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![]() Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
I want to see if I understand the Heightened aspect of healing correctly for the radius (3 action) casting. As I understand it at level 1 it only heals for Ability Modifier (example +2) and at Heightened (+1) it heals for 1d8 and NO Ability Modifier. and additional Heightened (+x) will increase the number of d8 but again with no modifier. Is this correct? ![]()
![]() Thank you everyone for your input/advice. I will put it to good use. I must admit I have not yet looked at the unchained classes, but after reading everything here I intend to do just that. I am really intrigued buy what ElSilverWind has said about the Unchained Rouge (now I want to make one for myself) and definitely want to read up on it. Based on what I have read here I will probably not allow Summoner or Gunslinger (I don't allow guns in my campaign anyway). I will probably allow Unchained rouge and / or Bard (after I have done a little research). As a follow up I would ask if their is anything else in the APG that I should consider restricting for Rise of the Runelords. FYI I do intend to use Hero Points. Arbarth
![]() Hello All, I am excited to say I will be running the Emerald Spire starting tomorrow. I was wondering if someone can tell me where Fort Inevitable is located in relation to Thornkeep. I would like to use some of the encounters from Thornkeep as part of the Spire campaign. Barring using stuff from Thornkeep does anyone have any other ideas about some encounters for around Fort Inevitable. Thanks, Arbarth
![]() Hello Everyone - I am excited to say that I am going to be running the Emerald Spire starting tomorrow. One big question I have is where is the Fort located in relation to Thornkeep? I ask because, I may use a few of the encounters from it for the Spire campaign. I would like to run a few minor quests prior to them reaching the dungeon (party of 6,) as some of my players can not start this weekend (I found out on short notice). Does anyone have some idea's I can use. Thanks All, Old School GM "Arbarth" ![]()
![]() Pheoran Armiez wrote:
Thank you - I will try to think of a way to use the children ![]()
![]() Dreaming Psion wrote:
I like these a lot and will definitely use these in my mini campaign. ![]()
![]() Arazyr wrote:
Thanks - I will use the traits for sure - well at least offer them to players. ![]()
![]() Hello all - I know it has been a few years since I posted on this tread by I FINNALY have a group together to run a Mini-Campaign in Darkmoon Vale. I plan to run it next weekend (05/17/2014) and could use a little advise. I plan to run the following (considering they are what I have). In this order:
Here is where I need some help getting players up to Level 5 before I run them through D1.5 Revenge of the Kobold King. I need some Open-Source or free material as (at the moment have no funds I can spend). After D1.5 I have E1 Carnival of Tears, LB1 Tower of the Last Baron and LB2 Treasure of the Chimera Cove If my players wish to do more. Thank you in advance,
![]() Hello all, A new game store NiteWolf Games just opened up (March 1, 2014) in Yreka, CA (Siskiyou County) and I am trying to get Pathfinder started their. I have created an event (#41200) and while it says the Kid Track mostly it will be teens to thirty year olds so it will just be beginner box and then talk about Pathfinder Society and Pathfinder in general. No, I have no affiliation with the store. So, If you or anyone you know lives in Siskiyou, County California or Southern Oregon please come to the event from 1 - 5 Saturday, March 29, 2014. I will be the GM and I hope to see people their, David "Arbarth" ![]()
![]() Hello all, A new game store NiteWolf Games just opened up (March 1, 2014) in Yreka, CA (Siskiyou County) and I am trying to get Pathfinder started their. I have created an event (#41200) and while it says the Kid Track mostly it will be teens to thirty year olds so it will just be beginner box and then talk about Pathfinder Society and Pathfinder in general. No, I have no affiliation with the store. So, If you or anyone you know lives in Siskiyou, County California or Southern Oregon please come to the event from 1 - 5 Saturday, March 29, 2014. I will be the GM and I hope to see people their, David "Arbarth" ![]()
![]() Just to throw my two cents into this - I remember an article in an old Dragon Magazine (25+ years ago) that featured Druids. They treated the "society" of druids alot like the catholic church in the real world. That is to say they had their version of a pope, cardinals, bishops, etc. The titles where different of course and the society did not worship any one god per say but devoted themselves to the study and "realistic" preservation of nature as a whole (including human towns and villages). They where however opposed to large cities as these upset (in their view) the balance of nature. The off shot of the society is that they where also an intelligence agency also which provided information to anyone (for a price or favor). Hope this helps everyone here, Arbarth
![]() Since I have been GMing off and on for many years I can tell you thier is no such thing as a hard limit. That being said I can also tell you that you should only accept as many PC's as you think you can resonable handle. I have always (with VERY rare exception) worked for a min of 3 to 6 PC's tops. For most things I have run at least three are needed and I find if I try to run more than six ppl it becomes to difficult and the FUN factor for everyone goes down hill FAST. Hope this helps you, Arbarth
![]() The "Guides" are developed cities. They're not a "story tour", they're 100% city descriptions, maps statblocks NPCs and whatanot. I will have to admit I have not spent time to really look at them as I assumed (and we all know what they say about that - lol) that they were just "Guides". Well since ppl have been telling me otherwise I will have to spend some time this summer and look at them. Arbarth
![]() I am wondering if their are any cities (or LARGE towns) in the works for Pathfinder - I would love to see one. I think my favorite (Old) Rpg city had to be Sanctuary. Unfortunatly I lost it in a move so have not seen it in years. I would like really like to see something on that scale with more detail then that had. Please lets hear thoughts and ideas for a good "Official" pathfinder city or Large town. Arbarth
![]() Thanks everyone for the help with official stuff. I am also wondering if their is any home-brew stuff out their ppl might be willing to share. I want to flesh out Darkmoon Vale - I (unfortunately) dont have a lot of time to flesh out much - I have a few ideas that I am working on and if I can get them on paper I would be willing to share in kind. Anyway I look forward to hearing from everyone. Arbarth
![]() I am going to use this as a start for my campain witch will take place in Darkmoon Vale. I plan to use Paizo products as well as a few homebrew. I was wondering if is posible to obtain a copy of the maps in the pdf files without the text added on - I going to use VTT for my campain and that would be a great help to me and I am sure LOTS of others. I have tried to copy image, however this does not appear to be a layered image. Please let me know if you can help. Thanks, Arbarth
![]() Makarnak wrote:
Ok I have been trying to pull the maps from D0: Hallows Last Hope but every way I try I am getting the image with the text - I am going to have to say that the maps are not layered. Even using somePDF Image extractor still pulls them with the Letters / Numbers and other text on them.I am very new to trying to do these things - but I would really like to use them for d20pro. I am running out of Ideas short of finding simmalar maps and using those (I really can not afford another program (like a map maker) at this time). Arbarth
![]() OK, I have been reading on different boards that a lot of rpg publishers are storing their maps in PDF's as layers so that their is an actual image layer and then a text layer. They do this so us gamers can lift the image layer to use for VTT sessions. I have been trying to do this and not sure what to do I have tried using "somePDF image extractor" but no success - I am not sure if I am doing it correctly or not, using the right software or not...you get the idea....HELP!!! If I am able to do this it would save me a LOT of time in the future. Thanks in advance, Arbarth
![]() I'm available pretty much any day. I have a ventrilo server that I use for my games. Send me a email with a time and we should be able to get together and and work something out. I can probably make any maps and NPC's you need as well. I will need to wait untill tommorow morning - as I will need to make some phone calls - then I will know what times I am not free - I am on spring break this week (Returning Student) so most of the week will be free. Thanks, Arbarth
![]() I am new to Pathfinders but an Old School GM and would really like to get back into runing games - I am setting up a campain revolvong around the Darkmoon Vale area of the Inner Seas. If their are any intrested players in this area i would love to hear from you. I am also currently trying to learn to use d20Pro (just got a Judge licence for it) and will try to run my campain via VTT for the summer. Anyway please post if you live in this county or might be intrested in a VTT game this summer. Thanks, Arbarth
![]() bigkilla wrote:
Thanks for posting the Beastiary - that saved a lot of work. I also did install the rule set - although I have no items in this set - unless we are suppost to create them all - I have only had d20pro for about a week and not much time to really play with it yet. If you have some time this week and can voip using MS Live I would love your help walking through using d20pro - I learn much better that way :) Thanks again,
![]() Not sure if this is the best area for this post, but best place I could think of. I am looking for Data (Maps, Npc, Etc.) generaly for the Darkmoon Vale area including D0,D1,D1.5,E1,LB1,LB2 Any help would be appreciated. I just purchaced the software and need to learn it. I am an Old School gamer (original AD&D and 3.0 (was an official GM for 3.0) grew disintrested when 4.0 came out). I discovered Pathfinder a couple of weeks ago and so far love it. I would like to run a campain (Darkmoon Vale) via Internet this summer. On that note I am going to try and learn Pathfinder (not much diffrent than what I am use to) and the new software (d20pro) as well to be ready. If anyone is intrested in playing let me know, I am looking for 4-6 players - will prob start third week in May and play through first week of Aug (as much as everyone can) with the weekend of July 4 and that week and following weekend off. Also if anyone knows d20pro well and would like to help me learn it I would thank them very much ( I would kill 500 warrior in sacrifice to the diety of their choice). Thanks in advance, Arbarth
![]() Fraust wrote:
I would love to take a look at it (minus the swearing - lol). I have Darkmoon Vale guide on order should have early next weekThanks,
![]() Hello all I have been playing the oldest RPG since 1982 (off and on) and just discovered Pathfinders (which i really like). I have obtained or have on order the following products for the Darkmoon area: Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to Darkmoon Vale
I also have the Core Rules and first Beastary I am trying to find any more material for this area both official or open source, I would even be intreseted in any homemade stuff anyone would like to share. I want as much info as I can get before I start making my own stuff for this area. Thank you all in advance, Arbarth
![]() Deadmanwalking wrote:
Found it - thank you very much - I should have seen that - lol |