
Anthony Pasquini's page

Organized Play Member. 20 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

My PCs will question Ghelve tomorrow. Ghelve knows about the Vanishing. My question is: does he know everything written in the book? How the disease is transmitted and how it is cured?

Where are the stats for the Mind Clones in HoHR?
They are not in the module, so what source book do they come from?
I have looked in DMG, DMGII, Lords Madness, Exp Psionocs, and no luck.

I was so close, killed 4 out of 6 PCs! The party of 6 (one is currently a Doppelganger) were all grappled by the Mimics in the Sodden Hold in The Hall of Harsh Reflections. The PCs were all taking tons of crush damage. As they were finally breaking free and healing, 4 of them drank the worm-laced potions from Encounter at Blackwall Keep. Within rounds I had 4 dead PCs arisen as Spawn of Kyuss, a Doppleganger-controlled PC and 1 badly wounded PC. I haven't had this much fun is years.

I just read through Encounter at Blackwall Keep (#126) and hope to run my party through it this week, but I need some help.
I am confused as to why the PCs go to the Lizardfolk egg chamber. If they make peace with Hishka, I would think they would stop treating the lair as a dungeon-crawl and never get to the egg chamber. As per the written story, Hishka has no idea of the danger that the eggs are in, so Hishka wouldn't tell the PCs any info that gets them to the chamber. If Hishka does suspect that Ilthane is a bad ally to the tribe and that Ilthane is guarding the eggs, that might persuade the PCs to do something. But, a 5-6th level party is not going to attack a black dragon in a egg-chamber.
I am missing some info within the story?
What are other DMs doing?

Problem solved with customer service this morning. Thanks.