ObscureLego wrote:
After looking on the Warhorn page, I'm Sad to see that there are so few games... Not meaning to push but I can run my Alpha test on Saturday,and that would be about 2 games worth of time...
Background for My Campaign/Adventure Arc:
Taking place in the late 1800’s-styled country of Victhoria, this adventure mixes sword and sorcery with Sherlock Holmes. The PC’s are sent on an adventure with plot turns and twists, murder, mystery, inconceivable horror; and a crafty, insane, and shady antagonist named Mycros.
That sounds awesome-I'll gladly playtest it with you.
And to everyone else, a lot of these convention acronyms (and perhaps some of them aren't acronyms for conventions) are lost on me; could someone please explain them and give a general calendar for them? Thanks!