
Apemantus Oldcastle's page

49 posts. Alias of Molech.

Full Name

Apemantus Oldcastle


LG Suel Hellbred Inquisitor- 2 .... HP: 16/ 16


AC: 15 (T: 11 ; FF: 14) .... Fort: +3 Ref: +1 Will: +5 (+6 vs Charm & Compulsion) .... Initiative: +1 .... Perception: +2

Strength 17
Dexterity 13
Constitution 10
Intelligence 19
Wisdom 14
Charisma 16

About Apemantus Oldcastle


Dwarven Longaxe +4 1d12 +4 (x3)
BAB: 1
CMB: +4
Move: 40
Holy Water (x1)


Chain Shirt
AC 15 (Touch: 11 ; Flat Footed: 14)
Fort: +3 / REF: +1 / Will: +5 (additional +2 vs Charm & Compulsion)
CMD: 15
Move: 40

Class & Race Features:

Darkvision 30' ....(Hellbred)
Infernal Mein ....(Hellbred)
Evil Exception ....(Hellbred)
Hellbound (Mephistopheles) ....(Hellbred)
Spirit Scourge ....(Hellbred)
Judgement 1/ Day ....(Inquisitor)
Domain: Travel ....(Inquisitor)
Monster Lore ....(Inquisitor)
Stern Gaze ....(Inquisitor)
Common of Oerth
Ancient Suloise


+7 Bluff ....(1 Rank)
+7 Diplomacy ....(1 Rank)
+10 Knowledge: Arcane ....(1 Rank; Monster Lore)
+10 Knowledge: Dungeoneering: ....(1 Rank; Monster Lore)
+8 Knowledge: Geography ....(1 Rank)
+9 Knowledge: History ....(1 Rank; Trait)
+10 Knowledge: Nature ....(1 Rank; Monster Lore)
+11 Knowledge: Planes ....(1 Rank; Trait; Monster Lore)
+10 Knowledge: Religion ....(1 Rank; Monster Lore)
+5 Linguistics ....(1 Rank)
+2 Perception
+8 Sense Motive....(1 Rank; Hellbred Spirit Scourge)

Traits & Feats:

Birthmark ....(Trait)
Scholar of the Great Beyond ....(Trait)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Dwarven Longaxe ....(Feat)
Devil's Favor ....(Feat from Hellbred)

Two Per Day (1st Level):
Disguise Self
Expeditious Retreat

At Will (Orisons):
Create Water
Detect Magic

Apemantus Oldcastle:
A' peh Man tes _ Old' Cas' el

Shakespeare's dark, cynical, dry-witted, truly misanthropic Apemantus is the one character in the Tragedy of Timon of Athens who tells it like it is, who leaves the civilization of Athens for a hermetic life in a cave. And whose cold truths about humanity, spoken honestly to Lord Timon, all are proven correct.

"We make ourselves fools, ...and spend our flatteries ...with poisonous spite and envy.
Who lives that's not depraved -- or depraves?!
Who dies that bears not one spurn to their graves of their friends' gift?
...Men shut their doors against a setting sun."

Sir John Oldcastle is the religious revolutionary (eventually hanged) who Shakespeare based his character Falstaff upon -- the boisterous, braggadocious, boorish, lewd, drunken, cowardly, best friend of Crown Prince Hal.

Background, Hellbred Scourge:
Apemantus Oldcastle knows little of his past life, vignettes of ephemeral nightmares and sudden emotional reactions to certain smells or sounds. He was Evil. He served some ArchDevil or Infernal Prince. Hungrily he had sold his immortal Soul in Blood. Neither does Apemantus Oldcastle know the circumstances of how he died, and his repentance from unspeakable wickedness, and genuine embrace of Righteousness. He knows only of the Rage of The Nine Hells at his “flight” from Infernal Wrath and Punishment — and of the suspicious gods of Law and Celestia. Apemantus Oldcastle also knows, with cold certainty, that this life, his new life, is a Test. It is a Crucible that will determine if he is genuine in his moral Alignment. And that most likely, unless he does something of epic goodness, his Soul will be condemned to Hell.

Apemantus Oldcastle has the pale skin, platinum hair and violaceous eyes of the Suel. His Chain Shirt armor and Dwarven Longaxe he won in a furious battle with some Dwarven slavers between Cauldron and Sasserine — former mooks of the vile and ruthless Kazmogen.

You can see Apemantus Oldcastle from time to time lost in a thoughtful pall, moving his hand deliberately over his campfire, gazing in the ineffable mysteries of the flame, wondering why his hand feels the scorching heat of fire — as if that was not meant to be — and pondering the ramifications of such new weaknesses.

Apemantus Oldcastle only awoke to this new life a few months ago, naked in the Amedio Jungle at the base of Cauldron’s mount. After almost being taken by slavers he learned of Sasserine and made his way there — believing he has been brought here for a purpose. And that in Sasserine he shall find his Crucible to salvation.
His first stop in Sasserine, having entered via the southeastern Sunrise District, was the Shrine of Mayaheine. It is to the Paladin goddess Mayaheine that go his prayers, yet he is unsure if she listens. Indeed, he is shunned from her Shrine (building #28 in Sunrise) by Mayaheine’s Paladins. Not that that stops his entreaties to them. Hopefully they will give him some epic quest to prove his righteousness.

But Mayaheine’s Shrine is not the only place in Sasserine where one can find Apemantus Oldcastle searching for an epic quest to prove himself. On the assumption that he was purposefully reincarnated near Sasserine he has approached the Historians Guild (building #23 in Sunrise) where he has spent many days studying. There could be some clue here, some epiphany to be discerned to help him start his quest.

Likewise, in the Noble District, Apemantus Oldcastle has become friendly acquainted with Sasserine's tattoo artist and Sage of all things Planar -- Callisto. One can often find him at Callisto’s Needle, discussing the Lower Planes, Sigil, Celestia, and the Astral and Ethereal Planes (Noble District #26). Perhaps some bit of esoteric, ontological mystery will make itself known here and propel him to his quest.

Additionally, one may find Apemantus Oldcastle in Kiva Willowtop's cartography shop in the Noble District (#20). He has visited a few times, talking with the Halfling about some maps of the Amedio Jungle and any news she may have heard recently. He can't afford to buy any maps of yet, but he's at least made a bit of a friend.

Finally, one may find Apemantus Oldcastle at Sasserine’s Shrine of Liir, also in the Noble District (#2). Here he has sought out what his birthmark may mean from the goddess of poetry and art. Hoping that this icon of a small bird is an mark of goodwill, a Sign from the gods of Law and Righteousness, he has no idea that the Mockingbird is really a secret mark of Mephistopheles -- who once owned his Soul -- and hopes to again very soon.)