Classes/Levels |
Arrus Lionus - M Human Ranger 1 - HP (14/19) | AC 18 | F 16, R 19, W 15 | Perception +7(E) |
About Arrus Lionius
Arrus Lioinus
Male Skilled Human, Field Medic, Ranger 1
CN Medium human (Taldan)
Senses Perception + 7 (Wis 2 + Prof 5 (E))
AC 18 (Dex 4(3) +Prof 3 (T) + 1 Leather Armor)
HP 19
Fort +6(E), Ref +9(E), Will +5(T)
Melee Starknife +7 1d4P (T) – Knife: Agile, deadly d6, finesse, thrown 20 ft.,
versatile S
. . Lightmace +7 1d4B (T) – Club: Agile, finesse, shove
Ranged Crossbow +7 1d8P (T) – Bow: Range 120, reload 1
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10
Speed 25 ft.
Ancestry Feats & Abilities Skilled Human, Natural Ambition
Skill Feats Battle Medicine
Class Features & Abilities Hunt Prey, Hunter’s Edge (Precision), Monster Hunter
Skills Acrobatics +7(T), Arcana +5(T), Athletics +3(T), Crafting +5(T), Diplomacy+3(H), Lore(Herbalism)+5(T), Lore(Pathfinder Society) +3(H), Lore(Warfare)+5(T), Medicine +5(T), Nature +5(T), Occultism +5(T), Religion +5(T), Survival +5(T), Thievery +7 (T)
Languages Common, Draconic, Undercommon
Bulk (5.7/5/10) leather armor, starknife, light mace, adventurer’s pack, crossbow, 40 bolts, healer's tools, thieves’ tools, lesser elixir of life, 2gp, 5sp
Special Abilities
+>Hunt Prey: Designate a single creature you can see/hear or are tracking. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks when you Seek your prey and a +2 circumstance bonus to Survival checks when you Track your prey. You also ignore the penalty for making ranged attacks within your second range increment against the prey you’re hunting. The first time you hit your hunted prey in a round, you also deal 1d8 additional precision damage.
Crossbow Ace: When you’re wielding a crossbow and use Hunt Prey or use Interact to reload your crossbow, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the damage roll on your next Strike with that crossbow. If the crossbow is a simple crossbow, also increase the damage die size for that attack by one step. You must make the attack before the end of your next turn.
Monster Hunter: As part of the action used to Hunt your Prey, you can attempt a check to Recall Knowledge about your prey. When you critically succeed at identifying your hunted prey with Recall Knowledge, you note a weakness in the creature’s defenses. You and allies you tell gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your next attack roll against that prey. You can give bonuses from Monster Hunter only once per day against a particular creature.
+> Battle Medicine: Attempt a Medicine check with the same DC as for Treat Wounds and provide the corresponding amount of healing.
Organized Play Notes
Organized Play Notes
Faction: Horizon Hunters
Training: Swords 3 (Minor Healing Potion/Potency Crystal/Lore(Herbalism)
XP 8
Promotional: Campaign Coin: Begin with Hero Point
Ally: Hierling (Diplomacy/Pathfinder Lore)
Slotless: Wayfinder