About Arathalia Drow'sbaneArathalia Drow’sbane
Defense AC: 10+Dex(+3)+Natural(+2)+Armor (+3)= 18
Studded Leather Armor Spell Resistance: 12 Speed: 40 Offense BAB:+ 1 CMB: +5 Combat
Initiative +3 Fort: + 5(+10) Reflex: +3(+8) Will: +2(+7) (+4(+9) Enchantment) Special Abilities
Slip Binding(easy for them to perform escapes, +10 Escape artist)* Arcane Grace Cantrips Hexblade's Hex Pool (5) Hexblade's curse(DC 15) (-2) Eldritch Blast 1d6 Warlock's Hex Pool (5) Least Invocations (Eldritch Glaive, Miasmic cloud) Bonus shape Invocation Pact Warlock's Curse (DC 15) (-2) Languages: Common(heavily accented), Ghost Elven, Draconic, Infernal, Elven, Drow Skills: (4+Int)
Acrobatics +2 Appraise+6 Bluff+5 Climb +2 Craft +2 Diplomacy+5 Escape Artist+14 Fly+2 Intimidate+9 Jump +4 Knowledge Dungeoneering +2 Knowledge Arcana+6 Knowledge Planes+6 Knowledge Religion+6 Perception +1 (+3 sight/sound) Profession+2 Sense motive +0 Ride +2 Spellcraft+6 Stealth +4 Swim +5 Survival +0 UMD+9 Feats:
Combat Reflexes Traits: Spoiler:
Relentless: +2 to Con related checks, fatigued becomes exhausted Quick: +10' to speed, -1hp each level
Spells& Invocations:
Cantrips( at will): Read Magic,Touch of Fatigue, Mage Hand,Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead Least Invocations:
+2 to Dex, +2 Int, -2 Con Medium: Ghost Elves are Medium creatures, and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Normal Speed: Half-elves have a base speed of 30 feet. Low-Light Vision: Half-elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of poor illumination. Keen Senses: Ghost Elves receive a +2 bonus on sight- and sound-based Perception checks. They can make a Perception check to spot a secret or concealed door if they pass within 10 feet, regardless of whether or not they are actively looking. Elven Immunities: Ghost Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects. Elf Blood: Ghost Elves count as elves for any effect related to race. Languages: Ghost Elves begin play speaking Ghost Elven a dialect of Archaic Elven mereged with infernal. The language borrows from Infernal so most who speak both Infernal and Elven can somewhat grasp what a Ghost Elf is saying Favored Class: Ghost Elves favored class is the Hexblade Racial History:
Spellwarped Template
Spellwarped (creature modified over the generations to absorb magic) (MM3 p162) Becomes an ‘Aberration’
Gains Spell Resistance 11 + HD.
Equipment (lbs)
50ft silk rope Backpack Bedroll Waterskin Belt pouch 1 lb Soap 10 day's rations Explorer's outfit Whetstone 2 Smokesticks 3 Acid Flasks Flint & steel Potion Belt Map case Capacity:
Light: lbs Medium: lbs Heavy: lbs ABILITIES(description)
Arcane Grace (Su). As long as the Hexblade has at least 1 point in his Hex Pool (see below), he gains a Luck bonus on all Saving Throws against Spells, Spell-like Abilities, and Supernatural Effects equal to his Charisma bonus. Cantrips (Sp). A Hexblade with a Charisma of at least 10 learns a number of cantrips equal to his Charisma bonus (minimum 1). These are 0 level spells chosen from the Sorcerer/Wizard list of the abjuration, divination, enchantment, illusion, necromancy, or transmutation schools of magic. He can use them at will as a spell-like ability. Hexblade's Curse (Su). As a swift action, the Hexblade can target an opponent within 60 feet with his Hexblade's Curse. The Hexblade must spend at least 1 point from his Hex Pool to activate this power; the duration of the Hexblade's Curse is 1 round per point spent from the Hex Pool. The opponent is allowed a Will save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the Hexblade's class level + his Charisma modifier to avoid the Hexblade's Curse. If the opponent fails the Will Save, the opponent takes a -2 luck penalty to its Ability Checks, AC, Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls, Caster Level Checks, Saving Throws, and Skill Checks for the duration of the Hexblade's Curse.
Eldritch Blast (Su). As standard warlock's eldritch blast, but supernatural instead of spell-like. Hex Pool (Su). A Warlock has a Hex Pool equal to his Charisma bonus (minimum 1) multiplied by his class level. His Hex Pool is replenished each day at dawn. The Warlock spends points from his Hex Pool to power his Warlock's Curse and Hex Power abilities. Least Invocations (Sp). At 1st level, the warlock gains the ability to use least invocations. In addition to the normal number of invocations a standard warlock gets, a Pathfinder Warlock gains a bonus eldritch shape or eldritch essense invocation each time he gains a new level of invocations (at levels 1, 6, 11, and 16). Pact (Su). Each Pathfinder Warlock makes a pact with some kind of otherworldly entity. Depending on the kind entity the warlock is bound to influences his Pact Defenses, Pact Wards, and Pact Resistances. Each Pact also grants the Warlock a bonus class Skill. Justicator Pact: +2 Knowledge dungeoneering Warlock's Curse (Su). As a swift action, the Warlock can target an opponent within 60 feet with his Warlock's Curse. The Warlock must spend at least 1 point from his Hex Pool to activate this power; the duration of the Warlock's Curse is 1 round per point spent from the Hex Pool. The opponent is allowed a Will save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the Warlock's class level + his Charisma modifier to avoid the Warlock's Curse. If the opponent fails the Will Save, the opponent takes a -2 luck penalty to its Ability Checks, AC, Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls, Caster Level Checks, Saving Throws, and Skill Checks for the duration of the Warlock's Curse.
After centuries, the Ghost Elf elders made a decision. Some of their people should once again walk the great forests of the Material Planes, their race would not be forgotten. Precautions had to be taken however, there were powerful enemies who sought their race's eradication. They needed assistance, they needed power. Centuries of enslavement in Baator had hammered Law into their veins, being so deepely intrenched in evil stifled the strengh of good within them. It is this, ironically that led them to the beings that would help them become a threat to their enemies. The Justicators. Beings like Celestials, mighty champions of law and neutrality, punishers of betrayal and other acts of chaos. And so was made a pact. The Ghost Elves would ally themselves with the mightiest of Justicators in exchange for eldritch power, dark and unnatural, but unaligned in it's nature, The Gift would be bestowed upon one in twenty. The taint in their blood affects the gift however, slanting it deeper into darkness, but all who learn hold that it is they, not the power, that maintains control. So it was that Arathalia became one of The Gifted, skilled in battle, brimming with powere, feared yet respected by her people, a Witchblade. Ever cautious of those who would do them harm, the secretive Ghost Elf council has recently decided to send members of their protective force outside of the forest to bring back knowledge of their new homeworld. As one of the few who believed that her people should interact with others, she was one of those chosen to explore. Her travels would soon lead to danger however, captured by an insane wizard who wished to study the unusual elf, experimented upon with all forms of bizarre arcana, her life became a nightmare. But the spirit of her people showed it's strength once again. During one of his sick experiments her rage and hatred exploded, unleashing a word of such destructive force that many of the delicate instruments and vials were destroyed, releasing all manner of bizarre and dangerous concoctions to mix violently. The resulting conflagration engulfed the room quickly culminating in a violent explosion that destroyed the wizard's tower and everything in it. She awoke hours later, naked in the bottom of a 200ft crater her body oddly unharmed by the magical flames. She was changed, shrouded in the essence of protective magic itself, not only capable of resisting its effects but as the spell eddies whirled past her she felt...stronger. Wandering off into the night she reveled in her frredom, determined to see more of this world, to see if her previous opinion was mistaken. Now, a year later, she has wandered into the legendary city of Kaledun, determined to see what life outside the forests may hold. Personality
Description Spoiler:
With pale porcelain skin that glows in the shadows, long grey hair and unique mirrored eyes, Arathalia is not easily forgotten, her beauty haunting and ethereal even by elven standards. Wealth
pp gp sp cp gems XP
500 |