King of Roses

Ample Brigand's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


Thanks all, I hadn't seen them put up the guide in the shop.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey, can anyone point me in the right direction for character generation rules for SFS? I did some preliminary poking around and couldn't find anything. I'll be playing The Commencement so level 1 characters(?)

The only real way to oppose irrational hate is with measured and thoughtful justice. When we fall to the same level and tactics as terrorists, extremists and those that manipulate them, we have already lost.

There is a new Games/Comics store open in Bellevue;Dragon's Lair. I was wondering if anyone lived near by or was planning on running things there.

Hello pathfinders!
I have been conscripted to run a Pathfinder game for my local yokels. I so far have 2(maybe 3) slots filled in a 5 person max game. The store has sign ups for their games, but I was looking to start the game this weekend and didn't know how many people I'd get interested by then. If you're interested and know where the store is great! If you're interested and don't know, it's in the Savage Mill near Laurel MD. Post here if you have further questions.

The guys and gals over at Upper Deck designed the boosters pretty well. Even though randomized, you're only going to get mini's of that faction. Between 3 friends we've opened just over two cases and we've gotten 5 Epics and almost every mini available. The scale is 40mm, so bigger than Warmachine/hammer.
Gameplay is rather balanced in that you don't have to spend mucho dollares to get a good team and have fun. Quick, simple, mostly straightforward rules make it a great just get together for an evening game, but is deep enough to reward competitive play.