
Amemi's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.


Lantern Lodge 1/5

Theryon Stormrune wrote:

And there's why I have 7 different PACG characters.
Harsk, Jirelle, Ezren, Seoni, Tarlin, Flenta, Lem

It allows me to adjust depending on the party dynamics.

I do this with PFS RPG! Especially since I run the tables here and have more experience.

I'm just starting out in PACG though. So did you buy all of the class decks to cover the 7 characters? (But Jirelle is from S&S base...) So you can make characters from the base set? But then do you use the cards from the base set to build her deck for play in PACG? O_o

Lantern Lodge 1/5

skizzerz wrote:

Hope that helps :)

VERY much so! Thank you!!

I'm getting the PSACG going in the Fargo/Moorhead area. Going to browse around some more for these nuggets of wisdom...

Lantern Lodge 1/5

I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a image of Heidmarch's crest and where I might be able to find it.

I have a bard that stole her embroidered duvet while helping with a mission and is going to use it for his flag/banner with the flagbearer feat. :3 Want to ask my friend to embroider it for me so I can have a mini version at the table. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Lantern Lodge

Haha suggestion e would be awesome!! I'll try to think up of some more uses :D

Lantern Lodge

Fatespinner wrote:

So, the chiurgeon Alchemist archetype gets to add breath of life to their formula book at 10th level. This is all fine and well but, if the alchemist is more than a 5' step from where the ally falls, it doesn't do him any good since his extracts all act like potions and thus require a full-round action to administer.

Is there any way for a chiurgeon to administer potions to allies as at least a standard action, like casting a spell would be? A feat, trait, anything?

You can take Touch Injection (2nd lvl formulae) which lets you absorb an extract/potion/poison from a container into your body and you deliver it as a touch attack. The duration you can hold the potion/extract/poison is 1hr/lvl

Lantern Lodge

Wouldn't one be able to become an EK if you take a fighter lvl as an Aasimar? Fighter will give you martial weap. proficiency and being an Aasimar gives you the daylight spell which is a 3rd lvl spell.

That aside, what about using lvl/s of Samurai instead of fighter/paladin? Gives the same weapon proficiency as a fighter, but lose out on the extra feat. Gains the challenge ability which I was thinking of going Order of the Cocatrice or Blue Rose. But my reasons of going for Samurai are more for flavor(challenge and nodachi weap. prof. :P) Wondering if it will really bite me in the butt later...