Shocking Robes
+4 Bitter Lamellar (Leather) Armor (+8)
Rod of Intensify
+2 shocking underwater light crossbow
mw silver dagger
unknown magic dagger
+1 Sword breaker Dagger
Rod of Negation
Ring of Wizardry III
Ring of Protection +4
Headband of Mental Prowess +6 (Wis/Cha)
Ant Haul, Anticipate Peril, Bless, Cause Fear, Cure Light Wounds, Elemental Speech, Endure Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Jump, Diagnose Disease x2, Liberating Command, Hex Vulnerability, Delusional Pride, Reduce Person, Fumbletongue, Discern Next of Kin
2nd: x25
Aid, Acute Senses, Bless, Blindness/Deafness, Animal Messenger, Bear's Endurance, Ancestral Regression, Animal Purpose Training, Levitate, Calm Emotions, Cure Moderate Wounds x2, Haste, Groundswell, Imbue with Elemental Might, Mirror Image, Spider Climb, Tactical Acumen, Bull's Strength, Eagle's Splendor, Glibness, Slow, Invisibility x2
3rd: x24
Blessing of the Mole, Magic Circle vs. Good, Wrathful Mantle, Aspect of The Stag, Battle Trance, Darkvision x4, Reduce Animal, Ward of the season, Excruciating Deformation, Fly, Heroism, Rage, Slow, Water Breathing x2, Burrow, Fins to Feet, Nature's Exile, Pup Shape
1:Detect Secret Doors
2:Campfire Wall, Elemental Speech
3:Twilight Knife,Seek Thoughts,Cup of Dust,
4:Greater Darkvision
5:Fickle Winds, Greater Contagion,Corrosive Consumption,Sonic Thrust, Lesser Create Demiplane,Curse of Disgust,Symbol of Striking
6:Greater Named Bullet, Walk Through Space,Tar Pool, Greater Hostile Juxtaposition
Lesser Restoration (CL 13; 40 Charges)
Deep Slumber (CL 11; 26 Charges)
Wand of Detect Secret Doors (CL 7; 12 Charges)
Blessing of The Salamander (CL 7; 36 Charges)
Unadulterated Loathing (CL 17; 36 Charges)
Shield (CL 6; 33 Charges)