
oldcatnhat's page

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I am a new GM running a home brew pathfinder game. I have a module from an old magazine I want to run in our world, but I need to scale up the difficulty. I also need to add a bandit encounter within the next day or two if I can. So far I have run only modules within their level range.

currently the party is a party of 4 all lvl 3, and have been stomping over everything the modules have thrown at them with ease.

I want a bandit party of 6 bandits to encounter them soon if possible. I want the fight to be as hard as I can make it, with out hitting PC deaths. and with out wonky reasons, just good ol fashioned melee superiority.

Can anyone help me figure out what lvls I should make the bandits to fit a 4 man party of lvl 3?. from there hopefully I will have a better understanding to try to tackle the module upscale.

Thanks in advance for your wisdom.

My players have 2 kobold NPC's that are friendly to helping. The party owns a house, and wants the kobold's to build a basement, and then a warren like escape tunnel under the house.

The Kobold's said warrens are usually built by the whole tribe, so it will take some time, but they are willing. One even mention perhaps they should capture some badgers.

So anyway as a new GM I wanna roll with this, and allow them to start slowly building out their design, but am slow to just hand wave all the build times.

Is this even a reasonable task? and assuming burrowing animals could be harnessed via the party's pack master druid, how can that affect the build times.

I invite your thoughts on this situation, and what you would see as "realistic" times to work with. and any other thoughts.

Thanks! u guys make being a new gm a LOT less stressful.

a barbarian with rage + raging vitality gets how many temp HP?

It appears to me to be +3 hp per HD?

How far is it on horseback from Almas In andoran to Carrion hill in Ustalav.

Would be nice to hear suggestions for encounters along the way, suitable for the area.

I had thought they would pay for teleport. however they appear to want to overland it, so need to get my stuff together quick.

Thanks for your knowledge and willingness to share.

I am confused on the HP of stat blocks in the bestiary.

Lizard, Giant.
hp 11 (2d8+2)

Young Black Dragon
hp 76 (8d12+24)

In every stat block I see (such as the 2 above), the HP is always lower than the dice add up to. Seems Lizard should be HP 18, and dragon 120.

Why is it always significantly lower than the dice would seem?

thanks for schoolin a noob

So say you have a PC who was bitten, and contracted lycanthropy, failed DC rolls on save, did not get a remove disease, in shot PC is now a were(whatever). Latter n another adventure, the PC gets some sort of disease that requires a cure disease spell..

What happens to his were form? does he get cured of that as well, or have the chance of getting cured...can he decide he wants to cure the "flu" but keep his were form?

just things that make a newbie gm go hmmmm...

So I am a new GM, running my first campaign, about to place the first wand into the world as loot.

I knows scrolls, can only be used by casters able to read the scroll.
Potions I believe anyone can use with no issue.

Wands I cant seem to figure out, I know there is UMD that must play into it somehow..

School me on wand usage please, my players appreciate it.

When I played years ago, it was before miniatures were all the rage, now many decades later I am learning to GM for my family to have a game together, and so far its been a lot of fun for everyone! mostly because of this community here, answering my noob questions. So thanks again guys!

Table Talk:
So we have payed a few sessions, all by verbal drama, then I printed maps, then we started using the pile of d6's for markers to show some crude tactics, and I see my boys would just love to get into the minis.

I went and got a 30x50 "train table" for Thomas the train used on Craigslist for like 30 bucks (has two big pull out drawers too!) this thing is great for miniatures I think and I haven't even started yet.

This will be our gaming table for now, it sits low enough for little kids which makes it great for in front of the couch :) with out having to invade moms kitchen space with castles and toys "dad said we could leave out :)

So I have a 30x50 area, I can use to game on. My plan is to print paper minis first, and play that awhile, then buy real minis as we get around to it and better know what we want.

But I am kinda lost where to start, and before I just start printing things random, I thought I would touch base with you wizards first.

I thought maybe I would start with griding off the whole table, but then what sized squares would best fit the minis and such, I see a LOT of trial and error here id rather not be arsed with, if someone else has it down to a science...

I know this was long winded, thanks in advance for you assistance.

Movie plot spoiler:

I am curious, if there is any way a BBEG could trap a dragon into a human form? If so how?

If the above is possible, would that female dragon who is now in a human form.

1. Be able to procreate, and thus pass some "dragon blood along" to a PC.
2. Would that human form dragon, be aging like a human? or continue to have the dragons natural long life?

Thanks I am trying to develop a plot line for PC half orc, barbarian, eventual sorceress, with dragon blood. sorceress line supports all I need for her but want the back story to match "rules" if at all possible.

I am DMing a home game with plenty of hand waving if needed :)
Thanks for your thoughts and knowledge.

Why do I keep getting confused over the little details? oh well day 3 of DMing first time one foot in front of the other....

I am looking at the potion, Bulls Strength. Trying to learn how to apply it for my characters. The stat block reads:

Bull's Strength

"The subject becomes stronger. The spell grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, adding the usual benefits to melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, and other uses of the Strength modifier."

Which stats change with addition of str? I thought it would be 2 points to hit, but I seem to be missing the "damage rolls, and other uses?"

Thanks in advance for clearing this up, my players appreciate it!

Have been adding monsters for random encounters, and for a sub quest plot

Have been unsure of how to read/appy this AC stat. Specifically the +4 +2 +4 part)

When doing the hit roll, and looking at AC, do I add the +4, +2, +4, on top the 20 bringing the to hit up to AC 30? or are these +'s already accounted for in the 20?

Thanks in advance for helping me get my game on

AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +4 natural)

About to GM my second session :), setting up some encounters, have this centipede thing with this stat block for his special poison attack. Would anyone be so kinda as to help me understand it for play, I think I do but want to double check.

As I understand it, player would roll a DC(11) (adding fort bonus?)
if poisoned because of failed roll, then would be poisoned for 4 rounds. taking 1d2+ creatures dex bonus?, and then im lost (heck im probably lost from the start :)

Special Attacks
Poison DC(11) frequency 1/rnd for 4 rnds 1d2 Dex cure 1 save

thanks in advance, someone always answers my noob questions you guys rock!

I am trying to learn to GM, a game for my family. have played some pnp dnd back 30 some odd years ago, and this is my first run at GM.

anyway I have a halfling rouge lvl 1, using a dagger and light crossbow.
the stat block she gave me, is thus.

Single Attack Dagger +2 (1d3+1/19-20)
or Crossbow, light +3 (1d6 /19-20 X2)
Full Attack
Dagger +2 (1d3+1/19-20)
Dagger-4 (1d3/19-20)
or Crossbow, light +3 (1d6 /19-20 X2) range 80
Space 5ft.; Reach 5
Special Attacks
Sneak Attack Sneak attack at an extra (D6) 1

My questions is where do the +2, +3, +2, -4 +3 stats come into play.

During the roll to hit, or during the damage roll.
would it be a damage roll like 1d3+1+2 (for the single attack dagger)
or is it +2 to hit, then 1d3+1?

please help me out, I managed to make it through the first session, would like to make sure im rolling it right though.


I have some simple questions, cant seem to find the answer in rulebook, searching forums gets me a bunch of overly complex results...

How many miles can a starting party of characters travel in 1 day?
How many random encounter rolls seems right for 1 day of travel? 1?
How many miles a day if all members are on horse back?

I just need some numbers, I can fit into my hand waving..

Its been 30 years since I played any dnd, but I am trying to put a pathfinder game together for my family, to introduce this old school play to them. I am using D0 - Hollow’s Last Hope pre made adventure.

I am having trouble building these npcs. I can find tables for rouges, I can find tables for expert npcs, but I can't seem to figure out how to combine them into one character sheet. im sure with more experience this is easy...but I am lost if anyone could show me a stat block or full character sheet (minus bio and fluff) for Gavel, and or explain how to create a multi class npc id appreciate it.

Gavel Thuldrin Kreed, LE male human expert 3/rogue 4

Magistrate Vamros Harg, NE male halfling aristocrat 2/sorcerer 5

Sheriff Deldrin Baleson, LN male halfelf expert 3/fighter 3

Boss Payden “Pay Day” Teedum, LE male human monk 2/fighter 3

thanks in advance for your time and assistance. I am losing my mind over this simple thing lol