Race |
Human |
Classes/Levels |
Monk (Unchained, Gunmetal Mystic) |
Gender |
Male |
Age |
19 |
About Aramis Keel
Aramis Keel
Male human (Taldan) unchained monk 1 (Pathfinder Unchained 14)
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +7
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 Wis)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +2/+2 (1d6+1)
Ranged double-barreled pistol +4/+4 (1d8/×4)
Special Attacks flurry of blows (unchained), grit (3)
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 9
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 18
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Quick Draw, Rapid Reload
Traits local ties, nimble fingers, keen mind
Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +5, Disable Device +8, Knowledge (engineering) +6, Linguistics +2, Perception +7, Survival +3 (+5 on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost)
Languages Androffan, Common, Hallit, Jistka
SQ deed: gunslinger's dodge, deed: quick clear, gunsmith, wayfarer
Other Gear double-barreled pistol[UC] with 6 paper cartridge, backpack, belt pouch, blanket[APG], hemp rope (50 ft.), mess kit[UE], soap, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterproof bag[UE], waterproof bag[UE], waterskin, 4 gp, 8 sp
Special Abilities
Deed: Gunslinger's Dodge (+2 AC/+4 AC prone) (Ex) Use 1 grit, immediately move 5 ft/drop prone to gain 1x/2x bonus to AC vs. ranged attack.
Deed: Quick Clear (Ex) While have grit, remove the effects of a misfire. Use 1 grit to do as move action.
Flurry of Blows (Unchained) (Ex) As full-rd action, gain extra attacks with unarmed strike/monk weapons.
Grit (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on firearm crit/killing blow.
Gunsmith Gain free starting firearm that only you can use properly.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Quick Draw Draw weapon as a free action (or move if hidden weapon). Throw at full rate of attacks.
Rapid Reload (Double-barreled pistol) You can reload fast with one type of Crossbow or Firearm.
Wayfarer +2 racial bonus on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost.
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