About Arthur Ladrian
Arthur Ladrian
Human (Cygnaran), Gifted Illuminated Arcanist/Investigator
140 lbs, 5'6", Black Hair, Green Eyes
PHY 5 (7/8/8) SPD 6 (7/7/7) STR 4 (6/7/8)
AGL 3 (5/6/7) PRW 4 (5/6/7) POI 5 (5/6/7)
INT 4 (5/6/7) ARC 4 (4/6/8) PER 4 (5/6/7)
Pistol 1
Detection 1
Forensic Science 1
Interrogation 1
Law 1
Lore (Arcane) 1
Medicine 1
Research 1
Sneak 1
Exceptional Potential: +1 INT(factored)
Magic Sensitivity: Can sense spellcasting within 50xARC feet.
Rune Reader: Can identify spells cast in line of sight + type and tradition.
Hyper Perception: PER rolls are boosted.
Languages: Cygnaran, Llaelese (any 1)
Connections (Order of Illumination)
Asute: May re-roll failed detection rolls
Great Power: Upkeep 1 spell a turn without fatigue.
Eye of Truth: 2Cost; Self; U; PER boosted, +3TN for Deception against me
Guided Blade: 1Cost; 6Rng; Target ally gains +1 melee attack rolls and melee weapons become magical.
Occultation: 2Cost; 6Rng; U; Target gains Stealth & +3 on sneak rolls.
Feat Points:
Damage Spiral
PHY [][][] / [][]
AGI [] [] / []
INT [] [] / [][]
175gc (65 spent)
Pistol, Repeating: 5ammo, 48ft (8”)/240ft; 10Pow. (35)
10 rounds (2)
Club (3) (POW2, on Crit WP vs STR+9 or knocked out
Armored Great Coat (25) (-1Def; +5Arm)
Morrowan Icon (10)
Arthur studied and learned at the Fraternal order, but when he found his own family were Thamarites and the acts they committed in their goddess’ name, he drew a battle line.
Now he uses his talents to hunt down and destroy cults, infernals and other threats to his city, and shadowy cults are drawn to dark places...