10+12

Trident +6 1d8+4 20/x2 10ft
Rage +7 1d8+6

Javelin +4 1d6+4 20/x2 30 ft
Rage +4 1d6+6

Studded leather +3 armor -1 penalty
Heavy wooden shield +2 armor -2 penalty

4 class + 1 int + 1 human + 1 favored class

Acrobatics 2 rank + 3 class + 2 dex – 1 armor + 2 trait = 8 (+4 on jump checks from increased speed)
Climb 2 rank + 3 class + 4 str – 1 armor = 8
Craft (tattoo) 2 rank + 3 + 1 int = 6
Intimidate 2 rank + 3 class - 1 cha = 4
Knowledge (nature) 2 rank + 3 class + 1 int = 6
Perception 2 rank + 3 class = 5
Survival 2 rank + 3 class = 5

Power attack
Combat reflexes (3 AoO per round)

Class feats
Fast movement
Uncanny dodge
Rage power: Swift foot

Reactionary: You were bullied often as a child, but never
quite developed an offensive response. Instead, you became
adept at anticipating sudden attacks and reacting to danger
quickly. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.

Bonus feat
Totem spirit: Tamiir-Quah (Wind Clan):
Your base land speed increases by 5 feet.
You also gain a +2 bonus on Jump checks.


Starting gold: 3d6 × 10 gp average = 105 + 20 = 125

54 gp and 8 cp left

Glaive 10 gp
Trident 15 gp
3 Javelin 3 gp
Studded leather 25 gp
Heavy wooden shield 7 gp

Barbarian chew *2 30 gp (see p. 10 of players guide)
Sack (empty) 1 sp
Waterskin 1 gp
Bedroll 1 sp
Candle 1 cp
Flint and steel 1 gp
Oil (1-pint flask) 1 sp
Ink 8 gp
Sewing needle 5 sp
Sunrod 2 gp 1 lb * 2

Total: 62 gp, 2 cp.

Looks and personality

Ashbek is a stoic and proud man. He doesn't say much unless asked, and even then he makes his answers short.

Allthough possesed with amazing strength Ashbek is not as tall and huge muscled as most of his tribesmen.
He is clad in rugged leathers and hides wich serves as a primitive armor. He keep most of his weapons strapped across his back, and his possesions is kept in a simple sack hanging around one shoulder.
His stunning green eyes (an unusual color for a shoanti) show an intelligence in contrast to his primitive look.

Several shoanti tattoos adorn his body, amongst these is a spider tattooed across the back of his right hand, wich he has made himself. People who know a little about Shoanti culture recognizes this as a symbol of treachery.
On his left arm he has several small lines tattooed. These represents every kill he has made.



Ashbek once was a member of the Tamiir-Quah (wind clan), but for reasons he does not want to speak about he was banished from his tribe. He now wanders the land, seeking a way to prove himself worthy to return to his tribesmen.

Knowing well that only a fool will travel the Cinderlands alone, he has sought out the only non-shoanti town he has ever visited - Sandpoint.
Having only a couple of gold pieces left he sought out the owner of the Rusty Dragon Inn, inquiring about a job. Fortunately the owner, Ameiko Kaijitsu, needed some muscles around her inn, and so she agreed to hire him at the cost of food and a room.

If asked about his banishment he only explains that he has brought shame upon himself and his tribe.

His name, Ashbek, is not his real name but a name he took upon himself when he was banished. Ashbek is shoanti and means 'away'.

Combat guide


*Ashbek prefers to close to melee combat as soon as possible, often running into the middle of combat to take advantage of his Combat reflexes feat, and his reach.

*If possible Ashbek will charge with his glaive.

*If he can't charge og make a single move and attack, he will try and position himself so he gets AoO. He takes 5' steps to take advantage of his combat reflex feat.

*When the enemy closes he drop his glaive and pull out his trident and attack. He will use his shield if the enemy is hurting him badly.

*Power attack: He will use power attack against light armored enemies, like spellcasters.

*Rage: He rarely rage in the first couple of rounds, trying to get a feeling for his adversery. If he misses more than two attack in a row, he will rage. He allways use power attack when raging.

*In case of retreat he will take up the rear point.
