Wolvercote's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Check out the RI Gaming Meetup. There is a potential Wednesday group forming in Clayville.

Any chance of A-2 in the near future?

Sigil wrote:
Another RI player weighing in with interest... Might be able to scare up one other besides myself.

Just would need a location to play and a willing GM/DM.

Wednesday evenings.

rkraus2 wrote:
Head to Totalcon, in Mansfield MA. Four days of solid gaming later this month. Plus, you can meet all the local gamers.

Good sugesstion. Going to try TempleCon this weekend in Warwick though.

CE Chef wrote:
Well, I'd be down to play. =D So now...we need 2 more people?

I'm hoping to join a campaign, not start one. I've never been a player, always a DM and I've been out of the hobby for nearly 20 years. Find us a local group that meets on Wednesday evenings! :)

Wanted - Pathfinder, D&D 2e or 4e, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3e campaign.

Where - Rhode Island

When - Wednesday evenings - weekly, bi-weekly, monthly

Who - 45yo old-school D&Der desperate to roll dice again after nearly 2 decades.

Drop me a note and I'll answer any questions you might have.
