AmyB's page

* Pathfinder Society GM. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 21 Organized Play characters.


technarken wrote:
I think they're haggling with Archon Studios to try and get the Starfinder Minis already manufactured out of Ninja Division's custody.

Hey, technarken

Just curious, have you received a reply from Archon following the auto response? I have not. Trying to decide if I should email again. Of course if they would ship Chronicle, I could at least use those minis for Starfinder.

Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
Who ordered what? Who already got sent what?

Who ordered what is a fair question. At this point anything already received should just be counted as repayment for the aggravation.

I am a backer at the $180 level. I have to date received 8 minis. The quality was total crap. Not at all the high quality resin we were told to expect. I am highly disappointed. There were kind folks who warned us in the Kickstarter comments not to back ND. I, and others, thought that surely they had gotten their act together, or Paizo would not have gone with them. I, at least, was totally unaware that they had been turned down by Reaper and Wizkids.

I think that at this point, the very least they could do is send the .stl files (all of them) to every backer, regardless of pledge level. The files already exist. It would cost them not a single cent to send them.

Better would be if we all got models. I would be happy if Paizo sent out the pre-paints they have, even though it is far from all the sculpts we are owed. I am a full subscriber, and have spent lots of money with Paizo on Starfinder product. Sadly the campaign we are playing will be over long before I see any resolution to this, and I don’t think my group wants to start another. They are thinking of changing systems.

Dragonchess Player wrote:
Dan Tharp wrote:
Starfinder Subscriptions are now live! Go to If you have any issues with your existing preorders and starting a new subscription, let customer service know via email, phone or by starting a new thread.
Thank you!

Any word on subscribers being able to pick up at Gencon? I got into all the events and would be sad if my book was 1500 miles away in Florida.

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