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I have a question about how the Far Strike Monk's ability to use a ki point to give his thrown weapons his unarmed strike damage works with hybridized splash weapons. For reference: Hybridization funnel:
d20pfrsd wrote wrote:
Far Strike Monk:
d20pfrsd wrote wrote:
The underground chemist isn't so imoortant for quoting purposes, it merely allows the drawing of alchemical weapons as weapons. Anywho, my question is this: When you use the FSM ability to increase the base damage die of thrown weapons, does it increase the damage of both components of the hybridized flask? For instance with a fire and acid flask, would the damage 1d6 and 1d6 damage increase to 1d8 and 1d8 for a total of 2d8? Or would the hybridized flask just count as one single thrown weapon and have a total of 1d8 damage? I believe they both increase since the text of the hybridization funnel says that: "when thrown as a splash weapon, the mixture has the effects of both component substances and creatures are affected as if hit by both." This implies that you still have to roll both damages separately, which means they would both increase with the monk's ability.
You are in an alleyway. A pervasive yellow fog swirls around you, thinning some as the alleyway is released into a wider street. The building walls to either side of you are made of non-descript charcoal stone. Around you are... figures. People. Strangers you can barely make out in the ochre mist. The alley behind you disappears into a mist that becomes soupy thick, a wall of yellow that swirls and seems to whisper to you in an odd, almost-decipherable language. As you peer into the thickest part of the mist, a sense of dread begins to rise within you, a dread that makes your tongue dry and your limbs shake. Something is coming! Each player may take a full round action, with initiative at this moment simply being post order. Knowledge:
As you try to concentrate, you struggle to keep coherent thoughts in your mind; thoughts seem to slide through your brain in fragments that make little sense, and all the while you struggle to maintain enough composure to do something other than cower. No knowledge checks at this time. Special: If you have clarity enough to attempt to draw or use an item, you are surprised to find that you are in little more than basic linen shirts and trousers. Each player may pick one item that you find yourself holding or wearing. Your character otherwise maintains all abilities associated with him or her, including spells and focus powers, etc.
Welcome, hapless adventurers. I am Andy, and I intend to Here is what I'm looking for in prospective players: Expectations::
1. Patience! I am new to PbP, and I am largely using my phone for operation. Please forgive any formatting or spelling errors, and be gentle when I ask for help with something.
2. Commitment. I would like to see everyone post at least once a day, excepting for holidays, vacations, etc. I Wil ask for PDFs or hero lab portfolio copies of your character for situations of emergencies, vacations, etc. so that the game can continue without everyone feeling any undue stress or worry about leaving us hanging. 3. Follow established protocol. I will assume that all players will be taking 10 on perception at all times, including at doors; as a GM I do not find it reasonable for rogues or anyone to get take 20s at a door, as that would imply you spend a significant time staring at it. Disablers will have to roll on traps because they can misfire, so unless you have an ability that lets you take 10 or 20 on a disable, I will roll it for you as part of your discovery of the trap. In combat please put your basic combat info in each post; |hp current (including temporary hp)/hp max, current AC/conditional modifiers|, |f/r/w saves +/- conditional modifiers,| |CMB (conditional modifiers) / CMD (conditional modifiers).| |Temporary effect names.| Also we will need to establish an exploring protocol. Who leads and where does everyone stand in relationship to each other when adventuring. I expect people to typically line up two or three in a line, with a typical set up at doors: X always positions to the left of Y, and Z to Y's right at a closed, untrapped door. 4. Offer suggestions! I'm new at this, and while I've been GMing for a while IRL, this is a clunky new medium for me and I am very open to suggestions. Character Creation:
I'm looking for 4-5 level 1 players, core races primarily, but I am willing to negotiate. All paizo material is acceptable. Crafting will be a little tricky but not impossible in this mod. To craft effectively you will most likely need access to the rope trick/ring of sustenance trick to get your full 8 hours in every day. I will discuss this further with any players who might rely on crafting as a regular part of their character, like gunslingers, alchemists, poisoners.
Access to towns with significant magical stores for sell is NOT common in this adventure path. I do not want 100% completely optimized itemization characters but please feel free to message me with ideas of what kind of loot you would like to see. If your build hinges around one paricular wondrous item or weaapon mod, I strongly suggest you rethink it. I mean how lucky would you have to be to find exactly that thing just lying around? That said, I will find ways to work in upgraded items and the like. I would like to see some non-traditional characters join up, and I admit that I will lean towards accepting occult classes, investigators, or oracles over more traditional or high damage classes. In both of my current IRL campaigns I have to deal with massive damage one shotter PCs, so I will tell you now, those character concepts are going to be a hard sell for me. 20 point buy, 2 traits and a Strange Aeons campaign trait (hopefully not everyone goes Twitchy on me; try to resist! It is a very good trait though.) Drawback and additional traits acceptable. I'm gonna give adopted the side eye, but allow it. Don't stress too much on your character background--you can't remember it anyway! I can't think of anything else off the top of my head. I will bump the post for a few days until I have a nice selection of characters to chose from. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
Hiyo fellow Onliners! I'm putting my tentacles out there to see if there would be anyone interested in floating down through the Horrifyingly fascinating Strange Aeons AP. I currently am running it live with my best friends and it is quite super fun, and I thought it would be a good fit for me to venture into online GMing, since I already am familiar with the AP. I would like to find players with the appropriate time commitment of at least 1x/day for the Aeons it will take to creep through the campaign, preferably Western hemisphere night-oriented folks, as I am a night shifter, and will be most active in the evenings. That said, I am sporadically available through all times of the day, long enough to reply, so daywalkers may also apply. Please post below if you are interested!
The aclchemist archetype Eldritch Poisoned is legal for PFS play. However, it still retains the bonus brew potion feat from the Alchemist base class progression. Since the class doesn't get bombs for the extra bomb replacement feat, what do they get? I'm hoping the Lords of Paizo look kindly upon us and give us poison focus, but the few other alchemist archetypes that don't have bombs seem to be getting knowledge focus skills. |