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Antius Gregor's page

1 post. Alias of PixelsAreGod.

Full Name

Antius Gregor




Vigilante 1











Strength 13
Dexterity 18
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 12

About Antius Gregor

Male Human Vigilante 1
TN/NG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +4
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 dex)
hp 11
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +2 (+2 against fear, charm, and compulsion effects)
Speed 30 ft.

Melee Rapier +5 (1d6+1/18-20) or Glaive +3 (1d10+1/x3) or Kukri +5 (1d4+1/18-20)

Ranged Shortbow +5 (1d6/x3)
Str 13, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 16
Traits Diva in Training(Act), Unswaying Love
Feats Weapon Focus(glaive), Weapon Finesse
Skills (9 points; 6 class, 0 INT, 1 Human, 2 Background)Acrobatics +7*, Bluff +5, Disguise +5, Intimidate +5, Linguistics +5, Perception +4, Perform(Act) +6, Perform(Sing) +5, Stealth +7*
ACP -1

*ACP applies to these skills

Languages Common, Infernal

Special Abilities:

Dual Identity
Seamless Guise
Specialization: Avenger
Social Talent: Renown


Studded Leather, Rapier, Glaive, Kukri, Shortbow, 20 arrows, potion of Cure Light Wounds, a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, candles (10), a cheap holy text, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), a waterskin, and a wooden holy symbol of Shelyn
Carrying Capacity
Light 0-50 lb. Medium 51-100 lb. Heavy 101-150 lb.
Current Load Carried 0 lb.

Money 17 GP 0 SP 0 CP


Antius was born loving theater: his mother was an enthusiast, who always wished to be on top of the latest celebrities and actors, more so of the people themselves than the roles they played. But to Antius, it was the parts that appealed to him. The worn-out maid, the troubled knight, the waiting princess, all were amazing, making the false world of the play feel no different from the truth.

Antius’ family was small, but comforting. His father was a painter that saw moderate success, famous for his surrealist works. A silent man with pale skin, many saw him to be creepy, especially in the manner he tended to sit in his rooms for days at a time painting. Antius’ mother interpreted this as devotion to his art, and in that solitude Shelyn blessed his mind with the movements and colors he needed.

Antius began auditioning for plays when he was 14, his inexperience clearly showing throughout. Still, he tried, and managed to land mediocre to insignificant roles. Antius was not discouraged, for he knew that even such roles added aesthetic to the play that would not exist without them, and did his best with what little he had to show.

His fortune changed with his audition for Huntress of Heroes: to Antius, it was merely a pipe dream, his audition done brazenly. To his surprise, the director was appeased by his performance, and placed Antius in the role of a gentle priest that gave sound advice to the hero of the play. It was a role of great importance, as the priest played both a father figure and that of an innocent child. Antius was proud to rise to the occasion, and devoted ever a tireless night to reciting his lines about his home.

That was until Barzillai Thrune came. A new ruler to Kintargo was nothing new; Antius had seen plenty in his life alone. But his first act was heinous: he closed the Opera House, to be used for himself. The play was canceled in kind, with no place to perform. Antius scarcely noticed the implementation of martial law and the proclamations. The Opera House! It was not just any theatre, it was a shining beacon of all that was Kintargo. And the fiend wished to use it for his own means?

Such feelings echoed within Antius’ skull as he sought new work. No one wanted an actor - for where would they perform? He couldn’t even wear his fine clothes, for they had been outlawed as well. He considered going out and hunting for dogs to sell - but how could he sink to such an unrefined task?

Upon a day at his wit’s end, he returned to his family’s home, greeting his mother with a cold seriousness. He made his way to his father’s studio, everything still as it was since he died. He worked tirelessly, painting upon a suit of armor and a cloak. It was as if he channeled the spirit of his father, and at last what remained was an outfit covered in roses, complete with thorns. Hiding it in his pack, he told his mother his goodbyes. For, if things went wrong, this would be his last day. But if he succeeded, his newest role would be born. A role of grace and feeling, to which no one would ever know. He would be a creator donned in flowers; the Rose Artiste.

Appearance and Personality:

“It’s not much, but even a budding flower is beautiful, no?”

Antius is a human of Chelixian descent with long black hair and slightly palish skin. His green eyes carry a friendliness that accompanies his small grin, no matter talking to a his enemy or life-long friend. He speaks softly yet with confidence, and devotes himself as a humble actor and struggling writer. He tends to be compromising and somewhat weak, if only to hide his actions as another...

“The blood of Thrune shall be the paint to the canvas of justice!!”

Antius’ second persona is that of the Rose Artiste, bearing a motif of white and red. The Rose Artiste is flamboyant and daring, and approaches danger with a quick laugh. Rose Artiste speaks vehemently of beauty and art, usually not differentiating the two, and claims he can look inside those around him to see the stage they play on. Rose Artiste tends to mock and insult his opponents in a sarcastic manner, but to his friends is amicable and well-intended. He is, to Antius, another role for him, an imaginary heroic figure that Antius attempts to embody to act against Thrune.

Future Plans:

2nd - Vigilante Talent(Lethal Grace)
3rd - Feat: Bladed Brush, Social Talent(Social Grace)
4th - Vigilante Talent(Shield of Blades)
5th - Feat: Combat Reflexes, Social Talent(Manyguises)
6th - Vigilante Talent(Vital Punishment)