Angaton Jax is a very old human master summoner. While there are quite a few bardic tales about him, the two most famous are about him vanquishing* the dragon Snoxx**, and his role in the siege of Carnost. For the first, he was given a substantial financial reward, and for the second he was granted the Barony of Carnost***, whereupon he married the Lady Elsbeth and settled down to life as Baron Jax. He sired one son, and after his wife died, he went into retirement in a tall tower at the back of the family home and passed the title on to his son. His son dutifully married and had three children; two sons and a daughter. The eldest son is being groomed as the next baron, the daughter is being prepared for an advantageous marriage, but the youngest son has been seconded to his grandfather as an apprentice. Angaton actually has two apprentices, his grandson Peter and an orphan called Brad who tried to sneak into the tower to steal stuff.****
Together with his Eidolon, Jeeves, and his trusty Staff, Raffles (an intelligent item), he has turned his retirement into an opportunity to teach the young. Recently he has decided that it is time to go out into the world to teach the youngsters what’s what, and show them he isn’t just a doddery old coot.
*Well, that’s what the Bard’s tales say. What really happened was that he bribed the Dragon to move on with a large sum of money, and was rewarded with an even larger sum. The king was happy as the dragon had gone on to bother a different kingdom, Angaton was happy as he had made a large amount of money out of it and the dragon was happy as he had been given a pile of gold*****
**Actually the Dragon’s name was Snoxxonuirface. Dragons believe that the longer the name, the grander the dragon. In this case, whenever a would be hero approached, the Dragon would leap out and announce, ”I am the Dragon Snoxxonuirface” at which point the impending hero would burst into laughter, a state which contributed to their demise. The dragon has been unable to determine what’s so funny and can only assume that they're all mad.
***The previous incumbent having lost it by the simple expedient of running away when the Giants attacked.
****Everyone knows that orphans who sneak into wizards towers to steal stuff are marked by destiny to be great heroes. Consequently, Angaton seconded him as his apprentice.
*****Snoxx has done this several times, to different kingdoms. In this manner he has been able to earn a large fortune,****** having learned that showing up, setting fire to a few barns and eating a few peasants will quickly get him a tidy sum.
******At least until the big dragons take it. They have learned that letting the smaller dragons earn a tidy sum by attacking a few kingdoms, then shaking them down is a good way to earn a large fortune.*******
*******Until the bigger dragons shake them down in turn. This has led to the Old nursery rhyme,
Smaller dragons have Big dragons behind their backs to bite them,
And Big dragons have Bigger dragons and so ad infinitum********
********Ad Infinitum is an ancient Taldane phrase believed to mean Bring the (smelly) Cheese. This has led to a lot of speculation as to why the cheese is needed, with some saying it wards off the dragons, others claiming it is to appease them and others speculating that it is the ingredient for a lost spell to control Dragons. It is for this reason that most Magic-Users, including Angaton, carry around a bit of Feneta, the smelly cheese of ancient Taldane. That and it tastes good.