ArchPuddington's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 2 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.


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Tsuto: Got snuck up on while drunk, was incapacitated. In a holding cell in Sandpoint temporarily, then to Magnimar for trial

Korovus: Dead, eaten by Summon Monster I snakes

Erylium: Dead, crushed by 2 Enlarge-Person'd melee characters with reach

Bruthazmus: Bled out on the ground after a fight with Shalelu, who drank a healing potion over his body as he died

Gogmurt: Went tree-form and tricked the party

Tangletooth: Is a fancy coat now

Bunyip: Crushed by a party-induced falling boulder

Ripnugget+Stickfoot: Dead, crushed by a falling tower after the party wizard Stone Call'd the complex 3 times in rapid succession, destroying most of Thistletop. Fight continued inside the ruins and rickety watchtower until both melee characters were Enlarge Person'd at the top, collapsing the rest of the structure on top of everyone involved.

Orik+Lyrie: Will probably be allies: wizard (again) bribed them with ~1000 gold to stay out of the fight with Ripnugget (with a down payment.) We'll see on Thursday how that plays out.

Nualia+Malefshnekor: Maybe betrayed by Orik+Lyrie? Thursday will tell.

LankyOgre wrote:


Much of what follows are spoilers to various adventures and resources.
** spoiler omitted **...

I actually included Brinestump Marsh and Vorka's ship in my last couple sessions, it's interesting you bring it up. It bugged me that there was this runewell that helped make Nualia into a wrathful monster, but it's not referenced as having an effect on anyone else (no one the players see anyway.)

My party met Hosk, the owner of the Goblin Squash Stables, who previously had eradicated a goblin tribe on his own (in the Appendices). Runewell flares back up after the raid, Hosk sees the blood and damage they caused (used Monster in the Closet to add to this,) and sets himself to (foolishly) "finishing the job," by running out to Brinestump for some goblin murder. Finds Vorka's ship after trapping some goblins, uses the fireworks to set the village on fire, and goes after the survivors.

My group followed him out, tracked him down, and participated in the attack, until they saw his level of violence. They found a way to keep Hosk from murdering a repentant (though still guilty) Gutwad, who was coerced into participating in the raid, and saved a few Licktoad goblins. Used their info to better infiltrate Thistletop.

Created a fun moral divide over whether goblins deserve to be considered as intelligent beings, or if they're just monsters to kill for XP.