year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() Anora was sitting with a face as pale as snow at the sight of ghosts. Though she had been fairly quiet she was now deathly silent. After all Anora had said her parents were muggles, which would mean she had never experienced anything like this... while others might have at least heard of ghosts being real. ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() Anora smiled brightly when Kenneth joined, clapping loudly. She was happy to have at least one of her new friends beside her, that way it didn't feel like navigating this place alone. When the food magically appeared upon that table she looked so pleased. "This place is more than I could have ever imagined!" Anora declared before she began to put small portions onto her own plate. Turning to Kenneth she asked "This is great huh? I can't believe such a place like this existed." ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() "B-but, neither of my parents went to Hogwarts." Anora said "Should I be worried about that?" She asked with a curious look. "Does that mean I could end up in any of them? Or does that mean I might not end up in any of them? Magic is the best thing that ever happened to me! I don't want to leave..." The young girl said, obviously beginning to freak out. ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() "How do you duel a cookie?" Anora now wondered softly. Though she was snapped out of that when Kenneth spoke up and answered her question. "Explore? I thought we were just here to learn magic..." Anora said curiously. "But if it isn't against the rules then... yes it could be fun!!" She stated with a smile. However the smile faded when Serafina mentioned war. She didn't say anything at the moment, believing it to be a difficult subject. "S-so, do any of you know much about these houses she spoke of?" ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() Potion homework: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13 Because of her embarrassment from before Anora threw herself into the assignment. She knew nothing of this world so kept her eyes focused upon book for each ingredient in the potion ensuring that she wouldn't miss a single thing. When Snape was off at another table, Anora leaned over to Vincent and whispered "Am I doing this right?" ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() Anora scrambled to grab the items that this professor demanded they get out. The parchment, quill, and well of ink made it to the table rather easily... her book on the other hand... Anora pulled it out of her bag but the end tapped the edge of the table and knocked it from her hand. It fell to the ground with a loud 'thud'. Embarrassed, Anora swiftly reached down and snatched up the book feeling so small from the glare that their professor was giving her. ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() Anora seemed to be taking a few moments to try and wrap her head around the creature that had been explained to her though when he brought it it would be a good wand core, well that she took note of. "Wait, if Olivander wouldn't listen it would have to be that he already tried it. The book says that he is the reason we use dragonheart string, unicorn hair, and phoenix feather. He found that those are the one that provide the best magic." Anora said, while she knew next to nothing about everything else, she sounded very sure of her knowledge on that. "H.B. are you saying that Slytherin will come in on snakeback because our animal is a snake?" Anora asked. "How does one even ride a snake? They're too small!" ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() "It was just everyone got quiet when I sat down is all... thought I'd don't something wrong." Anora explained "The feast was nice... I guess... our table was kinda... awkward. For me at least." She answered before she grabbed another slice of toast. "Did you say McGonnagal H.B.? That was the teacher who came to speak to my parents and me." When more new comes joined Anora happily gave them a wave. "I'm Anora, Anora Evans." She said. "It seems like everyone just kinda sits anywhere this morning. You've got people all over the room." The Slytherin pointed out. ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() "I'll just keep my eyes open, try and see if I can understand it so you don't have to always explain." Anora said with a giggle before she looked around the hall and saw their friends that had gone to Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. "Just save their seats then come meet us!" Anora said with a smile. "I'll save you a seat over by them, so that way when they get there you can come join us, promise fulfilled!" She stated before she offered a wave and made her way over to group of boy. Plopping down next to HB and across from Kenneth and Greg. "Morning!" Anora said cheerfully as she snatched up a piece of toast and began to munch upon it. ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() "Woah, uha sure we will!" Anora said as Isabella pulled her out of the room while she had been working on her tie. She had only tied one once before and even then her father had to correct her on it. "I think the first spell I'll learn is how to make a tie do itself so I'll never have to worry about it again." She joked. ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() Anora had been the last to wake up, she had tossed and turned a bit in the night. Last night had brought up just how little she knew of the world around her, and how much those she was now with knew. But she did sleep in the end. While Samantha and Siobhan tended to Olivia and she spoke to Isabella, she just silently went about her morning but kept her ears wide open. ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() "Oh I need to go too." Anora muttered as she swiftly followed after Isabella. After a few moments Anora looked to Isabella and said "You're ny life saver, I can already tell." with a friendly smile upon her face. "So um Isabella, do you mind if I ask you a more personal question?" Anora queetioned. ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() Anora gave a small giggle aa her cheek turned a soft pink from the embarrassment of praise. "Don't worry Isabella, I won't let you get poor grades! What kind of friend would I be if I allowed that?" Anora said. "I'm going to take the bed next to your, that way if we really need to we can stay up all night studying without bothering the others." She said as she pulled her trunk from the cluster of them in the center of the room over to the bed she wanted. She also let her cat Hecate out to roam. However in the nature of cats, the creature simply jumped up onto Anora's bed and curled up purring. Anora gave a smile to Isabella and said "Hecate seems to like it here." ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() As Olivia went on and on, Anora leaned closer to Isabella and whispered "I'm glad you feel that way. About muggle made stuff I mean." She smiled before she moved away. She gave Olivia a glance to see if she was still too busy talking to actually pay attention to the table and when she was Olivia wasn't she looked to the rest and said "While I like stargazing and all... this is a bit much..." ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() Hearing a bit on how Olivia talked about the class on muggle studies got Anora looking sheepish again. She picked at her meal saying little, either too nervous or unsure of what to say. This world was still new to her after all. However she did mutter a bit saying "I think Isabella and Vincent have the right of it." ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() Anora looked down. "The hat just said... this was where I belonged..." She muttered. Though when Isabella took up for her she felt a small bit of relief. Nodding in agreement to Dragoslav, Anora filled her plate with a mixture of the food that set before them. Even if she wasn't suppose to be in that house... at least she had friends! ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() Anora took Greg's hand to help herself up out of the boat and onto the stone path. "Thanks Greg." She said before she swiftly made her way over to the rest of the group. "Did you see how big this place is?! I wonder where the dorms are? Do you think we get a choice as to where we get to stay?" Anora asked. ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() Anora, who had taken the time to put her cookies and chocolate frog card into her trunk, and place Hecate on top of it. "Be good Hecate!" Anora told the black cat before jogging to catch up with the group. She could easily hear Ciaran talking over the rest of the group so was sure she was going the right way. What ensured it was when she heard H.B. calling out for her. "I'm here!! I'm her-!" Anora called as she came to a stop at the boats breathing hard. "Too me a moment to get everything put away." She explained before she glanced around the area and noticed groups of five in the boats. She looked at the boat H.B. was in and saw Izzy, Dragoslav, Vincent, and Kenneth which made five. "It's five to a boat isn't it?" Anora asked. ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() "Oooh... That's cool! Lets see I got... Cliodne." Anora said before she began to read off the back. "An Irish druidess who first discovered properties of Moondew. The beautiful druid Cliodne had three magical birds that sang the sick to sleep and cured them. Legends say that she could take the shape of a sea bird or change into a wave. Her favorite hobby was flying." Though when the topic turned to a war, Anora went quiet. She was mainly confused but wasn't sure she wanted answers to those questions. "Um... not that I don't have questions but, you all should go change into your robes. We should be arriving soon." Anora told them as she looked out the window at the changing landscape. Moving is hard! >.< I'll wait a bit longer for Dragoslav to catch up before I fully move us along! ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() Anora blushed at the praise she was getting, and began to eat her chocolate frog to try and keep herself calm. While yes she was an only child, her parents didn't over dote upon her. Her father was rarely home and her mother ran her own bakery. "Well... I guess I just did my best." Anora said some what proudly for her shy demeanor. As she picked up the case for her chocolate frog she noticed the card within. "What is this for?" She asked as she held hers up for them to see. ![]()
year 4-7 Year 1-3 then
![]() Anora seemed to blush a bit when asked if she could help. "Well... I mean, I guess I can." Anora answered as she got another cookie out for him to practice on, though chose to return it as Ken decided to use the foul tasting jelly bean. "I-I've never taught before so... here goes." She said as she gestured for him to give it a go. Though as she watched she finally went about opening her chocolate frog. When the box came open the frog lept forth and Anora gave a small scream of shock. Hecate however was swift and left after it, grabbing the frog snapped chocolate and landed in Vincent's lap. For a moment the young cat looked up at Vincent's feline before turning and jumping back to her mistress's lap. "I-I didn't know it was a real frog covered in chocolate!" She exclaimed as her cat dropped the frog upon her leg, though now it didn't move.