ArkthePieKing's page

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So, little rant here. I have a history of terrifying DMs before I ever even get a chance to play, do the unique(?) way I approach character creation. I love roleplay, and I love roleplaying. I also love rollplay, and nothing makes me happier than seeing interesting mechanics represented by a characters backstory or lore. Sometimes I come up with something in my head for a backstory, and then pour over countless books to best represent what I thought of. Othertimes I do the opposite. I'll find a rally cool, off the wall concept in a book, and wonder to myself how that person might've ended up where they did.

My problem is, and this was mainly a problem with 3.5, and the countless books it had/the rampant unbalancedness of the system. When a DM would see me build a character with x prestige classes and y feats from z books, they'd freak and think I was out to break their campaign. Again, apologies for the 3.5 talk, but it's what I'm most familiar with. A great example is a 3.5 character that was a psychic warrior/battle dancer/pyrokinetisist/dervish with a feat that allowed unarmed strikes to do slashing damage. Who what that person? A gypsie, who performed exotic dances with her fire lash. Gypsies being traditionally psychic, and also performers. It was a fun, interesting, mechanically underpowered character I never got to toy with because the DM assumed I was building a super death machine that would ruin the campaign.

Now I would like to go forward and say my Pathfinder DM, though we haven't played yet, has been super understanding of my playstyle, and has even helped me come up with some story hooks (He's a bladebound/hexcrafter magus with a cursed family, hence the archtypes). And he's been amazing (Hi Bruce if you see this!). But seeing someone actually be understanding has kind of made me think about my past experiences.


Fairly simple question. I'm going to be playing a Bladebound/Hexcrafter Magus, and level 5 is hitting an interesting gray area. I don't techincally get my first arcana until 6th, and I get my first Hex at 4th. If I understand correctly I don't actually qualify for Extra Hex, and I can't seem to take Extra Arcana because I don't get said Arcana class feature until 6th. So do I have any relevant options at 5th for getting another Hex at 5th level?

Ahoy! I'm considering running a simple little 1 on 1 campaign with my girlfriend. She's played 4e before, and has a it of experience with 3.5e, so she's not entirely inexperienced. What I'd like to do for her is actually resurrect her old 4e character as best as I'm able to. For those of you familiar, she was a hybrid Invoker/Shaman. So essentially flashy, vaguely nature themed divine spells and a spirit companion. I figure a straight Druid would be able to fill in the niche nicely. The spirit companion could just be an animal companion. Especially nice since this is intended to be a prequel to the original story it took place in (Her character is old).

The only thing I can get around is Wild Shape. Her character was never a shapeshifter, and I know it's not something she would have any interest in dealing with it as a player. I also couldn't seem to find any archtypes that replace it,though I may have just overlooked it. Are there any? If not, suggestions on a simple houserule to replace it?

Ahoy all! I'm helping to build an Inquisitor for my girlfriend, and we were looking through the guide and the Black Powder inquisition is listed as a red option. Now I don't know a ton about the game, though I am an old 3.5e vet. What makes that option so subpar? Are firearms just that bad? If so, why? Assuming she wants to keep it for fluff reasons, what feats or whatnot would you take to make it less terrible?

The help would be appreciated!!!

Hi there! First time poster here for a first time player. I played a metric ton of 3.5e, so I'm familiar with the basic rules of Pathfinder, but this is my first time delving into an actual game. I love the gish types, and I think magus does a splendid job of blending the two together. I also like the general theme of heirlooms, magic weapons, ad weapons that grow with you vs being pciked out at the magic mart, so the Bladebound archtype screamed out at me. it's oozing with flavor.

That being said, things that I've read about the Bladebound have been less than stellar. It seems like it takes a significant power drop for a subpar weapon that never breaks. So I ask you this: Is the build really *that* bad? Will the drop in arcane points and the loss of my level 3 arcana set me back that far? I realize there's a ton of hesitation since the Black Blade can't actually be enchanted with any permanent enchantments, and on top of that you're more limited by your arcane points so you can't even apply temporary enchantments as often. But it's so cool from a flavor perspective. I just want to make sure that I'm not going to ruin the class for myself in the process. Thank you for your time!