
Amrit's page

1 post. Alias of Winwaar.

Full Name





Wizard (Spell Sage) 1







Special Abilities

Spell-like Abilities: 1/day - Comprehend languages, deathwatch, and stabilize; Focused Spells (+4 CL for one spell, 1/day)


Lawful Good




Common (Taldane), Samsaran


Wandering Scholar

About Amrit

LG Medium Humanoid (Samsaran)
Init + ; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
Fort +0, Ref +, Will + (+4 additional vs. death effects, +2 vs. negative energy effects, negative levels, and fear effects)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Quarterstaff +0 (1d6 bludgeoning)
Ranged Light Crossbow +1 (1d8 piercing, 19-20/x2)
Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 1/day - Comprehend languages, deathwatch, and stabilize

Focused Spells: At 1st level, once per day the spell sage's understanding of spells allows him to increase his caster level by 4 for a single spell cast. He can do this twice per day at 8th level, and three times per day at 16th level. This ability replaces arcane bond.

Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD

Scribe Scroll
Meditation Master

Racial Traits:
Low-Light Vision (Ex): Amrit can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Lifebound (Ex): Amrit gains a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws made to resist death effects, saving throws against negative energy effects, Fortitude saves made to remove negative levels, and Constitution checks made to stabilize if reduced to negative hit points.
Samsaran Magic (Sp): Amrit has the following spell-like abilities: 1/day— comprehend languages, deathwatch, and stabilize. The caster level for these effects is equal to his level.
Shards of the Past (Ex): Amrit's past lives grant him bonuses on two particular skills: Diplomacy and Knowledge (Religion) — he gains a +2 racial bonus on both of these skills, and they are treated as class skills regardless of what class he actually takes.

Friend of the Family (Campaign) - Nearly as old as Koya's mother, Amrit became friends with her during his stay at the Twilight Academy, and after moving to Sandpoint, continued to spend a great deal of time with the human woman as she aged. Although he served as something of an honorary uncle to Koya, he has remained somewhat distant, in an attempt to prevent the pain from losing another friend so soon. He gains +1 trait bonus on Perception, and Perception is always a class skill for him.
Reincarnated (Faith) - As a samsaran, fear holds little sway over Amrit, who has passed through many lives before. He gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against fear and death effects.

Skills (2 class, 1 favored class):

Spells Prepared:
Cantrips (Save DC 1) -

1st Level (Save DC 1) -

Languages: Common (Taldane), Samsaran,

Light Crossbow
20 bolts
Journal book
Medium Tent
Ten days of trail rations
Spell component pouch
Common Backpack
Scholar's Outfit

Carrying Capacity Light: Less than 38 lb. Medium: 39-76 lb. Heavy: 77-115 lb.

Currency: 13 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp
Total Weight: lb.


Cantrips (Save DC 14): All wizard/sorcerer spells

1st level (Spell Save DC 15) - Protection from Evil, Mage Armor, Sleep, Color Spray, Ray of Enfeeblement, and Shocking Grasp


Amrit is a samsaran, one of the rare eternally-reincarnating humanoids who generally work to bring about harmony in Golarion. This means that when his life first began, he was not, as most beings are, born to a man and a woman. Instead, he simply... reincarnated*, appearing as a young child in the land of Cheliax, just fifteen years after the death of Aroden (4621), and before the House of Thrune seized power. It was a dark time, and very few had any time to spare for a strange, blue-skinned child, and so he wandered, begging for what he could to survive and keeping as inconspicuous as possible. These years passed in darkness, for Amrit, who knew his name, and some half-remembered dreams of past lives, but little else. Then, in 4625 (when he had lived for four years in this life), a pair of middle-aged men found him hiding in the yard of their humble hut, and took him into their lives as their child.

*The exact mechanics of samsarans' reincarnation into new forms are not wholly spelled out in those books that deal with them, and I figure that there would be even fewer of them if they just were born to human couples instead of humans on occasion, as their eyes and skin are really weird. For the purposes of Amrit's backstory, I've assumed they just sort of... incarnate into a form equating to about a child of five.

Amrit's new adoptive fathers, Gellius and Ursion Decatus, were by no means wealthy, or political. Gellius was a wizard of small talents and smaller ambition, while Ursion had been a minor priest of Aroden until that god's death. The two lived on the fringes of the Barrowood, and tried to avoid the civil war that embroiled their homeland.

The three lived peacefully enough, though they occasionally needed to move around to avoid marching militias and armies, and they survived until 4632, when they moved northwards to the newly created Molthune, hoping that life their would be relatively peaceful once more. They did manage to do so for a good twenty or so years, keeping mostly to themselves in the vicinity of Skelt, and Amrit was happy, quietly helping Gellius with his small magical experiments and learning of magic.

It was in this time that Amrit became increasingly fascinated by magic and began dreaming of the past - of being in a land of ancient and great magical power, learning spells at the feet of a great wizard, and of the sheer joy of practicing magic. This sparked his interest in history, and he began studying to determine what sort of land it might have been. He could not truly determine it from his dreams, but Gellius sometimes spoke of the Runelords of Thassilon, in Varisia just to the west, and Amrit studied as much of that lost land as he could.

However, neither Gellius nor Ursion were young when they adopted Amrit, and both men were humans. Thus, in 4653, even as rumblings of discontent spread throughout the Fangwood and what would eventually become Nirmithas, Gellius died in his sleep, passing peacefully from his life to the next. Bereft of his beloved husband and his emotional support, Ursion died some months thereafter, though he encouraged his son to follow his dreams before he went to join his husband (but not his god) in death, leaving Amrit an orphan at 32, long before he was emotionally or physically prepared for fending for himself.

Amrit spent the next few months attempting to continue his studies in matters arcane using the fragments of memories of past lives and his father's own studies to learn, but within the next two years, the guerrilla war between Molthune and the resentful members of the frontier broke out, and Amrit became increasingly disconnected from his passionate neighbors who felt the weight of Molthune most heavily. Eventually, though no threats were made, Amrit left to Varisia, where he wandered from city to city, eventually reaching Galduria, where he spent some years studying at the Twilight Academy - nearly a decade. Whilst he was there, he met Niska Mvashti, a Varisian woman who was several years his elder, and a teacher for the time he spent there. The young samsaran began to study with her, bonding with her over a fascination with the connections between Varisian sorcery and the ancient magics of Thassilon.

Afterwards, he moved to Sandpoint, on the western coast of Varisia, and spent time with the Mvashti family there - becoming something of a cousin to Koya, Niska's daughter. The Unpleasantness, and the difficulties that followed saw Amrit become increasingly devoted to his studies - he was not physically or mentally mature at the time, not knowledgeable enough to follow the Heroes of Sandpoint, although he began dreaming more and more intensely about others like himself, living in a land of distant mountains.

Before her recent death, Niska made Amrit promise to go with Koya for safety, if ever she went on a long journey. Amrit accepted this responsibility, and has spent much of his time with the Desnan cleric since the death of his friend.

Fragments of Past Lives:

Amrit believes that his most recent incarnation was a woman of monastic practice named Devika. He believes that it is from her that he inherited his talent with seeing and understanding his surroundings, because she learned the importance of being mindful.

He thinks that in the life before that, he fought in battle against the Whispering Tyrant's forces alongside hundreds of others, which was part of what brought him to Ustalav nearly eight years ago.

Beyond those memories, Amrit has vague recollections of living in Absalom when the Pathfinder Society was founded, and of learning the art of magic in a place of great power, but he is not certain where exactly. He recalls having had children, both sired and borne, and of the pain of giving them up to humans to raise. He remembers fighting in wars and defending innocents, only to see them lose their innocence as they grew scarred by conflicts.


Amrit is 5'11", and 145 lb. Long-limbed and dark-haired, he would likely be conventionally attractive if it were not for his pale-bluish skin and his completely white eyes. He wears simple clothing - robes the color of storm clouds, and moves with careful precision, as though everything about him is carefully considered before he acts. His expression is often serene, a gentle smile that is just a touch more alien than many might be comfortable with. He usually wears a jade bangle on his wrist, carved with a crescent moon - a reminder of Tsukiyo's patronage of his people.


In this incarnation, Amrit is at once both very careful and incredibly curious. He seeks to act with harmony and upright behavior, but also wishes to learn as much about the world and himself as he can. For Amrit, magic is almost a living thing, one that he adores deeply, and he is eternally willing to discuss it.

The loss of his foster parents to old age in his relatively young age, however, makes him cautious when it comes to growing attached to races who die so soon after their births, such as humans or halflings, though he does wish them well. He has met a Forlorn elf before, and is aware that much can come from being too attached.

He is very fond of the little things in life - food, drink, the warmth of the sun on his face, and so on. Meditation, for him, is a practice he has begun since his parents died, as he tried to cope with their deaths.