Red Dragon

Tansarff's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts (11 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Hey, between all the posts and Warhorn, I'm uncertain-are we running Carrion Hill? And what level range is it? Everything else is already full ._.

ObscureLego wrote:

After looking on the Warhorn page, I'm Sad to see that there are so few games... Not meaning to push but I can run my Alpha test on Saturday,and that would be about 2 games worth of time...

Background for My Campaign/Adventure Arc:
Taking place in the late 1800’s-styled country of Victhoria, this adventure mixes sword and sorcery with Sherlock Holmes. The PC’s are sent on an adventure with plot turns and twists, murder, mystery, inconceivable horror; and a crafty, insane, and shady antagonist named Mycros.

That sounds awesome-I'll gladly playtest it with you.

And to everyone else, a lot of these convention acronyms (and perhaps some of them aren't acronyms for conventions) are lost on me; could someone please explain them and give a general calendar for them? Thanks!

Nansen wrote:

Frost Giant and Tansarff, let me refer both of you to the Warhorn site for APL, which is where the schedule is kept. It's also where you can sign up for games.

Most of the time we meet at Wyvern's Tale on Merrimon Avenue. Main sessions are every other week. The next few are:

August 18

September 1
September 15
September 29

For those weeks we have a "morning" session that starts at 12:30 pm, and an evening session that starts at 5:30 pm.

Folks often run games during off-weeks and through the week as well.

There is a game scheduled for this evening at 5pm, being run by Granyt. Warhorn only shows two people signed up. So there should be room for both of you guys.

Thank you so much for that. See you later!

zylphryx wrote:
the next official APL session is next weekend, BUT I do believe there's at least 1 table be run off week this weekend.

Oh. When and where will it be? And are there any limitations/needs of the group to consider for character creation?

Hello, everyone! Dinketry had previously invited me to look into his PFS group. I've been gone for the last two months, but now I'm back and want to see the game. Is it alright for me to join in today?