Demon Slayer

Ardiente 'Scorch''s page

79 posts. Alias of Monkeygod.




Monk (Master of Many Styles, Martial Artist) 16 // Firebender 8/Earthbender 8








Lawful Neutral

Strength 22
Dexterity 24
Constitution 22
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 24
Charisma 20

About Ardiente 'Scorch'


AC 35, touch 35, flat-footed 24 (+3 Shield, +7 Dex, +11 Monk, +4 Dodge) (Exploit Weakness another +8 dodge)
hp 224 (16*8+6*16)
Fort +16, Ref +17, Will +17
Immune fire, stunning, fatigue, exhaustion
Weaknesses cold

Speed 80 ft.
Melee: Unarmed Strike +16/+16/+11/+6 (2d8+9)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Elemental Fist +4d6, Stunning Fist (DC27), Quivering Palm (DC25)

Str 22, Dex 24, Con 22, Int 18, Wis 24, Cha 20
Base Atk +12; CMB +22 (+24 grapple); CMD 53

Acrobatics: +22 (12 ranks, +7 Dex, +3 trained) (+16 when jumping)
Bluff: +27 (16 ranks, +5 Cha, +6 Skill Focus)
Earthbending: +34 (16 ranks, +7 Wis, +3 trained, +6 Skill Focus, +2 synergy)
Firebending: +35 (16 ranks, +7 Wis, +3 trained +6 Skill Focus, +1 racial, +2 synergy)
Fly: +23 (16 ranks, +7 Dex)
Knowledge (Bending): +23 (16 ranks, +4 Int, +3 trained)
Knowledge (Nobility): +12 (8 ranks, +4 Int)
Perception: +18 (8 ranks, +7 Wis, +3 trained)
Perform (String): +13 (4 ranks, +5 Cha)
Perform (Acting): +13 (3 ranks, +5 Cha)
Perform (Dance): +9 (1 ranks, +5 Cha)
Stealth: +22 (12 ranks, +7 Dex, +3 trained)
Sense Motive: +22 (12 ranks, +7 Wis, +3 trained)

Style Feat 1 - Crane Style
1 - Snapping Turtle Style
Style Feat 2 - Mantis Style
3 - Improved Grapple
5 - Snapping Turtle Clutch
Style Feat 6 - Mantis Style
7 - Snapping Turtle Shell
9 - Crane Wing
Style Feat 10 - Dragon Style
11 - Lunge
13 - Dragon's Ferocity
Style Feat 14 - Crane Riposte
15 - Elemental Fist +4d6

Racial - Weapon Finesse
Focused Study 1 - Skill Focus [CLASSIFIED]
Focused Study 2 - Skill Focus [CLASSIFIED]
Focused Study 3 - Skill Focus (Bluff)

Firebird Style:

Firebird style of martial arts is a patient style, focusing on elaborate defenses. It waits for an opponent to make a mistake on the offense, and punishes their mistake with either a terrifying fiery grapple, or many hits to their opponent's pressure points while they are open. It combines many different forms to this end.

Crane Style - When fighting defensively, you take -1 to attack, and gain +3 to AC (+4 with 3 ranks in Acrobatics). In addition, while fighting defensively, once per round if a melee attack hits you, you may deflect it and take no damage, and then take an attack of opportunity against the offender.

Dragon Style - The practical uses of the Dragon style boil down to the power, but also the mastery of the Elemental Fist technique that comes along with it, allowing for devastating Fire attacks. (Elemental Fist deals +4d6 damage)

Snapping Turtle Style - Using one hand for defense allows the other to find pressure points more easily. The circular blocks of the Snapping Turtle style also allow for easy grapples when an opponent misses. This is a deadly combination with Crane Style, allowing any melee attack thrown at the user to become a weapon. +3 Shield Bonus to AC and CMD, and a missed attack triggers a free grapple.

Mantis Style - Holding their attacking hand in a point allows to strike their targets precisely - right where they hurt. You gain one additional Stunning Fist attempt per day. While using this style, you gain a +2 bonus to the DC of effects you deliver with your Stunning Fist.

Class Features:

AC Bonus (+4)
Stunning Fist (DC27, 16/day)
Fuse Styles
Improved Unarmed Strike (2d8)
Improved Evasion
Improved Speed (+50ft)
Maneuver Training
High Jump
Improved Pain Points (+2)
Exploit Weakness (+23)
Extreme Endurance (Immune to Fatigue, Exhaustion, Stunning)
Defensive Roll (1/day)
Quivering Palm (2/day)