Current Effects: Deathwatch; Reconfigure 3/4 -stalwart - cold resist +flight 40' Good
About Arnav Longarm
Arnav Longarm
Male forgeborn aegis (aberrant) 10 (Ultimate Psionics 28, 261)
N Medium humanoid (half-construct)
Hero Points 1
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., deathwatch (constant); Perception +14
AC 27, touch 15, flat-footed 24 (+8 armor, +2 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 natural)
hp 182 (10d10+70)
Fort +14, Ref +7, Will +11; +2 vs. illusion spells or effects., +0 save against negative energy effects., +2 bonus vs. disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and effects that cause either exhaustion or fatigue.
Defensive Abilities transformed body; DR 5/—; Resist cold 15, electricity 15, fire 15, negative energy 10, positive energy 10
Speed 40 ft.
Melee (L) +2 heartseeker crystal, deep nodachi +17/+17/+12 (2d8+9/18-20) or
. . (L) +2 heartseeker crystal, deep nodachi (PA) +14/+14/+9 (2d8+18/18-20) or
. . (L) mwk sap +16/+16/+11 (1d8+5 nonlethal)
Ranged (L) +1 sling +13/+13 (1d6+6)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks powerful build
Aegis (Aberrant) Powers Known (power points 27, ML 10th; concentration +19)
. . 0 (at will)—
Str 20, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 6
Base Atk +10; CMB +15; CMD 30
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Ghost Attack, Power Attack, Psionic Talent, Toughness
Traits armor expert, seeker
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+10 to jump), Climb +9, Craft (sculpture) +10, Diplomacy +4, Intimidate +9, Linguistics +4, Perception +14, Profession (soldier) +9, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +2, Survival +4, Swim +9
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Forgeborn, Goblin, Orc
SQ augment suit, brawn, half-construct, hardened strikes, hardy, hero points, improved damage reduction, invigorating suit, powerful build, psionic form, quickened attacks, quickened steps, reach, reconfigure (4/day), stalwart, strange mind, vim
Combat Gear potion of cure serious wounds (2), potion of lesser restoration (2), sharpstone bullet (30); Other Gear +2 deathless fitting elven chain, +1 sling, +2 heartseeker crystal, deep nodachi[UC], mwk sap, boots of striding and springing, bountiful bottle[MA], cloak of resistance +2, deathwatch eyes[UE], gloves of reconnaissance[UE], ring of protection +2, belt pouch, belt pouch, belt pouch, block and tackle, cards[UE], crowbar, gear maintenance kit (worth 5 gp), grappling hook, masterwork backpack[APG], masterwork sculpting tools, signal whistle, silk rope (100 ft.), soldier's uniform[UE], 379 gp, 1 sp
Special Abilities
Augment Suit (1) (1 rounds) (Su) An aegis learns how to infuse his astral suit with his psionic power, augmenting the capacity of his suit. Beginning at 4th level, the aegis may spend up to one power point per four class levels to customize his Astral Suit, gaining one temporary cus
Brawn The aegis gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength while he is transformed. This customization can be selected a second time beginning at 5th level, and a third time starting at 10th level. Each subsequent time it is taken, the enhancement bonus to S
Combat Reflexes (3 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Damage Reduction (5/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (15) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (15) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (15) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Energy Resistance, Negative energy (10) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Negative Energy attacks.
Energy Resistance, Positive energy (10) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Positive Energy attacks.
Ghost Attack When psionically focused & hit an incorporeal creature deal 75% instead of 50% dmg.
Half-Construct You do not breathe, eat, or sleep, but can drink potions and sleep to regain spells.
Hardened Strikes (Slashing) The aegis is considered to be armed even when unarmed, does not provoke attacks of opportunity when making unarmed strikes, and his unarmed strikes deal lethal damage. In addition, the aegis's unarmed strikes can deal slashing or piercing damage, cho
Hardy The aegis gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution while he is wearing his astral suit. This customization can be selected a second time beginning at 5th level, and a third time starting at 10th level. Each subsequent time it is taken, the enhanc
Hero Points Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Improved Damage Reduction The aegis's damage reduction from his transformed body increases by 1. This customization can be taken once for every five levels the aegis possesses Its effects stack. The aegis must be at least 5th level before selecting this customization.
Invigorating Suit (Su) An aegis of at least 3rd level wearing his astral suit gains a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion; Constitution checks made to continue running; Constitution checks made to avoid no
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Powerful Build The aegis gains the powerful build trait while wearing his astral suit. Whenever the aegis is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for a Combat Maneuver Bonus or Combat Maneuver Defense (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempt
Powerful Build Can function as one size larger where advantageous.
Psionic Form Bonus HP +2
Psionic Talent Gain 2 or 1 extra power points.
Quickened Attacks When the aegis makes a full attack, he gains one additional attack at his highest attack bonus.
This customization does not stack with other sources of extra attacks, such as haste. The aegis must be at least 10th level before selecting
Quickened Steps Although most forgeborn are steady in their gait, some are designed for speed. Forgeborn with this trait have a speed of 30 ft. This replaces slow and steady and fearless.
Reach The aegis's reach increases by 5 feet. The aegis must be at least 7th level before selecting this customization.
Reconfigure (4 customization points, 4/day) Starting at 3rd level, an aegis can reconfigure up to his Intelligence modifier in customization points on his astral suit once per day as a standard action. Every two levels thereafter, he can use this ability an additional time per day.
Source Crystal Unlike most half-constructs, forgeborn can be raised and resurrected.
Stalwart As long as the aegis is wearing the astral suit, if the aegis is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Fortitude or Will save for a reduced or partial effect, he ignores the effect if he makes a successful saving throw.
The aegis must
Strange Mind (1/day) The process of death and rebirth as a forgeborn can sometimes warp the mind of the new forgeborn. A forgeborn with this trait gains a +2 bonus to Will-saves and an additional +2 bonus against illusion spells or effects. This replaces natural armor.
Transformed Body +3 (Su) An aberrant learns to modify his own form, rather than covering himself in an ectoplasmic suit. The aberrant gains a +1 natural armor bonus to his AC. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th), the natural armor bonus increase
Vim (Ps) The aberrant gains vim as a psi-like ability usable at will at first level as long as he maintains psionic focus. This ability replaces astral repair.
I was human once.
Arnav the Steady. Sergeant of the Guard for Baron Vasily Karrik. Fifteen years of service under my belt. I was good at my job. I walked the walls, held off orc raids, cleared out thieves and drunks and vagrants and adventurers. We didn't have the fancy tricks that those troublemakers had, but we had numbers and stong arms. They wore more than I'd ever make in a lifetime, but I slept in my own bed each night. Everyone knew me at the Broken Boot. There was a baker that I'd been friendly with and I was considering making it something more formal when it happened.
The Baron's sister was a finger wiggler. She had a tower all to herself where she did all of that crazy magical things. There was talk that she was going to make some sort of golem that talked, but that talk was going around for years. Still, she bought all sorts of magic stone and crystals and strange devices. And when she bought these things, who were the people that lifted them into her tower? The guardsmen. She didn't trust ordinary laborers with such expensive things. Not that any of us would know enough to sell them. Heck, we didn't know what she was saying most of the time. Lady Lavanya could barely communicate with us ordinary people. It could have been brilliance or she could have just been touched. I didn't care, I just treated her with due deference and kept quiet.
I was guarding her tower the night that something went wrong. It was like a hole to somehwere else, one of them planes that she talked about. The hole was tiny, less than an inch. Feeling the pull, I shoved Lady Lavanya away from it. I think it was far enough because I didn't feel her coming through. I was pulled through this tiny opening, along with half the tower, her latest construct, and the lab. I felt my body stretching and folding like dough being kneaded. Everything else was folded into me as I went somewhere where there was no up and down. I only held on to who I was by sheer grit.
I don't know how long I was there. Minutes at least. Probably not years. But there was another hole and I poured myself through. The stone and crystal and metal that came through were part of me now. None of me fit right, my arms were long and lanky as a trolls, my head was stretched, my spine twisted. And yet I was alive.
And where I came out I wasn't the strangest thing there. This new world curved upward, twisting in on itself. Angels and beast-people and floating orbs were walking around, not concerned that I had just come through. I couldn't figure out half of the languages they spoke. Even when I got some of the words, the rest was gibberish.
A staff, some wands and other items had come through with me. Seems they were magical enough to mostly keep their shape. I gathered them up. They were Lavanya's after all. I began to lurch down the street, still not used to my new body with the strange proportions. That was when they found me. A group of people dressed in every color of the rainbow and a few that I don't think we had back in our world. One of them squealed when she saw me. "Oh, a clueless! We need his story. And he's transformed! How Wonderful!" They promised me something called jink. It sounded like junk to me, so I pushed past. And then one who was quieter than the rest said, "We'll tell you where you are. Information. We'll talk to you for as long as you talk to us." That was something I needed. "Information and the jink and you have a deal," I responded. I wasn't raised to be a fool.
They brought me to a place fancier than any palace, with more people wearing colors and scents and music like I hadn't heard. They brought me to a room with a crystal ball and had me tell my story. As I told it, I could see it in the crystal. They kept asking about all sorts of details and I kept talking. And kept talking. Hours later I didn't feel tired. Or thirsty. Or hungry. When I mentioned this, they brought food. It tasted strange. I wasn't sure if it was because of me or because the food was unlike anything I had ever seen. They tried other things. Heat and cold were nothing, so they brought a brazier of fire and that didn't burn me. Which led to more testing.
Two days later I knew more about myself and more about Sigil. Not so much on which plane was home. It seems my trip through chaos made it difficult to trace where I came from. I was stuck. Sigil was not kind to the indigent. Rodivello, my new sensate friend, advised me that I wouldn't fit in well with the Harmonium or Mercykillers. since returning Lavanya's belongings wasn't likely, and she likely cause the accident, he suggested selling these for items more helpful to me.
It seems I had little choice but to become an adventurer.
Arnav bears the marks of somebody exposed to deep chaos. All of his parts have been stretched and twisted out of proportion. One eye is violet, the other blue. His arms are as long as his whole body and roped with twisted muscles. His flesh is layered with black basalt and white limestone, with traces of brass, steel, wood and glass here and there. Crystals are scattered here and there, unaffected by the forced that made the rest of him flow like water.
Fine chainmail covers him, seemingly made for his odd shape. On his back he carries a long blade of bright green crystal, with a handle long enough for his oversized hands. His clothes are utilitarian, looking almost like a soldier's uniform, though shaped to fit his odd body.
ooc notes:
My muse was kind to me. She let me sleep until 3:30 am before kicking me out of bed and telling me I had to work on Arnav.
I think I did a good job at being tanky. Good defenses, reach and power attack to get aggro. I decided that using a reach weapon on top of that was a bit too much.
I'm not using the normal forgeborn backstory. That and the aberrant aegis are manifestations of the changes when he went through deep chaos and got merged with a golem-in-work. Before that he was a human warrior 10. That's right, he was an NPC.
He's not very familiar with Sigil or the planes. He's had an intensive briefing, but it's from a sensate-biased point of view. I figure his actual experience is about a month. He's still got clueless written across his forehead.