Smaar Janderfut

Ambrose Lockhart's page

135 posts. Alias of mbauers.

Full Name

Ambrose Lockhart


Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 3


HP: (28/28) AC 20 (FF 18, Touch 12) FS +6, RS +4, WS +4 (+2 vs fear and compulsion), Initiative: +2 Perception: +8 (+10 adjacent to Elsie)

About Ambrose Lockhart

Ambrose Lockhart
Male Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 3
LE Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2 (+2 Dex); Senses Perception +8 (+10 adj to Elsie)
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +6 Armor, +2 Shield)
hp 28 (10 + 6 + 6 + 6 Con)
Fort +6 (3 base, +2 Con, +1 resistance)
Ref +4 (1 base, +2 Dex, +1 resistance)
Will +4 (1 base +2 Wis, +1 resistance) (+2 additional vs fear and compulsion)
Spd 30 ft (20 ft in armor)
Melee MW Battleaxe +7 (+3 BAB, +3 str, +1 MW) (1d8 + 3/x3)
Melee Net +6 (+3 BAB, +3 str,) (--/--) Reach, Entangles, Touch Attack
Ranged Net +5 (+3 BAB, +2 dex,) (--/--) Entangles, Touch Attack
Ranged Chakram +5 (+3 BAB, +2 dex) (1d8 + 3/x2)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 16 (+3) (base 14 + 2 Human)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 13 (+1)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 14 (+2)
Base Atk +3 (+3 Cavalier)
CMB +6 (+3 BAB, +3 Str)(+1 to lawfully and nonlethally restrain a lawbreaker)
CMD 18 (10 +3 BAB, +2 Dex, +3 Str)
Net Adept [Level 1], net can be used as a one-handed melee reach weapon, no melee penalty for using unfolded net, can fold with a full-round or two move actions
Boon Companion (Rowena) [Human], +4 effective level to determine Rowena’s abilities
Paired Opportunists (Teamwork) [Cavalier], +4 circumstance to AoO, enemies that provoke AoO from ally also provoke from me.
Alertness [Elsie's Bodyguard Archetype], +2 perception and sense motive when adjacent to Elsie
Huntmaster [Level 3], +2 Handle Animal and Know (Nature) on dogs, +1 effective level when determining hunting pack abilities
Authoritarian, when acting in the service of House Thrune, Ambrose gains a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against fear and compulsion effects.
Friend in Every Town, +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (Local) and Diplomacy, Knowledge (Local) becomes class skill
No Escape, +1 trait bonus on CMB checks to lawfully and nonlethally restrain a creature Ambrose witnessed commit a crime.
Unlearned (Geography), Ambrose cannot attempt untrained Knowledge checks with any other Knowledge skills (besides geography), even if the check's DC is 10 or lower. If he has access to a library that covers a specific Knowledge skill, he may attempt an untrained Knowledge check with a –2 penalty.

Climb +7 (1 rank, +3 Class, +3 Str)
Diplomacy +9 (3 ranks, +3 Class, +2 Cha, +1 trait)
Handle Animal +8 (3 ranks, +3 Class, +2 Cha) (+10 with dogs, +16 with Hunting Pack (includes training harnesses)
Knowledge (Local) +7 (2 ranks, +3 class, +1 Int, +1 trait)
Knowledge (Nature) +6 (2 ranks, +3 class, +6 Int)(+8 with dogs)
Perception +8 (3 ranks, +3 class, +2 Wis) (+10 when adjacent to Elsie)
Sense Motive +7 (2 ranks, +3 class, +2 Wis) (+9 when adjacent to Elsie)
Stealth +4 (2 ranks, +3 class, +2 Dex, -3 AC)
Survival +8 (2 ranks, +3 class, +2 Awr, +1 order)
Swim +4 (1 rank, +3 class, +3 Str, -3 AC)
Total Points: 21 (6 Cavalier x3 levels, +3 Favored Class)
AC is -3 (-0 for climbing and jumping)

Languages Common and Infernal (1 base, +1 Int)

Traveler’s Outfit, 5 lbs.
Cloak of Resistance +1, 1000 gp, 1 lb.
MW Agile Breastplate, 550 gp, 25 lbs.
Darkwood Heavy Shield, 257 gp, 5 lbs.
MW Battleaxe, 310 gp, 6 lbs.
Net, 20 gp, 6 lbs.
Net, 20 gp, 6 lbs.
Chakram x3, 3 gp, 3 lbs.
MW Backpack, 50 gp, 4 lbs.
Waterskin, 1 gp, 4 lbs.
4 days trail rations, 2 gp, 4 lbs.
2 sunrods, 4 gp, 2 lbs.
2 Tindertwigs, 2 gp
Potion of Shield of Faith, 50 gp
Potion of CLW, 50 gp
Potion of Feather Step, 50 gp
Vial of smelling salts, 25 gp
War Paint of the Terrible Visage, 100 gp
Antiplague, 50 gp
Antitoxin, 50 gp
Belt pouch, 1 gp, 0.5 lbs.

(training harness on both dogs= 20 gp total)
(MW studded leather barding on Rowena, 350 gp)
(leather barding on Elsie, 20 gp)

115 gp, in belt pouch

Weight Carried: 66.5 lbs. (86 lbs or less is light, 87-173 is medium, 174-260 is heavy)
Bonus Feat Gain a bonus feat at Level 1 (human)
Skilled Gain +1 skill point per level (human)
Order of the Dragon The cavalier must remain loyal to his allies and must always work to further the aims of the group. He must protect his allies from harm and defend their honor when called into doubt.
Bestial Challenge (Ex) Swift action 1x/day, +3 damage, +1 circumstance bonus for allies when I threaten target. Affects pack as well.
Aid Allies Grant +3 from an aid another, increases by 1 at 8th and every 6th level after
Hunting Pack (Ex) Rowena level 4, Elsie level 3
Tactician 1x/day, standard action, grant teamwork feat to pack within 30ft that can hear and see him. Lasts 4 rounds.
Takedown Ambrose's dogs can make a free trip or dirty trick (entangle) maneuver after a successful attack (not provoking AoO).
Proficiencies All simple weapons, all martial weapons, net, whip, light armor, medium armor, shields (except tower shields)