HP 240. BAB +12/+7/+2. CMB +17. CMD 21
Fort +13. Ref +14. Will +14. Speed 130 ft
AC 28 (44 when speeding) Touch 14 (30 when speeding) FF 24
{Dragon Form: Bite:2d6, Claw:1d8, Wing:1d6, Tail:1d8}
Breath Weapon 80 ft line of force 8d6, Ref DC 20 for half
Channel Energy 8d6 6x/day
Amateur Gunslinger, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Two Weapon Fighting, Rapid Reload, Far Shot, Leaping Shot, Improved Unarmed Strike
Time Domain:
Do-Over: you may immediately reroll a failed skill check, save, or attack roll 6x/day, but you must take the result even if it is worse
Moment of Pause: as a melee touch attack, you can freeze someone in time for 1 round. They cannot be effected by anything during that round and are unaware of the events of that round when the effect ends. 6x/day
Domain Spells: 1st Deathwatch, 2nd One Track Mind, 3rd Delayed Reaction, 4th Haste, 5th Hold Monster, 6th Contingency, 7th Lesser Time stop
Viglante Class Features:
Blitz Focus:
A blitz focuses almost entirely on using high speed to overwhelm and defeat his enemies. On any round in which a blitz takes both a move action to move and a standard action to make an attack, he can divide his movement as he chooses before and after the attack. Additionally, whenever a blitz makes a full-attack action, he can move up to 1/4 his speed during that action, and can divide the movement up as he sees fit before, after, or even between attacks.
Incredible Speed:
(Ex): Beginning at 1st level, the blitz begins to focus entirely on moving at superhuman speeds. His base land speed increases by 10 feet. At 5th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the blitz's base land speed increases by a further 10 feet. At 3rd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, he may choose either to select a social talent, or to increase his base land speed by an additional 10 feet.
(Ex): At 2nd level, the blitz learns to avoid danger while moving at extreme speeds. Whenever the blitz would provoke an attack of opportunity as a result of moving, as an immediate action, he may choose to add his vigilante level as a dodge bonus to AC against that attack. This counts as the Mobility feat for the purposes of qualifying for prerequisites.
Sudden Reposition:
(Ex): At 3rd level, the blitz can move at extraordinary speed to guard another creature from harm. Whenever a creature that the blitz can see is subject to an attack roll or any effect which would require a Reflex saving throw, the blitz may move up to his speed and end his movement adjacent to that creature. If he does, the attack or effect affects him instead. If the triggering action is an attack, the attack roll is made against the blitz's AC, and if the triggering action is an effect requiring a Reflex saving throw, the blitz makes his own Reflex saving throw, as normal.
Rhino Charge:
(Ex): At 4th level, the blitz can deliver especially powerful charges. Whenever the blitz makes a charge attack action, he gains an additional +1 bonus to the attack roll for every 20 feet moved as part of the charge attack (to a maximum additional bonus equal to his vigilante level). If the attack hits, he adds his vigilante level as a bonus to damage; this additional damage is considered precision damage. If the blitz gains the ability to make multiple attacks as part of a charge action, this benefit applies only to the first attack made as part of that charge action.
Speed Blur:
(Ex): At 10th level, whenever the blitz leaves the threat range of a creature he has attacked that round, that creature must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the blitz's level + the blitz's Dexterity modifier) or be spun about and disoriented by the speed of the blitz, suffering a –2 penalty to AC, attack rolls, and Reflex saves until the end of its next turn. This penalty is applied before the target makes any attack of opportunity caused by the blitz's movement.
Staggering Speed:
(Ex): At 12th level, whenever the blitz successfully hits a creature as part of a charge, the target must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the blitz's level + the blitz's Strength or Dexterity modifier) or be staggered for 1d4 rounds. If the blitz gains the ability to make multiple attacks as part of a charge action, this benefit applies only to the first attack made as part of that charge action.
Unexpected Strike:
(Ex): The vigilante gains Quick Draw as a bonus feat. At 8th level, he can draw hidden weapons as a swift action (instead of a move action).
Sure Footed:
(Ex): The vigilante can move at full speed while using the Stealth and Acrobatics skills without penalty. At 8th level, he can move at full speed across difficult terrain.
Shadow's Speed:
(Ex): The vigilante's base speed increases by 10 feet. At 10th level, it increases by an additional 10 feet.
Chase Master::
(Ex): Whether he is the pursuer or the pursued, few can best a vigilante at a chase. He receives a bonus on all checks during a chase equal to half his vigilante level or +4, whichever is greater.
Champion Abilities:
At Will : Haste, Freeze Time (immediate action, freezes a projectile in time for 1rd/level, at the end of which it resumes its trajectory)
3x/day: Time Loop - Close range, lasts 1 rd/level, target must repeat the same actions over and over until the spell ends, Will save negates
1x/day: Time Stop